Mar 20 • Engineering Sample Papers • 3683 Views • 13 Comments on SAMPLE PAPER – PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY – 1


All the question are of the 20 marks and attempt any five questions selecting at least one from each unit :


Question 1 What is production technology? brief the application of it in the industries and relate it to the new advance manufacturing technology.

Question 2 – How the lathe is specified? List the operation performed in the lathe and the precautions can be taken to avoid the failure in the design of a lathe.

UNIT- 2                                     

Question 3- What is the molding process and explain the difference between the sand molding and  injection or pressure molding and also state the advantage and disadvantages of the both processes by taking the suitable examples.

Question 4- Discuss the effect of the cutting speed , feed rate , and the geometry of the tools in the material removal process. give the example of the geometry of the twist drill and mention the process of calculating the power in the drilling operation.


Question 5- What is the Taylor equation of tool life ? Discuss the mechanism of tool wear and suggest the modification if possible in the Taylor equation relating it with the modern equation of the tool life.

Question 6- What are comparators? Describe the Principle and working of the electrical comparators . State clearly the advantages, limitation and application of the comparators.

UNIT – 4

Question 7- Discuss the various type of the chip formations during the metal cutting process and give the reasons that why the discontinuous chips are preferred over the continuous chips. and more over explain the discontinuous chips with built up edges.

PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGYQuestion 8- What is the use of the sine bar in measuring the taper angels of taper plug gauges with the help of a neat sketch. Describe the working principle of it . Give the limitations and application of the sine bar  and state the the difference from the other devices and also give the examples for the same to justify your answer.

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  1. Urvashi Khanduja says:

    Sample papers are very much helpful. Important questions are mentioned this helps us to a greater extent.

  2. Shilpi Saksena says:

    sample papers are always a real help in the time of exams.. And as far as this subject is considered these questions are important and this may also help some students to test their knowledge who are not actually giving the exams.

    • Deepshikha Bisaria says:

      This is a good practice to solve the sample question papers before the exam. And I liked the sample paper-production technology-1. It is definitely going to be of great help. But i have just one question….where are the questions of unit-5.

  3. Sanjana Kumari says:

    Production engineering is really a very good career prospects for those interested in industrial jobs or in production sectors. This set of questions is helpful for the mechanical students aspiring to be in core sectors.

  4. Khyati Miglani says:

    This will help the students for practicing the question of production technology.

  5. avinash kumar singh says:

    this will help to improve or understand the important question and answer

  6. Pallavi sinha says:

    Production engineering deals with the manufacturing of goods through steels, iron etc . Collections of questions are good and will guide aspirants during their last days preparation of examination.

  7. Nitish Kalra says:

    Really important questions on production technology.Helped a lot.

  8. Jishnu Sen says:

    The basics are the most important chapters in leading our lives. the basics like lathe, definition of production technology are the key to move up the ladder in the core industry. The set of questions are really nice and apt for the Production students. it will be really helpful for them. It was good to be enlighted on a particular subject with which I was out of touch.

  9. Mitali Panda says:

    This is a very nice set of question on production technology .this would be surely helping the students who are interested in production.This set would be surely helping the mechanical students to improve their knowledge upon the subject.

  10. Mitali Panda says:

    this paper would surely helps students those who are interested in production technology and specially from the students mechanical background must surely once go through the questions set and prepare themselves accordingly

  11. sakshi chaudhary says:

    Be prepare for the sample test to check your knowledge and command over the coming topics….this sample paper on production technology will guide you for further preparations.

  12. patlakshi Jha says:

    This contains important questions about production Technology. This could be helpful for the students who wish to prepare themselves.

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