Should Agricultural Subsidies be stopped?

Dec 30 • Group Discussion • 11999 Views • 149 Comments on Should Agricultural Subsidies be stopped?

Agricultural Subsidies be stopped

Should agricultural subsidies stopped or not has been topic of talk shows without proper representatives from farming side  ,According to my opinion agriculture subsidy should not be stopped as our agriculture contribute 15% to our GDP and 60% of total employment beside it we know that our economy is agriculture dependent and beside it 95% of farmer comes under small land holding farmer who are not able to do cultivation without subsidies. We know that agriculture input is crucial thing for cultivation of land and our farmer can not afford that much of costly input.

agriculture subsidies

agriculture subsidies should be removed or not

I think instead of stopping agriculture subsidy we should focus on.

Agriculture policy which restrict the produce within the state some state not allow to sell or buying the produce in other state which increase the cost and inflation also along with this.

To impose levied duty on essential commodities,

And monopoly condition in procurement of produce (cotton in Maharastra).

All these factor cause huge cost to farmer and less price for their produce.

Along with these farmer can not afford the costly fertilizer which is important factor to increase yield also and if govt will not provide subsidy than how farmer can produce and fulfill the consumption need of India.

Obstacles for the farmer.

1. Indian farmers have less land and are basically illiterate or less educated.
2. Obstacles to understand and apply the technology.
3. Government Subsidies don’t reach to themselves as the larger part of the subsidies are theft by the middlemen or bought by the rich farmers.
4. Gambling is done during monsoon.
5. The Infrastructure of Storing Crop, like Cold Storage is not available on every area -this is why 30% of Yearly Production of Vegetables in India are rotten.

Government should take appropriate steps to face these challenges.
Providing higher rate of subsidies to the marginal farmers and lower rate to the rich farmers.
Providing appropriate teaching of innovative methods to every farmer.
Growth of Canal and Tank Irrigation.
Low Rate Loans and Crop Insurance Facility should be provided.
The Govt should also inspect the Proper Distribution of Subsidy.
This is how the Government should meet the challenges and ensure the Farm Productivity.

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149 Responses to Should Agricultural Subsidies be stopped?

  1. Jayanta Das says:

    I don’t think there is any need of stopping the subsidy provided to the farmers. Even subsidies should be increased in order to help them because this is the segment of society which is most affected on the change of economy.
    Various pre measures can be taken by government so that farmers doesn’t need any subsidy like-
    1. Integrating all the small land owned farmers to increase productivity.
    2. Provide better and efficient irrigation methods in areas where there is scarcity of water.
    3. Efficient deployment of various plans built by government.
    As the agriculture of India is mainly dependent on monsoons is greatly affected by flood and drought conditions in this case the only hope for farmers is the subsidies and various plans of government to help those poor farmers that have very less lands and can’t afford to spend on seeds and fertilizers.
    with the upcoming NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY BILL the availability of food grains should be must so that we have not to import it from other countries in that case agriculture subsidies must be given to the people of India.

  2. Nandita Pradhan says:

    Farmers need subsidy in order to survive. People who feeds us unfortunately remains starved. Farmers are poor they cannot adopt new technology in order to increase production so subsidy should not be stopped. The main cause is that the farmers are ill-literate and they are dependent on agriculture so government should arrange subsidies according to the farmers level. That is higher level farmers getting less subsidies and lower level getting higher subsidies.
    Government should provide proper fertilizer, seeds less loans special schemes and others. Subsidies thus is regarded as the main part of farmers. And farmers are always the important part of each and every human in order to survive.


    An agricultural subsidy is a governmental subsidy paid to farmers and agribusinesses to supplement their income, manage the supply of agricultural commodities, and influence the cost and supply of such commodities. Examples of such commodities include wheat, feed grains (grain used as fodder, such as maize or corn, sorghum, barley, and oats), cotton, milk, rice, peanuts, sugar, tobacco, and oilseeds such as soybeans. A very large part of Indian economy is dependent upon agriculture. But unfortunately the people who feed us often remains starved. Its because they do not get proper value of their labour. But at the same time cost of foods in the market is at the peak. Then where do all the money go ? Nobody knows ! So, the government should provide them subsidy. They should also be provided good quality seeds, fertilizer, easy loans, special schemes to get instruments like tractors etc. The government should also fix a good minimum value for their products.

  4. Subhradip Roy says:

    Unarguably every farmer needs subsidy in present political system.

    Subsidy can be removed provided farmers are given the opportunity to fix price for their products like others in other sectors and are allowed to export their products with out govt intervention.

    We need to understand the whole lot of issues and uncertainties of farming community.

    How many of us go to work when our transportation expenses are more than what we earn?

    How long do we do business when the business is running in to losses?

    But, farmer do not have secondary option.

    Input cost for farming like pesticides, insecticides, nutrients, manure, labour charges, diesel charges, machinery charges like tractor etc. , charges for repairing water pumps all these have increased abnormally. For example male labour charge increased 3. 5x to 4x. In-spite of this availability of labour is not easy in most of the villages.

    On top of this, adequate power is not available for farmers. Low/voltage issues burn motors frequently and transformer issues all these expenses goes from farmers pocket. On top of this bribe for transco guys.

    If these things go well, weather may not support. Some times drought and at times heavy rains and floods.

    Even if every thing goes goes fine and once the product comes to market, minimum support price that is promised to the farmer is not given many times. In the present scenario, even if the farmer gets minimum support price they will run in to losses. And this is the reason why farmers started agitation declaring crop holiday in some parts of the country and some ransacking agri markets.

    People want all the pulses, food grains, milk, meat, eggs at a cheaper price and no one fights for the farmer who feeds billions of mouths.

    If oil companies goes in to losses govt jumps in and increases price more than 10 to 15 times in few years and why not the same for the poor farmer?

    It is true that poor people suffer if food prices go high. This does mean that the farmers have to give subsidized products to all making losses working under hot sun/rain walking between snakes and scorpions. In a way farmer is giving food security to all billionaires and poor workers investing his resources and in turn making loss for what he/she do.

    Moreover, one need to notice that Indian youth are no longer interested in doing farming. Number of youth doing farming are decreasing to a greater extent. None neither the farmers son nor the farm workers son interested nor their parents want their kids to do farming. This explains the scenario. Who is going to feed billions of mouths.

    Most shocking thing is that none of them either from urban or rural areas are not showing interest to elope their daugher to a young farmers even if they are holding 30 acres of land. These guyz and their families are really frustrated as they are cornered in the society.

    All the above factors are forcing people to move out of agriculture. What will happen next. Corporate agriculture? If so, are the corporate going to sell products at a cheaper price? They’ll give millions to those who help them in making things easier by forcing farmers out of this sector. Where do they collect these millions from?

    The above facts are based on my experience and observation.

  5. Susanta Dinda says:

    A very large part of Indian economy is dependent upon agriculture. But unfortunately the people who feed us often remains starved. Its because they do not get proper value of their labour. But at the same time cost of foods in the market is at the peak. Then where do all the money go ? Nobody knows ! So, the government should provide them subsidy. They should also be provided good quality seeds, fertilizer, easy loans, special schemes to get instruments like tractors etc. The government should also fix a good minimum value for their products.

  6. Rajan Tiwari says:

    First of all is our government giving subsidy on necessary items what a farmer need. They are giving subsidy on seeds not on fertilizers even they give subsidy for fertilizers they are not readily available 80% goes to black market rest will be distributed to the favorable people. We Indians don’t give value to our farmers try to feel the pain of a farmer, they are still doing agriculture is the reason they love it not they are getting huge profits on it.

