Apr 22 • General • 6374 Views • 3 Comments on ROBERT KENNEDY COLLEGE REVIEW


            MBA has become a ultimate option for almost all gradutes.  Every graduate wish to pursue their MBA degree from abroad.  Zurich is one of the best places for doing post graduates. Robert kennedy college is one of the best college in Zurich.

            Robert kennedy college was founded in 1988.  It provides the best swiss quality distance education judiciously combined with optional recedencies at college’s premices in Zurich.  Under the supervision of Board of Governers, they provide rigorous but flexible learning programmes, enhanced by the state-of-art online e-learning technology.  The main aim of this college is to provide provide academic excellance in diastance education for the students through appropriate application of leading edge technolgy.  The overriding  objective is to enable consistently to improve the quality of education it provides.

          Each and every student is given student is given special attention.  Whenever the you have a computer and internet, the class is open for you.  Even if you are trvelling, you can always get connected with the classes.  At any time of the day, you can always clear your doubts if any. we always try to improve our contents of courses to move parallel with the latest trends.  In pursuit of its commintment to provide exemplary services to students, Robert Kennedy College has tailor-made, state-of-art software for delivery of online courses.

           It employs highly quaified faculty graduated from the leading colleges like Harward bussiness school, Stanford university, Oxford University.

   Courses offered by Robert Kennedy College –

1.  Masters in Leading Innovation and Change

“INNOVATION IS THE CENTRAL ISSUE IN ECONOMIC PROSPERITY”. This programme offers most innovative programmes to managers and leaders all over the world.

It includes a compulsory one-week residency in  Zurich otherwise lectures are delivered online via OnlineCampus.

Duration —  min 1 year  to max 3 years

Tutuin fee — 9,500 CHF. ( It includes library access, online camus access, graduation fees and    matriculation fees.)

Terms — Four terms per year (Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn)

2.    MBA in Leadership and Sustainability

This programme creates indivisuals who have the ability to be far sighted and actively engaged with their evironment to transform their ideas into reality.This programm acts as a catalyst to those ideas and try to infuse new perspectives to their proffesional goals.

Usually the lectures are conveyed via OnlineCampus but there is a mandatory summer stay for one-week.

Duration — min 18months to max 5 years

Tution fees — 11,500 CHF( It includes library access, OnlineCampus access, gradutation fees, matriculation fees)

Terms — Four terms( Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn)

3.  MBA in Business Administration

It is designed for those who are working in wide variety of technical,managerial and proffesional roles. It creates distinctive managers with comprehensive knowledge of the latest business practices.

Mostly lectures are delivered via OnlineCampus  with a compulsory one-week residency.

Duration — min 18months to max 5years

Tution fees — 11,500 CHF( same as MBA in leading and sustainability)

Terms — Four terms( as mentioned above)

4.   MASTERS in International Business Management

The programme addresses the main business disiplines and aims to provide rigorous postgraduate business and management education.

Lectures are delivered via OnlineCampus with a compulosry one-week residency with most intensive discussions and collaboration.

Duration –– min 18months to 5years

Tution fees — 8.950 CHF( includes all as mentioned in above courses)

Terms — Four terms( sama sa above)

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  1. Amit Kumar says:

    Robet kendey is a good option to study abroad and this article gives the idea of various MBA stream in that college.

  2. RANJIT SINGH says:

    If somebody wants to take admission in Robert Kennedy college he/she can read this article so that he/she may have some idea about that college.

  3. Mrityunjay Kumar Singh says:

    If you want to do your MBA from Abroad. Robert Kennedy will be the perfect college for MBA.

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