Meghalaya Board Sample Papers for Class 9 English

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Meghalaya Board of School Education was established in the year 1973 and it conducts Board Exams for Class 12th and 10th every year. For the purpose of performing well in the board exam, one should be very focus and attentive while preparing as these preparation will make your base for to earn excellent marks. As a graduate, I have tried to prepare Meghalaya Board Sample Papers for Class 9 English for respective students. The following paper consists of Grammar and Literature Section only. The choice of question are made in accordance to previous year Solved Sample Papers for Class 9 English. You can also take help from Class 9 Chemistry Formula to make your preparations more effective.

Sample Papers for Class 9 English

9th English Sample Paper

General Instructions:
1. This paper consists of two Sections as total.
2. Section-A is of Grammar Section containing question from 1-3.
3. Section-B is Literature Section containing question from 4-8.
4. All questions are compulsory.
5. Marks are allotted to each question for your convenience.

SECTION-A Grammar Section 

Q1. Fill  in  the  gaps  choosing  the  most  appropriate  words  from  the  given choices.   5 marks

Radha,  a  young  dancer (a)  __________ (force) to give  up  (b)  __________  (dance)  when both  her  kidney  (c)  __________  (fail)   many  years  ago.    This  (d)  __________  (happen) when  she  (e)  __________ (go)  to  Mumbai.    All  of  a  sudden  she  (f)   __________  (begin) to  have  severe pain.

FOR (a)
(i) force
(ii) have  forced
(iii) was  forced
(iv) were  forcing

FOR (b)
(i) has  been  danced
(ii) dancing
(iii) danced
(iv) had  danced

FOR (c)
(i) failed
(ii) was  failed
(iii) were  failed
(iv) to be failed

FOR (d)
(i) had  happened
(ii) has  happened
(iii) was  happened
(iv) was  happening

FOR (e)
(i)  had gone
(ii) is going
(iii) was  gone
(iv) went

FOR (f)
(i) begins
(ii) began
(iii) was  begun
(iv) begin

Q2.Complete  the  dialogue  by  selecting  the  most  appropriate  options  from  those  given below.   5 marks

Swati  : Your  sister  is  very beautiful.   Please tell me  (a)__________.
Moht  : Actually  she  has  come  from  Ludhiana.
Swati  : Is  (b)__________  ?
Moht  : No! not  at all. She is just a student.
Swati  : (c)__________  real  sister  ?
Moht  : No,  She  is in fact my cousin who  has come  to  spend  her holidays with us.

For (a)
(i) Where  she  was  from
(ii) Where  she has  come  from
(iii) Where she  is come from
(iv) Where she had  come  from

For (b)
(i) She  a  model
(ii) She  was  model
(iii) She  the model
(iv) She is model

(i) was  she  your
(ii) has  she  your
(iii) were she  your
(iv) is she your

Q3.The  following  passage  has  not  been  edited. Find out the error/mistakes    5 marks 
who  she can  share her happiness  and                                                    (a)  ____
sorrows.   She  has  loving  parents or about                                              (b) ____
thirty  people whom she can  call friend.                                                    (c) _____
When in company of  his friends she                                                          (d) _____
could  talk  about everyday matters                                                            (e) ______
but  can not  shared her  feelings.                                                               (f)  ______

Q4. Rearrange  them  to  form  meaningful sentences  as  shown  in  the  example  5 marks

(a) favorite  /my/pastime/to/play/cricket/is.
(b) no/playmates/when/I/there/were/was/twelve
(c) very/had/I/unique/experience.

Q5. The word that takes the prefix ‘in’ is

(a) direct
(b) satisfaction
(c) proper
(d) patient.


[Do it by yourself]

Q6. Mention any two instance which show narrator’s in “The Accidental Tourist” as a confusing person.

Q7. What make Behrman to realize his ambition of life?

Q8. What effort are made by present to stay in the storm?

Q9. Mention any three factors which make writer to influence about the flute seller?

Q10. What are the qualities that helped Maria attain the number one position in women’s tennis in 2005?



(a) Ans: (iii)         (b) Ans: (ii)         (c) Ans: (i)

(d) Ans: (i)         (e)  Ans: (i)        (f) Ans: (ii)


(a) Ans: (i)         (b) Ans: (i)         (c) Ans: (iv)


(a) Ans: Whom       (b) Ans: and         (c) Ans: friends

(d) Ans: her         (e)  Ans: can            (f) Ans: share


Ans:(a) My favorite pastime is to play cricket.

Ans: (b) When I was twelve there were no playmates.

Ans: (c) I had very unique experience.


Ans: (a)

NOTE: To get more Meghalaya Board Sample papers in pdf, follow:

  1.  Meghalaya Board Solved Class 9 English Sample Papers
  2. Meghalaya Board English Grammar Question for Class IX

You can find out more Board Sample papers from Board Sample Papers

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36 Responses to Meghalaya Board Sample Papers for Class 9 English

  1. barnasangma says:


  2. Anonymous says:
  3. PRITAM SINHA says:


  4. PRITAM SINHA says:


  5. PRITAM SINHA says:


  6. PRITAM SINHA says:


  7. PRITAM SINHA says:


  8. PRITAM SINHA says:


  9. PRITAM SINHA says:


  10. PRITAM SINHA says:


  11. PRITAM SINHA says:


  12. PRITAM SINHA says:


  13. fuck says:

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  14. fuck says:

    fuck u bitch>>

  15. fuck says:

    fuck u bitch>>

  16. fuck says:

    fuck u bitch>>

  17. fuck says:

    fuck u bitch>>

  18. fuck says:

    fuck u bitch>>

  19. fuck says:

    fuck u bitch>>

  20. fuck says:

    fuck u bitch>>

  21. fuck says:

    fuck u bitch>>

  22. fuck says:

    fuck u bitch>>

  23. wellingwell says:

    Class 9

  24. Anonymous says:
  25. sairan says:

    Enter your any educational query or doubt english

  26. sairan says:

    Enter your any educational query or doubt english

  27. Bhim prasad says:


  28. Bhim prasad says:


  29. Bhim prasad says:
  30. Anonymous says:
  31. Anonymous says:
  32. Anonymous says:
  33. Anonymous says:
  34. Anonymous says:
  35. starkiller says:


  36. starkiller says:

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