    Think what a farmer really needs and support those even a road side hotel person will feed there family with 3 meals a day which is not happening with farmers. Give them some moral support they are not asking all for free they are ready to pay if it is a valuable item which boosts their productivity, they are paying a min. of 250/- Rs to each labor and they are not able to spend 150 for their family. That is the situation of moderate and small farmers in India, still we can’t hear their moaning, media to improve their ratings will go to some farmers, if media is really trying to help farmers Indian farmers will not be in this situation.

    Finally subsidy is just like a smile from a child who expects at least a peppermint and the father saying wait for 5years I will give you a 5star.

  7. Sanjib Karmakar says:

    I think instead of stopping agriculture subsidy we should focus on.

    Agriculture policy which restrict the produce within the state some state not allow to sell or buying the produce in other state which increase the cost and inflation also along with this.

    To impose levied duty on essential commodities,

    And monopoly condition in procurement of produce (cotton in Maharastra).

    All these factor cause huge cost to farmer and less price for their produce.

    Along with these farmer can not afford the costly fertilizer which is important factor to increase yield also and if govt will not provide subsidy than how farmer can produce and fulfill the consumption need of India.

  8. Amalendu Biswas says:

    According to my opinion agriculture subsidy should not be stopped as our agriculture contribute 15% to our GDP and 60% of total employment beside it we know that our economy is agriculture dependent and beside it 95% of farmer comes under small land holding farmer who are not able to do cultivation without subsidies. We know that agriculture input is crucial thing for cultivation of land and our farmer can not afford that much of costly input.

    I think instead of stopping agriculture subsidy we should focus on.

    Agriculture policy which restrict the produce within the state some state not allow to sell or buying the produce in other state which increase the cost and inflation also along with this.

    To impose levied duty on essential commodities,

    And monopoly condition in procurement of produce (cotton in Maharastra).

    All these factor cause huge cost to farmer and less price for their produce.

  9. Sourav sain says:

    I think 60-70 % Indian population are living in villages and most of them depend upon farming for their survival.
    It gives employment to many people of India belonging to rural areas. so according to me agriculture should not all banned.
    In India agriculture play an important role .because many people depend on agriculture land.
    Government should take appropriate steps to face these challenges.
    Providing higher rate of subsidies to the marginal farmers and lower rate to the rich farmers.

  10. Mayank says:

    Farmer should be extra knowlede of the subdies because we know that ,the farmer who living in the village they don’t know about the subsidies and their is some people are eletrate .they do not know about the methods of farming but they lives in the small viledeges and the way of their living is only farming so they should aware to the farming.We cannot think of stopping the agricultural subsidies because India is a developing country where more than 70% population depends on agriculture for its survival. Besides, most of the villagers are poor and illiterate. Subsidies given to them are an aid which reduce their incapability to become self-reliant. Also by giving them subsidies, government can make them satisfied and thus, motivates them to grow more and more so as to fulfill the need of hunger.

  11. Taniya Bhattacharyya says:

    Agricultural subsidies should be stopped as they are not reaching to the poor farmers.
    – There is no use of these subsidies as they make rich farmers more rich and the poor ones poorer.
    – There should be other substitutes for subsidies.
    – Even after providing the subsidies the farmers are abondoning their land and moving to cities. The government should make agriculture an attractive profession.
    – Rather than giving subsidies, the government should help the farmers with a better infrastructure like means of irrigation and getting their produce to the market.
    – One of the reasons for farmers to abandon their lands is that they do not get good cost for their produce. The government should help in better organization of the market so that it becomes accessible to the farmers.

    Government should provide farmers with more subsidies in order to improve their living conditions.
    – Agriculture is a seasonal occupation i.e. farmers work only during the non rainy season. Thus it does not provide enough income to the farmers to sustain for the whole year.
    – New policies related to subsidies should be made and applied in an efficient manner in order to help the farmers to earn a good income to elevate their standard.
    – The condition of farmers in our country is deteriorating day by day. To stabilize the state of farmers’ government need to take some important steps by providing them with enough subsidies.
    – Subsidies help in strengthening the agricultural sector.
    – Subsidizing helps in tackling food prices and reducing trade deficit as it improves food supply

  12. Saurabh Jajoo says:

    agricultural subsidy should not be stopped because our country has a number of poor farmers and due to the hike prices of agricultural input, subsidy has to be provided.

  13. Kinsuk Sadhukhan says:

    The monoculture system associated with subsidized large-scale production has been implicated as a contributory factor in Colony Collapse Disorder which has affected bee populations. Bee pollination is an essential ecosystem service essential for the production of many varieties of fruits and vegetables. Subsidies often go towards subsidising meat production which has other nutritional and environmental implications; and it has been found that out of the $200Bn subsidies to subsidise crops from 1995-2010 around two thirds of this went to animal feed, tobacco and cotton production.Government intervention, through agricultural subsidies, interferes with the price mechanism which would normally determine commodity prices, often creating crop overproduction and market discrimination. Subsidies are also an inefficient use of taxpayer’s money. For instance, in 2006, the Department of Agriculture estimated that the average farm household income was $77,654 or about 17% higher than the average U.S. household income.From a public economics perspective, subsidies of any kind work to create a socially and politically acceptable equilibrium that is not necessarily Efficient.

  14. Rajib Dey says:

    An agricultural subsidy is a governmental subsidy paid to farmers and agribusinesses to supplement their income, manage the supply of agricultural commodities, and influence the cost and supply of such commodities. Examples of such commodities include wheat, feed grains (grain used as fodder, such as maize or corn, sorghum, barley, and oats), cotton, milk, rice, peanuts, sugar, tobacco, and oilseeds such as soybeans.The impact of agricultural subsidies in developed countries upon developing-country farmers and international development is well documented. Agricultural subsidies depress world prices and mean that unsubsidised developing-country farmers cannot compete; and the effects on poverty are particularly negative when subsidies are provided for crops that are also grown in developing countries since developing-country farmers must then compete directly with subsidised developed-country farmers.

  15. Subhendu Ghosh says:

    Agricultural subsidies should not be stopped, because many farmers can’t handle the burden of total investment. It’ll be nice if government provide these subsidies to the farmers, who deserve it not to the rich.
    • 60% of Indian economy is from agricultural based industries. So, we should give more importance to agriculture.
    • It will be difficult for farmers to keep the total investment for crop. As a result farmers may change their career. It’ll be a biggest disadvantage for India.
    • Because of agricultural subsidies, the price of food products will be in control.
    • United States and Europe countries have subsidies for agriculture. So, if India stops agricultural subsidies, then there will be a risk of importing under-priced food from these countries.
    • Through agricultural subsidies, more numbers of fields will be utilized. So, the Indian economy increases.
    • There are so many cases of suicide of farmers which we are seeing regularly because of lack of support from government.
    subsidies should be provided to the farmers based upon their socio – economic condition like more subsidy should be given to the poor farmers while the rich farmers can be provided with somewhat less amount of subsidies as they can easily need their needs.this will bring about a balance between the rich and poor farmers..

  16. Shweta Chattopadhyay says:

    What I think is subsidies not be stopped in the agricultural field but should be provided to the farmers based upon their socio-economic condition like more subsidy should be given to the poor farmers while the rich farmers can be provided with somewhat less amount of subsidies as they can easily meet their needs.This will bring about a balance between the rich and poor farmers..

  17. Sanchari Bhattacharya says:

    We cannot think of stopping the agricultural subsidies because India is a developing country where more than 70% population depends on agriculture for its survival. Besides, most of the villagers are poor and illiterate. Subsidies given to them are an aid which reduce their incapability to become self-reliant. Also by giving them subsidies, government can make them satisfied and thus, motivates them to grow more and more so as to fulfill the need of hunger. When farmers get subsidies, they do their agricultural work with comparatively more diligence and thus, we get better produce. So, in our country we should not stop subsidies given to farmers.
    Country where each day farmer’s are committing suicide because of their inability to pay back the loans taken, there is no reason to stop the subsidies, rather, it should be increased. But I feel these days there is a greater need to get rid of the pesticides and fertilizers based farming hence I feel that MORE SUBSIDIES to be given to farmers doing ORGANIC FARMING.

