Sample Paper for NMAT

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NMAT(NMIMS Management Aptitude Test) is an official Entrance exam for admission to various MBA and PGDM courses that too in NMIMS of hyderabad and Bengaluru.A candidate can attempt the exam for 3 times.Its a computer based test with 3 sections:-Quantitative Ability(48),Language skills(32) and Logical Reasoning(40).The question paper contains total 120 questions and time is 120 mins

To get more information regarding the exam you may visit the link NMAT.Also You can take an online test on NMAT at itest ,this is specially to help you people to prepare well as well as it will help you to improve yourself.

Here we have got a sample paper for NMAT after doing research.It contains questions from various sections.One must go through it.

NMAT Examination by

Sample Paper for NMAT:-


Passage I

I suppose the vitality of a group, an individual or a society is measured by the extent to which it posses courage and above all, creative imagination. If that imagination is lacking our growth becomes more and more stunted, which is a sign of decay. What then is happening. Today? Are we trying to improve in this respect or are we merely functioning somewhere on the surface without touching the reality which is afflicting on the surface without touching the reality which is afflicting the world & which may result in political conflict, economic warfare or world war? So, when thereare discussions on the concept of man as visualized in the Eastern Ideal or The Western Ideal. They interest me greatly from a historical point of view and from a cultural point of view, although I have always resisted this idea of dividing the world into the orient and occident, I do not believe in such divisions. There have, of course, been differences in racial and nation of outlook and in ideals but to talk of the east & west as such as little meaning. I can see the difference between an industrialized and a non-industrialised country. I think the difference, say, between India and Europe in the middle ages, would not have been very great and would have been comparable to the difference between any of the great countries of Asia today. I feel that we think roughly because we are misled in our approach. Differences have crept in and been intensified by this process of industrialization & mechanization which has promoted material well being tremendously and which has been a blessing to humanity. At the same time, it is corroding the life of the mind & thereby encouraging a process of self destruction. I am not for the moment talking or thinking about wars and the like we have seen in history races come up and gradually fade away in Asia, in Europe and other places. Are we witnessing the same thing today? It may be that this will not take effect in our lifetime. In the past anyway, one great consolation was that things happened only in one particular greater of the world. If there was a collapse in one part of the world, the other part carried on. No part will be left to survive, as it could in older times. During the so called Dark ages of Europe, there were bright periods in Asia, in China, in India, in the middle east and else where. In the old days if progress was limited, disaster was also limited in extent and intensity. Today, when we have arrived at a period of great disaster and it is a little difficult for us to choose a middle way which would unable us to achieve a little progress and, at the same time to limit the scope of disaster. That is the major question. A person who has to carry a burden of responsibility is greater troubled by the practical aspects of this question. Am I right in saying that the mental life of the world is in a process of deterioration, chiefly because the environment that has been created by the Industrial Revolution does not give time or opportunity to individuals to think? I do not deny that today there are many great thinkers but it is quite likely that they might be submerged in the mass of unthinking humanity. We are dealing with and talking a great deal about democracy and I have little doubt that democracy is the best of all the various methods available to us for the governance of human beings. At the same time, we are using today-by today I mean the last two decades or so- the emergence of democracy in a somewhat uncontrolled form. When we think of democracy, we normally think of it in the rather limited sense of the 19th century or the early 20th century use of the term. Owing to the remarkable technological growth, something has happened since then and meanwhile democracy has also spread. The result is that we have vast masses of human beings brought up by the Industrial Revolution, who are not encouraged or given an opportunity to think much. They live a life which, from the point of view of physical comfort, is incomparably better than it has been in any previous generation, but they seldom have a chance to think. And yet in a democratic system, it is this vast mass of human beings that will ultimately govern or elect thosewho govern.

1) Which one of the following statements is true according to the passage?

(a) Vitality and courage endanger creative imagination.

(b) Our attempts to grow are becoming more and more stunted.

(c) Decadence stunts the faculty of imagination.

(d) We are not attempting seriously enough to encourage age the growth of creative imagination.

Ans : d

2) According to the author, the present is characterized by

(a) self destructive tendencies

(b) great scope for disaster

(c) localized progress

(d) material progress

Ans :a

3) The problem facing us, as per the passage, is the choice between

(a) extent of progress and scope of disaster

(b) creativity and economic growth

(c) spirituality and materialism

(d) physical comfort and vitality

Ans :a

4) According to the passage, which one of the following statements is true and modern democracy?

