MP-PET Chemistry Model Paper

Feb 28 • Engineering Sample Papers • 5477 Views • 4 Comments on MP-PET Chemistry Model Paper

MP-PET Chemistry Model Paper

Q-1 The order of Electro negativity of fluorine, oxygen, nitrogen is

  1. F<O<N
  2. O<F<N
  3. N<O<F
  4. none of these

Q-2 The strongest oxidising agent amongst F2, Cl2, Br2 and I2 is 

  1. F2
  2. Cl2
  3. Br2
  4. I2

Q-3 Urea can be identified by

  1. Biuret test
  2. Benedict test
  3. Lucas test
  4. Mullicken test

Q-4 Isoprene is a valuable substance for making

  1. propene
  2. synthetic rubber
  3. petrol
  4. liquid fuel

Q-5 Ozonolysis of alkene gives

  1. aldehyde
  2. carboxlic acid
  3. ester
  4. alcohol

Q-6 First step in the extraction of metal is

  1. concentration
  2. calcinations
  3. smelting
  4. purification

Q-7 The percentage of silver in German silver is

  1. 10%
  2. 20%
  3. 30%
  4. 0%

Q-8 The de-Broglie equation applies

  1. to protons only
  2. to electrons only
  3. to every object in motion
  4. none of these

 Q-9 The polymer used for making bullet proof glass is

  1. PMMA
  2. PAN
  3. PCTTE
  4. None of these

Q-10 Which of the following metals is present in chlorophyll?

  1. Chromium
  2. Cobalt
  3. Magnesium
  4. Iron

Q-11 The electronic configuration in the outermost shell of halogens is

  1. 6
  2. 8
  3. 5
  4. 7

Q-12 The number of dative bonds in sulphuric acid molecule is

  1. 0
  2. 1
  3. 2
  4. 3

Q-13 Which of the following is effective for a nuclear reaction?

  1. Neutron
  2. Proton
  3. Deutron
  4. Electron

Q-14 Nucleic acid is a polymer of

  1. neuclotides
  2. alpha-amino acids
  3. neuclocides
  4. isoprene

Q-15 The important oxide ore of iron is

  1. haemittite
  2. bauxite
  3. pyrite
  4. siderite

Q-16 Ethers are the isomers of

  1. ester
  2. aldheyde
  3. ketone
  4. alcohol

Q-17 Oil and Fat combine to form

  1. Enzyme
  2. Soap
  3. Polymer
  4. Lipid

Q-18 Tissues in the organs of Living Beings are made up of

  1. Proteins
  2. Carbohydrate
  3. Fats
  4. vitamins

 Q-19 Milk is a kind of

  1. Gel
  2. Sol
  3. Emulsion
  4. Mixture

 Q-20 Which one of the following is Pure Form of iron

  1.  Cast iron
  2. Wrought Iron
  3. Steel
  4. Pig Iron

Q-21 Metabolic Functions In Human Bodies are  carried out by

  1. lipids
  2. peptides
  3. Nucleic acid
  4. Amino acid

 Q-22 A basic lining is given to a furnance by

  1. calcium
  2. iron
  3. silica
  4. glass

 Q-23 The number of electrons in 3d shell for element with atomic number 26 is

  1. 8
  2. 2
  3. 6
  4. 4

 Q-24 Wave nature of electron was demonstrated by

  1. Debroglie
  2. Schrodinger
  3. Einstein
  4. Newton

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