    Obstacles for the farmer.

    1. Indian farmers have less land and are basically illiterate or less educated.
    2. Obstacles to understand and apply the technology.
    3. Government Subsidies don’t reach to themselves as the larger part of the subsidies are theft by the middlemen or bought by the rich farmers.
    4. Gambling is done during monsoon.
    5. The Infrastructure of Storing Crop, like Cold Storage is not available on every area -this is why 30% of Yearly Production of Vegetables in India are rotten.
    Government should take appropriate steps to face these challenges.
    Providing higher rate of subsidies to the marginal farmers and lower rate to the rich farmers.
    Providing appropriate teaching of innovative methods to every farmer.
    Growth of Canal and Tank Irrigation.
    Low Rate Loans and Crop Insurance Facility should be provided.
    The Govt should also inspect the Proper Distribution of Subsidy.
    This is how the Government should meet the challenges and ensure the Farm Productivity.First of all is our government giving subsidy on necessary items what a farmer need. They are giving subsidy on seeds not on fertilizers even they give subsidy for fertilizers they are not readily available 80% goes to black market rest will be distributed to the favorable people. We Indians don’t give value to our farmers try to feel the pain of a farmer, they are still doing agriculture is the reason they love it not they are getting huge profits on it.

    Think what a farmer really needs and support those even a road side hotel person will feed there family with 3 meals a day which is not happening with farmers. Give them some moral support they are not asking all for free they are ready to pay if it is a valuable item which boosts their productivity, they are paying a min. of 250/- Rs to each labor and they are not able to spend 150 for their family. That is the situation of moderate and small farmers in India, still we can’t hear their moaning, media to improve their ratings will go to some farmers, if media is really trying to help farmers Indian farmers will not be in this situation.

    Finally subsidy is just like a smile from a child who expects at least a peppermint and the father saying wait for 5years I will give you a 5star.

  18. Divya Acharya says:

    no agriculture subsidies should not be stopped in india as many farmers are there.

  19. preety kumari says:

    Acc. to my point of view Agricultural subsidies should not be stopped but it should be done in an efficient manner so that the needed farmers or poor farmers who are not financially stable can get these facilities and their situation can be improved. Government should have all the details of farmers and on the basis of that list distribution should be done. They should provide subsidies category wise. Improvement in the agricultural sector is one step towards the development of our country.he condition of farmers in our country is deteriorating day by day. To stabilize the state of farmers’ government need to take some important steps by providing them with enough subsidies. The condition of farmers in our country is deteriorating day by day. To stabilize the state of farmers’ government need to take some important steps by providing them with enough subsidies.

  20. Vivek Singh says:

    as per my opinion Government Should Give Subsidy on Agriculture but Government need to work on The channel to provide Subsidy to farmer. because the Current Channel to serve the Subsidy is not properly reach to Farmers .only 25% is reach to farmer & remaining 75 % Subsidy is Utilized By the Mediates

    Large Percentage of Farmer have less land also illiterate & less Educated ,there are a lot of Obstacles to reach the Subsidy

    the Another benefit of Subsidy is that Subsidy in cash basis which Generate More employment as well as increase Satisfactory level in to the beneficiary & also

    At percent time Agriculture passing from a challenging way that is to providing the Food all the population which is increasing very fast. we have Limited Source( Agriculture Land),that by we need to farming with modern Agriculture technology

    to adopt the Modern technology which is Very Costly for Small & marginal Farmer so they Need Financial(Subsidy) from Government

    Agriculture role in Country GDP is 18% So this is the Big Nos & Also need to Boost in The way of Subsidy

  21. Sumit Manna says:

    I think that agriculture subsidy should not stop. We know food is one of th e fundamental need of human being and it comes through agriculture only. Our farmer is poor they can’t access to adopt technology which can developed our production as well as productivity. I would like to give you example presently urea is available at Rs 5 only. If there won’t be subsidy upon urea it cost comes around Rs 30 rupee. Is it possible for our farmer to apply urea as per recommendation. There are several cases like this. If goverment won’t give subsidy then no one will adopt new technology.

    All farmer will do agriculture with traditional method noone will go for modern agriculture. So how we will get yield to feed all the nation in a condition where day by day land is getting decrease and one AUSTRALIA is adding every year in our population. So it should be given to bring modernization in agriculture, to increase production, to sustain growth.

  22. Niraj Singh says:

    Points to be known:-
    Agricultural subsidies are the financial assistance to farmers through government-sponsored price-support programs.
    Agricultural subsidies are started to reduce the volatility of prices for farm products and to increase, or at least stabilize, farm income.
    In Favor:-
    It’s becoming a burden for government.
    Agricultural subsidies distort free trade, damage the local environment.
    A lot of agricultural subsidies go into corn-based bio-fuels instead of fruits and vegetables. Corn-based bio-fuels are not good for environment and health.
    Subsidizing diesel for agriculture encourages excessive tillage and discourages to improve soil and moisture conservation.
    In Against:-
    60% of Indian economy is from agricultural based industries. So, we should give more importance to agriculture.
    It will be difficult for farmers to keep the total investment for crop. As a result farmers may change their career. It’ll be a biggest disadvantage for India.
    Because of agricultural subsidies, the price of food products will be in control.
    United States and Europe countries have subsidies for agriculture. So, if India stops agricultural subsidies, then there will be a risk of importing under-priced food from these countries.
    Through agricultural subsidies, more numbers of fields will be utilized. So, the Indian economy increases.
    There are so many cases of suicide of farmers which we are seeing regularly because of lack of support from government.
    Agricultural subsidies should not be stopped, because many farmers can’t handle the burden of total investment. It’ll be nice if government provide these subsidies to the farmers, who deserve it not to the rich.

  23. Keshav Bhagat says:

    Agricultural subsidies are the financial assistance to farmers through government-sponsored price-support programs.
    Agricultural subsidies are started to reduce the volatility of prices for farm products and to increase, or at least stabilize, farm income…

    In Favor:-
    It’s becoming a burden for government.
    Agricultural subsidies distort free trade, damage the local environment.
    A lot of agricultural subsidies go into corn-based bio-fuels instead of fruits and vegetables. Corn-based bio-fuels are not good for environment and health.
    Subsidizing diesel for agriculture encourages excessive tillage and discourages to improve soil and moisture conservation….

    In Against:-
    > 60% of Indian economy is from agricultural based industries. So, we should give more importance to agriculture.
    > It will be difficult for farmers to keep the total investment for crop. As a result farmers may change their career. It’ll be a biggest disadvantage for India.
    Because of agricultural subsidies, the price of food products will be in control.
    > United States and Europe countries have subsidies for agriculture. So, if India stops agricultural subsidies, then there will be a risk of importing under-priced food from these countries….

    > There are so many cases of suicide of farmers which we are seeing regularly because of lack of support from government…

    Agricultural subsidies should not be stopped, because many farmers can’t handle the burden of total investment. It’ll be nice if government provide these subsidies to the farmers, who deserve it not to the rich….

  24. abhijeet basak says:

    according to my opinion agriculture should not be stopped because just because of agriculture we can increase the gdp of our this time we can eaisly getting a fruits and other india most of the farmer are illiterate they dont know how to increase the agriculture thats why government take many step to educated the former person so that they increase more and more agriculture. government provide a many type of fertilizers ti very low cost to increase the agriculture.