(a) It stifles the individually of human beings.

(b) It is a product of modern materialism.

(c) It has engendered technological progress.

(d) It is largely constituted of individuals who do not think.

Ans :d

5) We can conclude from the passage that

(a) the price of progress is very high

(b) an environment that supports progress and human individuality must be created.

(c) economic growth will have to be slowed down to give people time to think.

(d) industrialization has proved to be a curse to humanity.

Ans :b

Passage II

Scientists seeking view new ways to repair damaged arteries and ailing hearts have coaxed stem cells from a human embryo into forming tiny blood vessels. It’s the first time human embryonic stem cells have been nurtured to the point where they will organize into blood vessels that could nourish the body, according to Robert Langer, leader of a laboratory team at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. But it isn’t likely to be the last, as scientists pursue research into uses for stem cells despite debate over the ethics of using the cells. The new development was reported in Tuesday’s online issue of proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Dr. John Gearhart of the Johns Hopkins Schools of Medicine said research was a “nice illustration” of how stem cells can serve as a source of various types of cells, in this case for blood vessels. “I think this is terrific” said Gearhart, who was not part of the research team. “It’s another good example of the isolation of an important cell type from human embryonic stem cells.” “These are the kinds of papers we are going to see a lot of,” Gearhart added. Langer said the work showed that endothelial cells could be made from human embryonic stem cells. Endothelial cells have veins, arteries and lymph tissue. They are key to the structures that carry blood throughout the body. He said that if the technique we refined, scientists would eventually be able to make in the laboratory blood vessels that could be used to replace diseased arteries in the body: “There are thousands of operations a year now where doctors take vessels from one part of the body and transplant them to another,” said Langer. Eventually, he said, such vessels might be made outside the body from embryonic stem cells. Langer said endothelial cells also might be used to restore circulation to cells damaged by heart attacks. He said the processed stem cells may be able to reestablish blood flow to hearts failing due to blocked arteries. The research was conducted under a private grant, but Langer said the cell culture  used is one of 61 worldwide that have been approved by the National Institutes of Health for federally funded research. The use of embryonic stem cells is controversial because extracting the cells kills a living human embryo. President Bush last summer decided that federal funding would be permitted only for stem cell cultures that already existed and were made from embryos that were to be discarded by fertility clinics. The aim was to prevent further killing for research purposes of other human embryos. Langer said his lab will seek federal money to continue researchusing the same stem cell cultures, which were obtained from the Ram Bam Medial Center in Haifa, Israel. Embryonic stem cells are the ancestral cells of every cell in the body. In a developing embryo, they transform into cells that make up the organs, bone, skin and other tissues. Researchers hope to direct the transformation of such cells to treat ailing hearts, livers, brains and other organs. Langer said his team cultured the cells in such a way that they were allowed to develop into the various types of cells that are precursors to mature tissue. From this colony, the researchers extracted cells that were following a linage that would lead to mature endothelial cells. These were further cultured and some eventually formed primitive vascular structures.

6) Which of the following statements does not follow from the passage?

(a) Fertility clinics collect human embryos.

(b) Human embryos are destroyed is stem cell research

(c) Stem cells are being researched especially for forming blood vessels

(d) Stem cell research uses federal funding

Ans :d

7)Which of the following would be made redundant by the research mentioned?

(a) Sourcing embryonic cells from fertility clinics.

(b) Transplanting of blood vessels from one part to another.

(c) Cardiac operations necessitated by heart attacks.

(d) Performing open heart surgeries.

Ans :b

8) Stem cell research involves?

(a) cell cultures from various genetically altered embryos.

(b) Killing of a live human embryo

(c) wastage of embryo by fertility clinics

(d) genetic cloning of abilities

Ans :b

Questions from 9 to 13  A sentence is split into four parts. Mark the part that has a grammatical error.

9) (a) By changing the way they channel.

(b) the careers of its people

(c) companies can build their enterprises

(d) around the strengths of each person

Ans :b

10) (a) Despite the evident tensions

(b) both side insist

(c) that compromise can be worked out

(d) given their strong historical links

Ans :b

11) (a) If we examine the saturation aspect.