  25. abhijeet basak says:

    according to my opinion agriculture should not be stopped because just because of agriculture we can increase the gdp of our this time we can eaisly getting a fruits and other india most of the farmer are illiterate they dont know how to increase the agriculture thats why government take many step to educated the former person so that they increase more and more agriculture. government provide a many type of fertilizers ti very low cost to increase the agriculture.according to my opinion agriculture should not be stopped because just because of agriculture we can increase the gdp of our this time we can eaisly getting a fruits and other india most of the farmer are illiterate they dont know how to increase the agriculture thats why government take many step to educated the former person so that they increase more and more agriculture. government provide a many type of fertilizers ti very low cost to increase the agriculture.

  26. Kaushik Kumar says:

    Hello friends,

    According to my opinion agriculture subsidy should not be stopped as our agriculture contribute 15% to our GDP and 60% of total employment beside it we know that our economy is agriculture dependent and beside it 95% of farmer comes under small land holding farmer who are not able to do cultivation without subsidies. We know that agriculture input is crucial thing for cultivation of land and our farmer can not afford that much of costly input.

    I think instead of stopping agriculture subsidy we should focus on.

    Agriculture policy which restrict the produce within the state some state not allow to sell or buying the produce in other state which increase the cost and inflation also along with this.

    To impose levied duty on essential commodities,

    And monopoly condition in procurement of produce (cotton in Maharastra).

    All these factor cause huge cost to farmer and less price for their produce.

    Along with these farmer can not afford the costly fertilizer which is important factor to increase yield also and if govt will not provide subsidy than how farmer can produce and fulfill the consumption need of India.

    • sarmistha says:

      Agricultural subsidies shouldnot be stopped at any cost to the farmers. Because india is agrobased country and more than 60% of people depend on the agriculture.95% of farmer comes under small land holding farmer who are not able to do cultivation without subsidies.We know that agriculture input is crucial thing for cultivation of land and our farmer can not afford that much of costly input. most of the people are below poverty line.Along with these farmer can not afford the costly fertilizer which is important factor to increase yield also and if govt will not provide subsidy than how farmer can produce and fulfill the consumption need of India.they cannot afford good pesticides and other things to prevent their crops from harmful pests.and many farmers suffers from these things and their crops are getting destructed.moreover they cannot provide sufficient irrigation facilities.due to the shortage of money which hampers their productivity.

      Indian farmers have less land and are basically illiterate or less educated.They donot understand these modern technologies and they donot use these modern equipments which increase their some amont of subsidies should be given to the farmers so that productivity should not get hampered.

      and one most important problem in country like india is Government subsidies don’t reach to themselves as the larger part of the subsidies are theft because all higher level officer are cerrupted.It is very big problem of any middle class famaily are not used for any polecy in Government polecy,Because all level polation are used the policy are shell in out side.In case a Government policy are not find out the any simple public,so in this case Government policy is theft.
      The Infrastructure of Storing Crop, like Cold Storage is not available on every area -this is why 30% of Yearly Production of Vegetables in India are rotten..It is true,a Indian Infrastructure are storing crop are not available in more places.Mostly producation of vegetable are sell in low rate.
      Indian farmers are lost in vegetable business,so mostly farmer are not interest in vegetable agriculture.Government should take appropriate steps to face these challenges.
      Providing higher rate of subsidies to the marginal farmers and lower rate to the rich farmers.
      Providing appropriate teaching of innovative methods to every farmer.
      Growth of Canal and Tank Irrigation.
      Low Rate Loans and Crop Insurance Facility should be provided.
      The Govt should also inspect the Proper Distribution of Subsidy.should bring strict laws and there should be strong punishment for the corrupted people.
      This is how the Government should meet the challenges and ensure the Farm Productivity

  27. Siddhant Tripathi says:

    We have an Agro-based economy.. in short it’s only we who feeds the whole world.
    Cutting short of subsidies in the Agricultural sector will drastically affect the whole economy.
    Above 70% of the manpower is engaged in this field.
    The occupation of many would shatter to mud without subsidies. The Indian farmers already have a pitiful state and if anything or any step of this sort is taken then it won’t help.. might create unrest against the government in the minds of the people involved directly or indirectly.

  28. Sakshi Jaiswal says:

    n India agriculture play an important role .because many people depend on agriculture land ,so many people of village are suffering to illiterate .so the main cause of farmer illiterate. and another cause of of agriculture is subsitution .in mostly village sector are depend on agriculture so different occure the gap betbeen poor anr rich people man.Government should take appropriate steps to face these challenges.
    Providing higher rate of subsidies to the marginal farmers and lower rate to the rich farmers.
    Providing appropriate teaching of innovative methods to every farmer.

  29. Bhavna Sharma says:

    We cannot think of stopping the agricultural subsidies because India is a developing country where more than 70% population depends on agriculture for its survival. Besides, most of the villagers are poor and illiterate. Subsidies given to them are an aid which reduce their incapability to become self-reliant. Also by giving them subsidies, government can make them satisfied and thus, motivates them to grow more and more so as to fulfill the need of hunger. When farmers get subsidies, they do their agricultural work with comparatively more diligence and thus, we get better produce. So, in our country we should not stop subsidies given to farmers.In a country where each day farmer’s are committing suicide because of their inability to pay back the loans taken, there is no reason to stop the subsidies, rather, it should be increased. But I feel these days there is a greater need to get rid of the pesticides and fertilizers based farming hence I feel that MORE SUBSIDIES to be given to farmers doing ORGANIC FARMING, the organic produce should have more minimum support price than the pesticides based products.

  30. kaushal agarwal says:

    In my opinion agricultural subsidies should not be stopped. Govt should give subsidies to only the small and marginal farmers who engage in agriculture for subsistence and are really in need of financial assistance to make their ends meet. Many time due to excessive rain or dry summer they faced much loss. And then they are unable to buy seeds. If the govt did not help them by providing the money of their new seeds for next season crops, it will be unable to turn back for them. farmers work only during the non rainy season. Thus it does not provide enough income to the farmers to sustain for the whole year. So at last i would like to said that never ever agricultural subsidies should be stopped.

  31. Mridul Jain says:

    no farmers need money …. they really need then why stop that ……
    govt. has money for all the corruption thing but doesnt have for the real indian

  32. Mridul Jain says:

    no farmers need money …. they really need then why stop that ……
    govt. has money for all the corruption thing but dont have for the real indian…

  33. Achal Rathore says:

    Agriculture is the primary occupation of our country. It is the backbone of India as 70% of our population is engaged in this occupation and whole country is dependent on agriculture whether they are living in urban areas or rural areas for their living.


    – Agricultural subsidies should be stopped as they are not reaching to the poor farmers.
    – There is no use of these subsidies as they make rich farmers more rich and the poor ones poorer.
    – There should be other substitutes for subsidies.
    – Even after providing the subsidies the farmers are abondoning their land and moving to cities. The government should make agriculture an attractive profession.
    – Rather than giving subsidies, the government should help the farmers with a better infrastructure like means of irrigation and getting their produce to the market.
    – One of the reasons for farmers to abandon their lands is that they do not get good cost for their produce. The government should help in better organization of the market so that it becomes accessible to the farmers.


    – Government should provide farmers with more subsidies in order to improve their living conditions.
    – Agriculture is a seasonal occupation i.e. farmers work only during the non rainy season. Thus it does not provide enough income to the farmers to sustain for the whole year.
    – New policies related to subsidies should be made and applied in an efficient manner in order to help the farmers to earn a good income to elevate their standard.
    – The condition of farmers in our country is deteriorating day by day. To stabilize the state of farmers’ government need to take some important steps by providing them with enough subsidies.
    – Subsidies help in strengthening the agricultural sector.
    – Subsidizing helps in tackling food prices and reducing trade deficit as it improves food supply

  34. Shaheen Khan says:

    I m strictly strictly opposing to the banned of agricultural subsidy. Becoze farmers r d backbone of india. Yet all farmers r not completly developed.

  35. Vikas Chaubey says:

    We cannot think of stopping the agricultural subsidies because India is a developing country where more than 70% population depends on agriculture for its survival. Besides, most of the villagers are poor and illiterate. Subsidies given to them are an aid which reduce their incapability to become self-reliant. Also by giving them subsidies, government can make them satisfied and thus, motivates them to grow more and more so as to fulfill the need of hunger. When farmers get subsidies, they do their agricultural work with comparatively more diligence and thus, we get better produce. So, in our country we should not stop subsidies given to farmers.

  36. divya singh says:

    In my opinion agricultural subsidies should not be stopped. In India most of the farmers condition is not well. The profit from their production is not apparently much. Many time due to excessive rain or dry summer they faced much loss. And then they are unable to buy seeds. If the govt did not help them by providing the money of their new seeds for next season crops, it will be unable to turn back for them. Beside providing subsidies govt should also be concerned in the distribution system of crops from farmer to market. When a farmer produces vegetables, that will passed in many hands before market, the farmer can’t directly sell the crops in market, if they could they would profit much, they sell the crops to the local agent with very few profit, then the local agent and through other people the crops finally come into market and then the price is triple higher than the price farmer got. So if govt can stop this and make a way to directly selling in the market for farmers, then the farmers will be really helpful.

  37. Vishakha Bansal says:

    In India approx 60% people has agriculture as their profession. Indian farmers being poor are not in position to buy expensive material for their agriculture lands, Indian government started the scheme of subsidies on the purchase of various agriculture inputs to facilitate the farmers. As we all know agriculture is the back bone of every secondary sector as it provides various raw material, so this part of any country should be strong. Hence agriculture subsidies should not be stopped for over all growth and development.

  38. Ritika says:

    Subsidies help farmers a lot, in India.
    As here farmers are not that financially sound & are dependent on economical help. Providing subsidy helps them in being more productive.
    Agriculture still forms the backbone of India & it makes high contribution to country’s economy. Many exports are also derived out of the agriculture. It is of great vital importance where still many people see it as their primary business.

  39. Kamal Kaswan says:

    I am agree by author that farmer should be provided with subsidies to promote farming and providing a requisite amount of profit to them. In India farming is still primary profession so and new generation regularly moving away due to non profitable nature of farming .

  40. manoj soni says:

    Indian farmers have less land and are basically illiterate or less educated.95% of farmer in our country comes under villages holding small land who are not able to do cultivation without subsidies.& We all know that agriculture input is crucial thing for cultivation of land and our farmer can not afford that much of costly input… It gives employment to many people of India belonging to rural areas. so according to me agriculture should not all banned.. education level is low of our former but they provide him eatable vegetation or these are important to us. our government provide a various plan for farmer develop our life cycle and they improve a life style. our government play a very important roll to his improvement and also they provide a various technique to improve a agriculture. government should try to give more n more information about it through campaign , TV, radio or other means of communication so that they know more and utilize the benefit….

  41. girraj gupta says:

    Indian farmers have less land and are basically illiterate or less educated.
    Many persons are illiterate (95%) holding small land who are not able to do cultivation without subsidies.& We all know that agriculture input is crucial thing for cultivation of land and our farmer can not afford that much of costly input… It gives employment to many people of India belonging to rural areas. so according to me agriculture should not all banned..
    For farmers our government under processed very programs and give many facilities to the farmers and give the loan at as minimum as rates. By which Indian farmers can survive.
    70% of Indian population depend on farmers so they play a very important role.

  42. ankur agarwal says:

    As we know that India is an agricultural country and more than 60% of Indian population depends on agriculture for there livelihood and we also know that the percentage of farmers decreases with the time. So, we have to motivate them by giving them funds and various agricultural facilities. But removing subsidy on agriculture will just increase unemployment and decrease in production.

  43. Nibash Pandey says:

    The Infrastructure of Storing Crop, like Cold Storage is not available on every area ,So in this case is 30% of Yearly Production of Vegetables in India are rotten.It is true,a Indian Infrastructure are storing crop are not available in more places.Mostly producation of vegetable are sell in low rate.
    A Indian farmer are lost in vegetable business,so mostly farmer are not interest in vegetable agriculture.

  44. Manish Kumar says:

    according to me india is most famous country for growing any kind of crop and the amount of crop is more than consume so there are required for storing the extra crop.according to me a number of cold storage are available in all rural area. the storage area must be consist a number of facility like a number of fans are available in storage area all different different type of crop ,vegitable , fruit ,are seprate area in storage
    because for safety point of view all type of view. storage area must be build where easily all type of vehicle are rich and all type facility like elecric water etc must be easily available.

  45. raj kumar sharma says:

    obstacles are part of human being because everyman face obstacles .and fight them to find out solution of the perticular obstacle.many people are fear from the obstacle.but modern time amde a peole to mor powerful .and give power to understand the obstacle and to apply a good technology to solve the obstacles .every people able to itself to solve the his own that is the good approach to understand to his obstacle and solve them.

  46. Nibash Pandey says:

    A Government subsidies don’t reach to themselves as the larger part of the subsidies are theft because all higher level officer are cerrupted.It is very big problem of any middle class famaily are not used for any polecy in Government polecy,Because all level polation are used the policy are shell in out side.In case a Government policy are not find out the any simple public,so in this case Government policy is theft.
    A all politic party are currepted in India ,So all Goverment policey are faild.It is a larger part of subsidies are theft because a all indian people are not interest in Government policy.
    Mostly Indian are depend in agriculture,so mostly people living in village. A village are not fully information are conformed in any Government in case are Government policy are failed.

  47. ritu bais says:

    agriculture subsidies are parts of our people those only living on the agriculture.the most of the people only want to works on the land .and the important point is that if agriculture subsidies are stopped than population is decrese and if no budy work on that then how we will live so its my opinion agriculture should not be stopped.

  48. Manish Kumar says:

    new technology is not obestracle because technology is always helpfull to human being.the new technology are always help to becomes easy to human work and life stander of human so i think each and every person must be learn new technology and apply them.
    this is a time of learn more new technology because this time apply all world accept new technology a implement so in genral life all person must be easily use of new technology .

  49. Rachit Agarwal says:

    for my opinion i have to say that agriculture subsidies is more important for agriculture farmer because we are seeing that many formers are so beggar and they do not have enough money to buy seed to cultivate the agriculture so government could not have to do for farmer.Government have always be favor to local farmer those who are staying in villages and town and so many other rural places and have to think that beggar garmer have less land and less education so that why farmer are less knowledge about it……Government must have to subsidies the agriculture…..

  50. raj kumar sharma says:

    gambling are very powerfull for monson based .suppose in dewali time many people like to play a gambling to time to time .so in india in festval time every people are has no othe work to ,so gambling are very useful to play a gabling in a monson seagon. in india gambling are the done in monson.


    Agricultural Subsidies should not be stopped in my view because people that live in city depend on the new strategy to handle the agricultural subsidies. most of villagers are poor and illtierate so require the provides the education to the my opinion require the work in this field.

  52. ragini jain says:

    well every farmer doesn’t have any good facility get improvement in crops, yes govt. should take appropriate action for subsidy. As i concerned many farmers are not making rich, they don’t have many more space to earn money. They should get more crops for earning money. Farmers should not have money for get educated for their children. so govt should also take quickly for action and also think about that. Govt. should allowed subsidy for farmer.

  53. amit tomar says:

    Unarguably every farmer needs subsidy in present political system.