(b) the enterprise market

(c) is a short term

(d) revenue buying programmes

Ans :d

12 )(a) Therefore, your taxability in India.

(b) will depends on the total time

(c) spend by your consultancy services

(d) in providing consultancy countries.

Ans :b

13) (a) India outstrips other countries

(b) in terms

(c) for employment

(d) and number of companies

Ans :c

Questions from 14 to15 :  Choose the pair of words that best expresses the same relationship as that in the pair of words given in capital letters.


(a) Torn : Cloth  (b) Malfunction : Repair

(c) Lose : Console (d) Forget : Remember

Ans :c


(a) Hang : Gallows        (b) Perfect : Pictures

(c) Polish : Nail             (d) Cause : Murdered

Ans :a

Sample Paper for NMAT:-

Passage III

Analysts of the Soviet economy are wrestling with an intriguing mystery: How can the Soviet Government claim that theindustrial output goal of the just concluded five-year plan was successfully reached when almost all the available detailed production data suggest output actually fell well below the desired levels?The suspicion is strong among many analysts that a large part of the answer to the puzzle may be the hidden performance of Soviet military industry. The mystery would be solved if, as many a analysts suspect, output of soviet military hardware was pushed beyond original plans during 1966 – 70 and many types of civilian production were cut back to free resources for military needs.The mystery was posed sharply this month. By publication of the detailed Soviet economic report for 1970, the last year of the Eighth five-year Plan. The document gives precise production data for several dozen major industrial commodities or categories, and these can be compared with the corresponding 1970 output goals adopted in April, 1966, by the 23rd Soviet Communist Party Congress.The comparison shows that for about 30 major commodities or commodity groupings-ranging from steel and electric power to paper, automobiles and television sets in 1970 output was below the planned target, often substantially below. Data for only about a half dozens or so commodities or commodity grouping show that in their cases the 1970 goal of the 5 year plan was reached.Yet over-all Soviet industrial production statistics claim that industry’s output grew about 50 per cent from 1966, i.e. reaching precisely the over-all target set by the 23rd  Congress back in 1966.The official 1970 production data makes it clear that there were very substantial discrepancies in many important cases between the original goals for last year and the more modest reality.In the case of electric power, last year’s result was 740 billion kilowatt –hours against the planned goal of 830 billion to 850 kilowatt-hours. Steel production last year came to 116 million metric tons, not the 124 million to 129 million tons originally projected. The Soviet automobile industry was expected to produce 700,000 to & 800,000 passenger cars last year, but the reality was less than half that number or 344,000 vehicles. Paper output last year was planned for 5 million to 5.3 million metric tons; the reality was 4.2 millions tons. There were only 95.2 million metric tons of cement turned out last year, not the 100 million to 105 million tons called for in the plan. Some consumer durable goods fell particularly sharply below their output goals. Thus, the plan called for 1970 production of 7.5 million to 7.7 million television sets and 5.3 million to 5.6 million refrigerator. Actual output last year was 6.7 million television sets and 4.1 million refrigerators.The brighter areas-where goals were fulfilled-were few. Perhaps the most important was Oil, whose 1970 output of 353 million metric tons compared with the goal of 345 million to 355 million tons. Shoes, furniture and radios were among the few other categories where production goals were apparently fulfilled. Two explanations are being seriously considered by analysts pondering the puzzle posed by the conflict between Soviet production statistics and Soviet fulfillment claims. One possibility is that Soviet military production rose sufficiency to compensate for the short-falls in civilian industry. The Soviet Government does not publish data on output of military items ranging from intercontinental missiles and hydrogen bombs to submarines and machine guns. But many estimates have indicated a rapid build-up of Soviet missile, naval and other military strength in recent years. In addition the Soviet Union, is known to have provided large quantities of modern military equipment to N. Vietnam, Egypt and other friends and allies.Thus, some analysts suggest that Soviet planners diverted, substantial quantities of capital, labour and raw materials during the last five years from many areas of civilian production to date & possible an accelerated growth of military output.A second possibility suggested by some analysts is that there is egregious growth in the aggregate Soviet statistics of industrial production expressed in value terms. Theoretically, Soviet measures of gross ‘industrial output are in constant prices, but during the last five years many new items have been introduced into production and their prices may have been relatively high, thus giving the large volume of new production a disproportionately large and inflationary weight in the over-all output index.It is characteristic of-the continuing rigid limits on economic discussion in the Soviet Union that there has bean no explicit reference to the discrepancy between, the official claims of fulfillment of the industrial output goal and the very different picture shown by the direct comparisons of goals with output for numerous specific commodities. But the failure to reach so many output goals could become a major issue if there is a power struggle among & those competing for the highest positions in the Soviet Communist party, positions to be filled at next month’s 24 party Congress.

16)The article explains that some of the discrepancy between Soviet claims of economic-growth and available data might be attributable to

(a) Soviet concern about the disclosure of trade secrets

(b) undisclosed military production

(c) Soviet failure to achieve desired goals

(d) unwillingness of Russia to disclose all the facts


17) How many 5 Year Plans has the Soviet Union had?

(a) 2                         (b) 4                         (c) 6            (d) 8

Ans :d

18) In how many of the commodity groupings was the 1970 production goal achieved?

(a) 3                       (b) 6                       (c) 12                     (d) 15

Ans :b

19)Which of the following is mentioned by the author as being a major commodity group?

I. Television sets  II. Electric power  III. Steel

(a) II and III   (b) I and II   (c) I, II, III   (d) I only

Ans :c

20) According to Soviet claims, industrial output

(a) exactly equaled goals set in 1966                  (b) exceeded expectations by as much as 50%

(c) was overestimated by the Twenty-third Congress  (d) failed to measure up to Red China’s output

Ans :a

21)  The most important commodity group where production goals were achieved is

(a) shoes                 (b) steel                  (c) oil                      (d) cement

Ans :c

22)  Those who adopt the inflation theory to explain the Soviet economic mystery feel that

(a)  the Russians normally inflate their claims

(b)  global inflation has finally penetrated-the iron Curtain

(c)  deflation has offset the recent inflation in the Soviet Union

(d)  new products now being produced in the Soviet Union have relatively high prices

Ans :d

23)What have the Soviet done to explain the discrepancy?

(a)  They blame the capitalist influence of the West.

(b)  They refer to articles written by Soviet economists

(c)  The Russians contend that much progress has taken the form of improved technology

(d)  The Russians have given no explanation

Ans :d

24)  What could be the possible consequence of Soviet failure to attain output goals?

(a) A cultural revolution              (b) An economic recession

(c) A political power struggle.    (d) A re-evaluation of reporting techniques.

Ans :c

25) What led the author to believe that the Russians had not achieved their production goals?

(a)  The reports for the specific commodities differed from the overall Soviet claims

(b)  Soviet economists admitted their over-optimism

(c)  World trade statistics conflicted with Russian reports

(d)  Inconsistencies in Soviet newspapers aroused the author’s suspicions

Ans :a

Sample Paper for NMAT


26) A pineapple costs Rs. 7 each. A watermelon costs Rs. 5 each. Z spends Rs. 38 on these fruits. The number of pieapples purchased is

(a) 2    (b) 3    (c) 4    (d) none of these

Ans : c

27) In a certain game, each player scores either 2 points or 5 points. If n players score 2 points and m players score 5 points, and the total number of points scored is 50, what is the least possible positive difference between n and m?

(a) 5   (b) 3  (c) 1   (d) 7

Ans : b

28)How many different subsets of the set {10, 14, 17, 24} are there that contain an odd number of elements?

(a) 8   (b) 6  (c) 3   (d) 10

Ans : a

29) The speed of a train pulling out of a station is given by the equation s = t2 + t, where s is the speed in kilometers per hour and t is the time in seconds from when the train starts moving. The equation holds for all situations were o <t < 4. In kilometers per hour, what is the difference in the speed of the train four seconds after it starts moving, compared to the speed two seconds after it starts moving?

(a) 14   (b) 6  (c) 0   (d) 20

Ans : a

30) In a rectangular coordinate system, triangle ABC is drawn so that one side of the triangle connects two points on the y axis, A(0, 2) and B(0, -4). If point C has coordinates (c, 0) and the area of ABC is 21, then C =

(a)53  (b) 7  (c) 1/3  (d) 21

Ans : b

31) In a certain laboratory, chemicals are identified by a colour-coding system. There are 20 different chemicals. Each one is coded with either a single colour or a unique two-colour pair. If the order of colours in the pairs doesn’t matter, what is the minimum number of different colours needed to code all 20 chemicals with either a single colour or a unique pair of colours?