    Subsidy can be removed provided farmers are given the opportunity to fix price for their products like others in other sectors and are allowed to export their products with out govt intervention.

    We need to understand the whole lot of issues and uncertainties of farming community.

    How many of us go to work when our transportation expenses are more than what we earn?

    How long do we do business when the business is running in to losses?

    But, farmer do not have secondary option.

    Input cost for farming like pesticides, insecticides, nutrients, manure, labor charges, diesel charges, machinery charges like tractor etc. , charges for repairing water pumps all these have increased abnormally. For example male labor charge increased 3. 5x to 4x. In-spite of this availability of labor is not easy in most of the villages.

    On top of this, adequate power is not available for farmers. Low/voltage issues burn motors frequently and transformer issues all these expenses goes from farmers pocket. On top of this bribe for transco guys.

    If these things go well, weather may not support. Some times drought and at times heavy rains and floods.

    Even if every thing goes goes fine and once the product comes to market, minimum support price that is promised to the farmer is not given many times. In the present scenario, even if the farmer gets minimum support price they will run in to losses. And this is the reason why farmers started agitation declaring crop holiday in some parts of the country and some ransacking agri markets.

    People want all the pulses, food grains, milk, meat, eggs at a cheaper price and no one fights for the farmer who feeds billions of mouths.

    If oil companies goes in to losses govt jumps in and increases price more than 10 to 15 times in few years and why not the same for the poor farmer?

    It is true that poor people suffer if food prices go high. This does mean that the farmers have to give subsidized products to all making losses working under hot sun/rain walking between snakes and scorpions. In a way farmer is giving food security to all billionaires and poor workers investing his resources and in turn making loss for what he/she do.

    Moreover, one need to notice that Indian youth are no longer interested in doing farming. Number of youth doing farming are decreasing to a greater extent. None neither the farmers son nor the farm workers son interested nor their parents want their kids to do farming. This explains the scenario. Who is going to feed billions of mouths.

    Most shocking thing is that none of them either from urban or rural areas are not showing interest to elope their daughter to a young farmers even if they are holding 30 acres of land. These guyz and their families are really frustrated as they are cornered in the society.

    All the above factors are forcing people to move out of agriculture. What will happen next. Corporate agriculture? If so, are the corporate going to sell products at a cheaper price? They’ll give millions to those who help them in making things easier by forcing farmers out of this sector. Where do they collect these millions from?

    these all comments are basically based on my personal experience .

  54. raghvendra yagyik says:

    according to my opinion the agriculture subsidies shouldn’t stop.the 95% of farmer comes under small land holding farmer who are not able to do cultivation without subsidies properly. The agriculture input is crucial thing for cultivation of land and our countries farmer can not afford that much of costly in last the agriculture subsidies shouldn’t stopped.

  55. Nibash Pandey says:

    70 to 80 person population are living in village and depand upon farmer.A indian farmer is not a active to education ,it is amostly farmer are less education because mostly farmer are collect in money.It is a big problem of any Indian farmer are not education.
    A indian farmer We cannot think of stopping the agricultural subsidies because India is a developing country where more than 70% population depends on agriculture for its survival. Besides, most of the villagers are poor and illiterate. Subsidies given to them are an aid which reduce their incapability to become self-reliant.

  56. Manish Kumar says:

    The indian farmer are illiterate and not well educated, so he is suffer a lot of problem in self improvement and self family planning. Most of indian farmer are not able to deal own selling crop as well he not able to get information of current market rate so most of time he is not earn actual cost of his crop.
    he is not well able to accept new technology as well as new information so i think at least must be all farmer are get education.

  57. barbara parmar says:

    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    subdies is not stop because india people is not so much money and indian pepple baesd on agricultural it is not stop because maximum people baesd on agriculture for its servive max people belong to village and we can not prefer yo all of cost ,so ti is good.

  58. barbara parmar says:

    subdies is not stop because india people is not so much money and indian pepple baesd on agricultural it is not stop because maximum people baesd on agriculture for its servive max people belong to village and we can not prefer yo all of cost ,so ti is good.

  59. shubhrant chauhan says:

    yes, i think agricultural subsidies is just wastage for the govt because in number of villages no. of farmer is doing this subsidies in a non manner form . i think in the present time every farmer is just capable to full fill their requirement so whenever any govt just give any subsidies to the agriculture then the utilization of that money is not going so properly so according to my opinion it have to be stop or get less according to the requirement

  60. Parag Nikhra says:

    We cannot think of stopping the agricultural subsidies because India is a developing country where more than 70% population depends on agriculture for its survival. Besides, most of the villagers are poor and illiterate. Subsidies given to them are an aid which reduce their incapability to become self-reliant. Also by giving them subsidies, government can make them satisfied and thus, motivates them to grow more and more so as to fulfill the need of hunger. When farmers get subsidies, they do their agricultural work with comparatively more diligence and thus, we get better produce. So, in our country we should not stop subsidies given to farmers.
    Agriculture role in Country GDP is 18% So this is the Big Nos & Also need to Boost in The way of Subsidy

  61. vinayak mishra says:

    i think subcidies should not be stoped in agricultue as it provide lots of income to our goverment .Now a days it is seen that agriculture causes lots of economy to our economy and it ius one of the improving sector which not only serves the farmers but also contributes tyhe economy of our country .Agriculture not only benefitial for farmers but also for the economic growth of the country.By giving subcidies to th e farmers goverment not onlu encouaraging the farmers but they reduces the overlaoad of import. I think goverment should provide more fascilities to the farmers .

  62. Anil Kumar Shakya says:

    If foundation is not furnished well then how can a building perfectly structured. As an agril. Economics student I think that all 3 sectors are vital for economy development and there should be a balance among the growth of these sectors. But according to trends agriculture is still far backward to the other sectors. So obviously its need extra care and nourishment because still more than 60 per cent people live in rural areas and 58 per cent population engaged in agriculture. Subsidy should provide but its channelization should be in a proper manner.

  63. ujjwal23 says:

    A simple answer to this question is a big ‘NO’. In a country where each day farmer’s are committing suicide because of their inability to pay back the loans taken, there is no reason to stop the subsidies, rather, it should be increased. But I feel these days there is a greater need to get rid of the pesticides and fertilizers based farming hence I feel that MORE SUBSIDIES to be given to farmers doing ORGANIC FARMING, the organic produce should have more minimum support price than the pesticides based products.

  64. Ankur Upadhyay says:

    First of all is our government giving subsidy on necessary items what a farmer need. They are giving subsidy on seeds not on fertilizers even they give subsidy for fertilizers they are not readily available 80% goes to black market rest will be distributed to the favorable people. We Indians don’t give value to our farmers try to feel the pain of a farmer, they are still doing agriculture is the reason they love it not they are getting huge profits on it.

    Think what a farmer really needs and support those even a road side hotel person will feed there family with 3 meals a day which is not happening with farmers. Give them some moral support they are not asking all for free they are ready to pay if it is a valuable item which boosts their productivity, they are paying a min. of 250/- Rs to each labor and they are not able to spend 150 for their family. That is the situation of moderate and small farmers in India, still we can’t hear their moaning, media to improve their ratings will go to some farmers, if media is really trying to help farmers Indian farmers will not be in this situation.

    Finally subsidy is just like a smile from a child who expects at least a peppermint and the father saying wait for 5years I will give you a 5star.

  65. Anil Lodhi says:

    My view is agriculture is not stop. Indian economy is depends on agriculture, so the agriculture is the backbone of India. Many villager people depends on agriculture.