(a) 7  (b) 6  (c) 5  (d) 20

Ans : b

32) How many different ways can 2 students be seated in a row of 4 desks, so that there is always at least one empty desk between the students?

(a) 4  (b) 3  (c) 2  (d) 6

Ans : d

33) For a college debating team, 5 gents and 3 lady students were available. It is desired to select 2 gents and 2 ladies to form the team. In how many ways, the team can be selected?

(a) 30    (b) 60    (c) 15    (d) 12


34) A rectangle has width a and length b. If the width is decreased by 20% and the length is increased by 10%, what is the new area of the rectangle?

(a) 0.9 ab   (b) 0.92 ab   (c) 1.1 ab   (d) None of the above


35) A company received two shipments of ball bearnings. In the first shipment, I percent of the ball bearnings were defective. In the second shipment, which was twice as large as the first, 4.5 percent of the ball bearings were defective. If the company received a total of 100 defective ball bearings, how many ball bearings were in the first shipment?

(a) 2000 (b) 1000 (c) 990  (d) 3000

Ans :b

36) Shyam was to appear in four papers – English, Tamil, History and Science – each carrying a maximum of 100 marks. His father offered him a Shakespeare book as a present if he got 60% or more in both English and History, provided he got and aggregate of at least 200. He also offered him a Bharathi book as a present if he got 60% or more in both Tamil and History provided he got an aggregate of at least 200 (Shyam was eligible for both the presents). As it turned out, Shyam got the Shakespeare book but not the Bharathi book. If he scored 64 in both English and History, the minimum that he got in Science was.

(a) 36    (b) 56    (c) 22    (d) 13


37) Two boys A and B start as office attenders in two different establishments. A starts on a salary of Rs. 450 with an annual increment of Rs. 25, and B on a starting of Rs. 60 with an annual increment of Rs. 20. After how manyyears will A begin to draw a salary more than what B will draw?

(a) 30    (b) 31    (c) 32    (d) 29


38) A clothing supplier stores 800 coats in a warehouse, of which 15 percent are full-length coats. If 500 of the shorter length coats are removed from the warehouse, what percent of the remaining coats is full-length?

(a) 35%  (b) 9.37% (c) 5.62% (d) 40%


39) In a city, 35% of the population is composed of migrants, 20% of whom are from rural areas. Of the local population, 48% is female while this figure for rural and urban migrants is 30% and 40% respectively. If the total population of the city is 7,28,400, what is its female population?

(a) 5,09,940 (b) 3,49,680 (c) 3,24,138 (d) None of these

Ans: c

40) A alone can finish a work in 15 days and B alone can do it in 25 days. If they work together and finish it, then out of a total wages of Rs.64, A will get:

(A) Rs.34   (B) Rs.30   (C) Rs.24   (D) Rs.40


41) A trader purchases a watch and a wall clock of Rs. 390. He sells them making a profit of 10% on the watch and 15% on the wall clock. He earns a profit of Rs. 51.50. The difference between the original prices of the wall clock and the watch is equal to

(a) Rs. 110 (b) Rs. 100 (c) Rs. 80 (d) Rs. 120


42) A trader giving a discount of 11.11% on his product. At how many percent above the cost price does he mark his goods so that he makes a gain of 14.28%. ?

(a) 28.56%   (b) 35%   (c) 22.22%   (d) None of these


43) A man borrows Rs. 4,000 at 20% compound rate of interest. At the end of each year he pays back Rs. 1,500. How much amount should he pay at the end of the third year to clear all his dues?

(a) Rs. 2,952  (b) Rs. 2,852  (c) Rs. 2,592  (d) Rs. 2,953


44) A petrol pump mixed leaded and unleaded petrol in such a way that the mixture contains 10% unleaded to I litre mixture so that the percentage of unleaded petrol becomes 5%?