  66. nitin gupta says:

    Agriculture subsidies should not be stopped since in INDIA 70% people are living in villages and they are farmers so they contribute the INDIAN economy a high amount of revenue and it contribute 15% of the GDP so they need to give a agriculture subsidies because it give encouragement to the farmers and also it must be handled in a proper way so that the real need of poor farmer are able to get the financial stability it also encourage export of food grains and also Indian farmers have less land so agriculture subsidies is required . in farming farmer requires costly fertilizers so agriculture subsidies is required

  67. Dharmendra Singh says:

    to my mind i don’t think so to stop the subsidy in agriculture because the 100% people of India are depend upon the agriculture. today’s scenario our farmers have inf resource govt. have help them and agriculture contribute in our GDP and economy growth.

  68. anil shakya says:

    according to me agriculture good should be so that because agriculture should be good .This is my openion . agriculture will not become .this is village of people . it have should be agriculture.

  69. Prateeksha Agnihotri says:


  70. Rahul Atri says:

    The Indian farmers which contributes a lot to Indian economy, which was the main occupation of Indians for past century, but these farmers are the people which are always left with a unfair amount of share of their goods. The financial conditions of the farmers are not good. They are mostly found suppressed with a lot of loan to do their work. Even we had seen a lot of suicide commits in India during last few years. So, it is a part of tribute that can be offered to the Indian farmers which loose their life serving the crops for the country.

  71. Pallavi Kaurav says:

    today rape case are common as thief.due to government problem.everybody knows the delhi current rape affair.the damini has died but still rapist are leave why? due to government problem.
    Delhi rape case is a big issue for girls.girls are really not safe today due to dogise rapist.girlls can not feeling well after Delhi rape case because it is very difficult to indian peoples to live without family on to the road.girls are not safe but its not only for girls many of the ladies and babies are also suffering from this is 3rd january and today india is close for delhi rape affected girl called damini.
    government should take strict action against rapist.

  72. Pallavi Kaurav says:

    Delhi rape case is a big issue for girls.girls are really not safe today due to dogise rapist.girlls can not feeling well after Delhi rape case because it is very difficult to indian peoples to live without family on to the road.girls are not safe but its not only for girls many of the ladies and babies are also suffering from this is 3rd january and today india is close for delhi rape affected girl called damini.
    government should take strict action against rapist.

  73. vinay prajapati says:

    strongly oppose to FDI, because we already lost our country by leaving other countries to enter into our India, again we should not leave our mother country. Indians are having good skill. Indians are worth to set up Indian companies similar to Walmart. Even new technologies can be brought by us people also

  74. Anil Rathor says:

    we are already lacking behind in agriculture so if we want any improvement and innovations then Agricultural subsidies shouldn’t be stopped.
    We are agriculture based country so it will we hard to fulfill our own requirements if subsidy is stopped.
    it contributes 60% of GDP and it is the field with highest employment ratio than others.
    if the people ,feeding the population of country then who will come to this field as our farmers are not that good at capital investment.

  75. neet ahuja says:

    I do not believe stopping subsidy on agriculture is a good idea since it is not only the source of survival for many but also it is a major factor of our GDP. Subsidy would definitely help farmers to grow and thus our country will improve.

  76. piyoosh karkhur says:

    Agriculture subsides should not be stopped but must be handled in a proper way so that the real needy n poor farmer are able to get the financial stability because a wide part of Indian economy depend upon agriculture,,,,95% of farmer in our country comes under villages holding small land who are not able to do cultivation without subsidies.& We all know that agriculture input is crucial thing for cultivation of land and our farmer can not afford that much of costly input… It gives employment to many people of India belonging to rural areas. so according to me agriculture should not all banned.

  77. Pallavi Kaurav says:

    Agricultural Subsidies should not be stopped in my opinion because it will effect the common man in a negative way with increase in cost of daily necessities. I agree that the government should deal with the obstacles farmers in India are facing.We cannot think of stopping the agricultural subsidies because India is a developing country where more than 70% population depends on agriculture for its survival. Besides, most of the villagers are poor and illiterate. Subsidies given to them are an aid which reduce their incapability to become self-reliant. Also by giving them subsidies, government can make them satisfied and thus, motivates them to grow more and more so as to fulfill the need of hunger. When farmers get subsidies, they do their agricultural work with comparatively more diligence and thus, we get better produce. So, in our country we should not stop subsidies given to farmers.We all know that agriculture input is crucial thing for cultivation of land and our farmer can not afford that much of costly input… It gives employment to many people of India belonging to rural areas. so according to me agriculture should not all banned..

  78. Vaibhav Sharma says:

    stopping of the subsidy create an rise in the price of food product which effect not only common people but also business person. it directly effect on inflation of the food product which is high almost 7 % on the scale. if government will stop the subsidy which create more difference on the production of any kind of the crops.

    but i am not in the favor of providing full subsidy to the farmers there is one solution by creating the list of farmers who is richer and who’s yearly budget were more than certain value that list not only lowered the burden on government but also helpful for th price regulation. thus there are following solution and my view point is by providing subsidy only those farmers who deserve it not all of them who were not deserve.

  79. mahima sharma says:

    The simple answer to this question is a big ‘NO’. In a country where each day farmer’s are committing suicide because of their inability to pay back the loans taken, there is no reason to stop the subsidies, rather, it should be increased. But I feel these days there is a greater need to get rid of the pesticides and fertilizers based farming hence I feel that MORE SUBSIDIES to be given to farmers doing ORGANIC FARMING, the organic produce should have more minimum support price than the pesticides based produce.
    We cannot even think of stopping the agricultural subsidies because India is a developing country where more than 70% population depends on agriculture for its survival. Besides, most of the villagers are poor and illiterate. If Subsidies are stopped the common man will suffer a lot specially our vilagers will suffer the most becuse they are not capable to aford the cultivation without the susidies provided to tehm by government. subsidies given to them are an aid which reduce their incapability to become self-reliant. Also by giving them subsidies, government can make them satisfied and thus, motivates them to grow more and more so as to fulfill the need of hunger. When farmers get subsidies, they do their agricultural work with comparatively more efectively and properly and thus, we get better produce. So, in our country we should not stop subsidies given to farmers.
    By doing this government increase their moral and they take more interest in agriculture as its a good source of income for them. And also it directly helps our economy and we are able to keep your resource safe.

  80. sonu rathore says:

    AS THE TOPIC SAY THAT Should Agricultural Subsidies be stopped?
    so according to my view that the big mistake if agriculture subsidies be stopped then
    70% of our indian people are farmers so if the landing agriculture subsidies be stopped then our 70% people be without their home and their economy is0ZC83

  81. mriganka mahour says:

    agriculture subsidies should be provided to the farmers. because if the government provides subsidies to the farmers then they can grow crops. then can grow much crops. and due to growing much crops then then grains are provide much more. due to much more grow of grains their will be decrease in inflation. it can some load on government but government of India can bear this load. because due to some increment in the crops their will be increment in money. if government provide low price seeds to the farmers then can increase the grains. after that their can be decrement in inflation. then the rate of any product can be decreases. then it will sell will be more. it will have many benefits of every person.

  82. sonu rathore says:

    AS THE TOPIC SAY THAT Should Agricultural Subsidies be stopped?
    so according to my view that the big mistake if agriculture subsidies be stopped then
    70% of our indian people are farmers so if the landing agriculture subsidies be stopped then our 70% people be without their home and their economy is0

  83. Shubham Gupta says:

    60-70 % Indian population are living in villages and most of them depend upon farming for their survival…that’s why subsidy from government will help them for more and more number of production.if the agriculture subsidy is remove than farmer is not that much finacially good for agriculture farming .so i think that In place of removing subsidy , government should try to give more n more information about it through campaign , tv, radio or other means of communication so that they know more and utilize the benefit of it.