(a) 1900 ml  (b) 900 ml  (c) 1000 ml  (d) 1800 ml


45 )Padam purchased 30 kg of rice at the rate of Rs. 17.50 per kg and another 30 kg rice at a certain rate. He mixed the two and sold the entire quantity at the rate of Rs. 18.60 per kg and  made 20% overall profit. At what price per kg did he purchase the lot of another 30 kg rice?

(a) Rs. 14.50 (b) Rs. 13.50 (c) Rs. 12.50 (d) Rs. 15.50


Sample Paper for NMAT:-

46) The dimensions of a room are 12.5 metres by 9 metres by 7 metres. There are 2 doors and 4 windows in the room; each door measures 2.5 metres by 1.2 metres and each window 1.5 metres by 1 metre. Find the cost of painting the walls at Rs. 3.50 per square metre.

(a) Rs. 1,101.50             (b) Rs. 1,050.50

(c) Rs. 1,011.50             (d) Cannot be determined


47) There are two vessels of equal capacity, one full of milk, and the second one-third full of water. The second vessel is then filled up out of the first, the contents of the second are then poured back into the first till it is full and then again the contents of the first are poured back into the second till it is full. What is the proportion of milk in the second vessel?

(a) 37/20 (b) 20/27 (c) 20/37 (d) 27/20


48) The weight of an empty bucket is 25% of the weight of the bucket when filled with some liquid. Some of the liquid has been removed. Then, the bucket, along with the remaining liquid, weighed three-fifth of the original weight. What fractional part of the liquid has been removed?

(a) 2/5    (b) 8/15   (c) 7/13   (d) 5/8


49) A company makes toy cars at a production cost of Rs 17.50 per unit. A market survey reveals that 10% of the product will be lost, 5% will be rejected, 5% will decay and 5% will be stolen. At what unit price must the company sell it to realize 28% profit ?

(a) Rs. 29.86   (b) Rs. 26   (c) Rs. 31.70    (d) Rs. 20.5


50) With an average speed of 50 km/hr a train reaches its destination in time.  If it goes with an average speed of 40 km/hr, it is late by 24 minutes.  The total journey is

(a) 40 km   (b) 70 km   (c) 30 km   (d) 80 km


Sample paper for NMAT:-

Logical :-

Questions from 51 to 53 : Study the following information carefully to answer these questions.

At an Electronic Data Processing Unit, five out of the eight program sets P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are to be operated daily. On any one day, except for the first day of a month, only three of theprogram sets must be the ones that were operated on the previous day. The program operating must also satisfy the following conditions:

(i) If program P is to be operated on a day, V cannot be operated on that day.

(ii) If Q is to be operated on a day, T must be one of the programs to be operated after Q.

(iii) If R is to be operated on a day, V must be one of the programs to be operated after R.

(iv) the last program to be operated on any day must be either S or U.

51) Which of the following could be the set of programs to be operated on the first day of a month?

(a) T, U, R, V, S

(b) U, Q, S, T, W

(c) V, Q, R, T, S

(d) Q, S, R, V, U

Ans :a

52) Which of the following is true of any day’s valid program set operation?

(a) R cannot be operated at fourth place.

(b) Q cannot be operated at third place.

(c) P cannot be operated at third place.

(d) T cannot be operated at third place.

Ans :a

53) If R is operated at third place in a sequence, which of the following cannot be the second program in that sequence?

(a)T  (b) S  (c) Q  (d) U

Ans :c

Question from 54 to 56: Read the following information to answer these questions.

The Director of a Management Institute has announced that six guest lectures on different areas like Leadership, Decision Making, Quality Circle, Motivation, Assessment Centre and Group Discussion are to organized, one on each day from Monday to Sunday.

(i) Motivation should be organized immediately after Assessment Centre.

(ii) Quality Circle should be organized on Wednesday and should be followed by Grope Discussion.

(iii) Decision Making should be organized on Friday and there should be a gap of two days between Leadership and Group Discussion.

(iv) One day there will be no lecture (Saturday is not that day), just before that day Group Discussion will be organized.

54) Which of the pairs of lectures were organized on the first and the last day?

(a) Group Discussion and Decision Making

(b) Group Discussion and Quality Circle

(c) Quality Circle and Motivation

(d) None of these

Ans :d

55) How many lectures are organized between Motivation and Quality Circle?

(a) Three (b) Two  (c) One  (d) Four

Ans :a

56) Which day will the lectures on Leadership be organized?

(a) Friday (b) Wednesday (c) Tuesday (d) None of these

Ans :d

Sample Paper for NMAT:-

Questions from 57 to 60: In each question given below is a statement of two assumptions numbered I and II.

An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions and decide which of the assumptions is/are implicit in the statement.

  (a)  if assumption I is implicit,               (b)  if assumption II is implicit,

(c)  if neither I nor II is implicit, and      (d)  if both I and II are implicit,

57) Statement  : Of all the newspapers published in Mumbai, readership of the “Times” is the largest in the Metropolis.

Assumptions  : (I)  Times is not popular in monfussil areas

(II)  Times has the popular feature of cartoons on burning social and political issues.

Ans :c

58) Statement  :  If any time you have financial difficulty, come to me; I will help you out.

Assumptions  :  (I)  You have financial difficulties

(II)  I promise to provide you financial help

Ans :b

59)  Statement  :  The entire north India, including Delhi and the neighbouring states remained ‘Powerless’ the whole day of 19th  December 97 as the northern grid supplying electricity to the seven states collapsed yet again.

Assumptions  :  (I)  The northern grid had collapsed earlier

(II)  The grid system of providing electricity to a group of states is an  ineffective type of power supply system

Ans :a

60) Statement  :   Among all the articles, the prices of personal computers show the highest decline from June 1997 to December 1997.

Assumptions  :  (I)  Comparative prices of all the articles in June and December 1997 were available in January 1998.

(II) Prices of personal computers were higher in the first six months than in  the last six months of 1997

Ans :d

Questions from 61 to 66 : Answer these questions independent of each other.

61) The extent to which a society is really free can be gauged by its attitude towards artistic expression. Freedom of expression can easily be violated in even the most outwardly democratic of societies. When a government arts council withholds funding from a dance performance that its members deem “obscene”, the voices of a few bureaucrats have in fact censored the real obscenity of repression.Which of the following, if true, would most seriously weaken the argument above?

(a) Failing to provide financial support for a performance is not the same as actively preventing or inhibiting it.

(b) The term obscenity has several different definitions that should not be used interchangeably for rhetorical effect.

(c) Members of government arts councils are screened to ensure that their beliefs reflect those of the majority.

(d) The council’s decision could be reversed if the performance were altered to conform to public standards of appropriateness.

Ans :a

62) Techniques to increase productivity in the performance of discrete tasks, by requiring less human labour in each step of the production process, are widely utilized. Consultants on productivity enhancement point out, however, that although these techniques achieve their specific goal, the are not without drawbacks. They often instill enough resentment in the workforce eventually to lead to a slowdown in the production process as a whole.

Which of the following can be reasonably inferred from the statements above?

(a) If productivity consultants continue to utilize these techniques, complete work stoppages will eventually result.

(b) The fact that productivity enhancement techniques are so widely employed has led to a decline in the ability of American business to complete abroad.

(c) Productivity enhancement techniques do not attain their intended purpose and should not be employed in the workplace.

(d) Ironically, an increase in the productivity of discrete tasks may result in a decrease in the productivity of the whole production process.

Ans :d

63)  The increase in the number of newspaper articles exposed as fabrications serves to bolster the contention that publishers are more increased in boosting circulation than in printing the truth. Even minor publications have staff to check such obvious fraud.

The argument above assumes that

(a) fact checking is more comprehensive for minor publications than for major ones.

(b) everything a newspaper prints must be factually verifiable.

(c) newspaper stories exposed as fabrications are a recent phenomenon.

(d) only recently have newspaper admitted to publishing fraudulent stories intentionally.

Ans :b

64) All German Philosophers, except for Marx, are idealists. From which of the following can the statement, above be most properly inferred?

(a) If a German is an idealist, then he or she is a philosopher, as long as he or she is not Marx.

(b) Marx is the only non-German philosopher who is an idealist.

(c) Except for Marx, if someone is an idealist philosopher, then he or she is German.

(d) Aside from the philosopher Marx, if someone is a German philosopher, then he or she is an idealist.

Ans :d

65 ) Recent surveys show that many people who have left medical school before graduating suffer from depression. Clearly, depression is likely to cause withdrawal from medical school.

Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the conclusion above?

(a) Depression is very common among management consultants who have a similarly difficult work schedule to those of many young doctors.

(b) About half of those who leaves medical school report felling depressed after the decision to leave.

(c) Many medical schools provide psychological counseling for their students.

(d) Medical students who have sought depression counseling due to family problems leave at

a higher rate than the national average.

Ans :c

Sample Paper for NMAT:-

66)  A brochures for City X highlights the reasons why residents should move there rather than to other cities in the state. One reason that the brochure mentions is the relative ease of finding a job in City X, where the unemployment rate is 4.7 percent.Which of the following statements, if true, casts the maximum doubt on the validity of the reason to move to City X mentioned above?

(a) Other reasons to move City X include the schools system and easy access to recreational activities.

(b) The state where City X is located has an average unemployment rate of 3.9 percent.

(c) Most of the Jobs in City X are hourly rather than salary jobs.

(d) The national unemployment rate, calculated during the last census, is 4.3 percent.

Ans :b

Questions from  67 to 70 :

Answer the questions on the basis of information given below.

Six nurses Agnes, Bethy, Chandrika, Divya, Evita and Faria are working for Marium hospital, which requires three nurses per day. The availability of various nurses on various days of the week is as follows.

(1) Agnes and Bethy will not work together and both of them will not be available on Mondays and Thursdays.

(2)  Chandrika is a dedicated nurse and works 7 days a week.

(3)  Divya is married and will not be available on weekends.

(4)  Evita and Faria will always work together, if possible and one of them will have her off on Monday and the other on Wednesday.

(5)  Any triplet can not be repeated on two consecutive days.

67)  Who will be working on any Monday?

(a) Chandrika, Divya, Evita       (b) Chandrika, Evita and Fana

(c) Chandrika, Divya, Faria        (d) Either ‘a’ or ‘c’

Ans :d

68) If Agnes, Chandrika and Diya work on Friday then who will be working on Saturday?

(a) Agnes, Chandrika, Evita      (b) Bethy, Divya, Faria

(c) Chandrika, Evita, Faria         (d) Agnes, Divya, Evita

Ans :c

69) If Evita is ill, who will be working on Thursday?

(a) Chandrika, Divya, Faria       (b) Chandrika, Divya, Bethy

(c) Divya, Faria, Agnes          (d) Chandrika, Bethy. Faria

Ans :a

70) If Chandrika decides to take off on Wednesday, then who essentially works on Wednesday?

(a) Divya           (b) Evita       (c) Faria         (d) Both (b) & (c)

Ans :d

Sample paper for NMAT

Questions from 71 to 72  : In each of these questions select the alternative which will come in place of (?)

71) Computer : fqprxvht : : Language : ?

(a) ocqixcjg  (b) ocqicyig

(c) oxpixdig  (d) ocqixcig

Ans :a




Ans :d

Questions from 73 to 75 : In each of these questions, there is a statement followed by three courses of action numbered I, II and III. Assuming everything in the statement to be true, which of the three courses of action is logical to follow?

73) Statement : Lack if coordination University, it colleges and various authorities has resulted in students ousted from one college seeking migration to another.

Course of action :

I. If a student is ousted from a college, the information should be sent to all other colleges of the University.

II. The admission to all colleges of the University should be centralized at the University.

III. A separate section should be created for taking action against students indulging in antisocial activities.

(a)Only III follows

(b) Only II follows

(c) Only I follows

(d) Only II and III follow

Ans :c

74) Statement : Faced with a source crunch and a depression overall economic scenario, State Y is unlikely to achieve the targeted per cent compound growth rate during the 9th Plan.

Course of action :

I. The targeted growth plan should be reduced for the 10th plan.

II. The reasons for the failure should be studied.

III. The performance of State ‘Y’ should be compared with other states.

(a) Only II and III follow  (b) Only I and II follow

(c) Only I follows  (d) All follow

Ans :b

75) Statement : The weather bureau has through a recent bulletin forecast heavy rainfall during the next week which may cause water logging in several parts of the city.

Course of action :

I. The bulletin should be widely publicized.

II. The civic authority should be kept in readiness for removal of water from waterlogged parts.

III. The people should be advised to stay indoors during the period.

(a) Only I and II follow  (b) Only II and III follow

(c) Only II follow        (d) None follows

Ans :2

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