  84. anoop soni says:

    Agricultural Subsidies should not be stopped , because every one know that 68% of farmers family depends on the agriculture, if they stopped field work, there are 95% of people do not know ,how to prepare food without rice wheat or the eatable think.. government should pass load to budget 2012-13 government invest 45 million dollar in army but 2000 core form farmer departmental fund.

  85. sonu rathore says:

    As the topic says that Should Agricultural Subsidies be stopped? so my view is that no
    because the70% economydia is from aggricultural field so for the main purpose of money Agricultural Subsidies not be stopped.

  86. vinay prajapati says:

    Agriculture subsidies should not at all banned because our country India is the land of agriculture and most of the employment are from that sectors only. Rather it should be encouraged so that gap between rich and poor gets reduced.

  87. Anand Shakya says:

    my opinion is that farmer are less educated but it is our country ribbe.
    so I agree that the govenment should deal with the obstacles farmers in India are facing.
    Agricultural Subsidies should not be stopped in my opinion because it will effect the common man in a negative way with increase in cost of daily necesities.

  88. shailendra singh sikarwar says:

    many people lived in village in our country who are not to do cultivation without subsidies. Agricultural Subsidies should not be stopped in my opinion because it will effect the common man in a negative way with increase in cost of daily necesities. No, certainly not because India is an agricultural country where the prime occupation of a large group of people is agriculture and in this Price booming time.

  89. yashram sharma says:

    No, certainly not because India is an agricultural country where the prime occupation of a large group of people is agriculture 60-70 % Indian population are living in villages and most of them depend upon farming for their survival…that’s why subsidy from government will help them for more and more number of production. because it will effect the common man in a negative way with increase in cost of daily necesities. I agree that the govenment should deal with the obstacles farmers in India are facing.

  90. mriganka mahour says:

    Delhi rape case can be considered as rarest of rape case. In this case the girl and her friend was traveling in a private bus. but unfortunately the incident happened with them. the girl was raped by the six peoples and after that she was injured by the metal rod. she was die on 29th December. after suffers from 13 days of opinion is she deserve justice. not only she,even very girl deserve justice. it is shame full of our law that it is not care the girl on that country where girl are called goddess. the laws are for not only for citizens eve for the criminals. the rapist should be hanged to death. many peoples think it is the mistake of girl, but it is not always true. the girls of India has equal rights to travel any where.

  91. Ankur Jalwankar says:

    If foundation is not furnished well then how can a building perfectly structured. As an agril. Economics student I think that all 3 sectors are vital for economy development and there should be a balance among the growth of these sectors. But according to trends agriculture is still far backward to the other sectors. So obviously its need extra care and nourishment because still more than 60 per cent people live in rural areas and 58 per cent population engaged in agriculture. Subsidy should provide but its channelization should be in a proper manner.we get better produce so in our country we should not stop subsidies given to farmars.

  92. govind rathore says:

    Agricultural subsidies should not be stopped, the reason is that many farmers can not handle the burden of total investment. It will be good if government provide these subsidies to the farmers. Agricultural subsidies are the financial support to farmers through government.Government sponsor price-support programs.Agricultural subsidies reduce the prices for farm products and to increase, or at least stabilize, farm income.

  93. Kunal Sahu says:

    70% depends on agriculture for its survival … most vilager are poor when farmer get subsides.
    in our country. we should not stop subsides given to farmer

  94. manish kamariya says:

    According to my opinion agriculture subsidy should not be stopped as our agriculture contribute 15% to our GDP and 60% of total employment beside it we know that our economy is agriculture dependent and beside it 95% of farmer comes under small land holding farmer who are not able to do cultivation without subsidies. We know that agriculture input is crucial thing for cultivation of land and our farmer can not afford that much of costly input.

    I think instead of stopping agriculture subsidy we should focus on.

    Agriculture policy which restrict the produce within the state some state not allow to sell or buying the produce in other state which increase the cost and inflation also along with this.

    To impose levied duty on essential commodities,

    And monopoly condition in procurement of produce (cotton in Maharastra).

    All these factor cause huge cost to farmer and less price for their produce.

    Along with these farmer can not afford the costly fertilizer which is important factor to increase yield also and if govt will not provide subsidy than how farmer can produce and fulfill the consumption need of India.

    Obstacles for the farmer.

    1. Indian farmers have less land and are basically illiterate or less educated.
    2. Obstacles to understand and apply the technology.
    3. Government Subsidies don’t reach to themselves as the larger part of the subsidies are theft by the middlemen or bought by the rich farmers.
    4. Gambling is done during monsoon.
    5. The Infrastructure of Storing Crop, like Cold Storage is not available on every area -this is why 30% of Yearly Production of Vegetables in India are rotten.

    Government should take appropriate steps to face these challenges.
    Providing higher rate of subsidies to the marginal farmers and lower rate to the rich farmers.
    Providing appropriate teaching of innovative methods to every farmer.
    Growth of Canal and Tank Irrigation.
    Low Rate Loans and Crop Insurance Facility should be provided.
    The Govt should also inspect the Proper Distribution of Subsidy.
    This is how the Government should meet the challenges and ensure the Farm Productivity.
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  95. Abhishek Garg says:

    According to my opinion Agricultural Subsidies should not be stopped because already farmers condition are very bad and most of the schemes can not be reach to the farmers so they suffer in critical condition. so according to me we have to support to farmers and subsides should not be stopped.

  96. neerja mudgal says:

    I seem Agricultural Subsidies shouldn’t be bannaed.
    60-70 % Indian population are living in villages and most of them depend upon farming for their survival…that’s why subsidy from government will help them for more and more number of production. In place of removing subsidy , government should try to give more n more information about it through campaign , tv, radio or other means of communication so that they know more and utilize the benefit of it.
    beacause dearness increasing day by day farmar poor if they pursase in that wheat is costly so that every thing is costly. that’s by food is very cheap so that nutriasion problem decrease .

  97. kartik jain says:

    Along with these farmer can not afford the costly fertilizer which is important factor to increase yield also and if govt will not provide subsidy than how farmer can produce and fulfill the consumption need of India.Besides, most of the villagers are poor and illiterate. Subsidies given to them are an aid which reduce their incapability to become self-reliant. Also by giving them subsidies, government can make them satisfied and thus, motivates them to grow more and more so as to fulfill the need of hunger. When farmers get subsidies, they do their agricultural work with comparatively more diligence and thus, we get better produce. 95% of farmer in our country comes under villages holding small land who are not able to do cultivation without subsidies.& We all know that agriculture input is crucial thing for cultivation of land and our farmer can not afford that much of costly input… It gives employment to many people of India belonging to rural i think it should not be bannedbecause all farmers depend on it….

  98. Amit Rathore says:

    My interpretation about this is that no ,subsidies should not be stopped, because if whether are changes and harvest can go ruined then there is not a problem of farmer and it gives harm to farmer and they have to suffer financially ,economically and domestically too. Sometimes Government Subsidies don’t reach to themselves as the larger part of the subsidies are theft by the middlemen or bought by the rich farmers.
    As we know that most of the portion of land belongs to villages and vegetables came from there.
    Now a days fields are converted in to roads and buildings and factories so we should give farmers subsidies and encourage them so that so we should not face the problem of hunger crisis…

  99. Parag Lakhwani says:

    According to my opinion agriculture subsidy should not be stopped as Indian agriculture contribute 60% of total employment also it is known that our economy which is the 10th most fastly growing economy of the world depends upon agriculture and also as if the subsidy will stopped then the farmers will require more money to buy agriculture product and sell them at higher rate to distributors which will cause price rise and also lowers the GDP because the farmers need to spend more money to cultivate crop they will produce less product that automatically leads decrease in economy rate.and the 40% of the population which is not in the field of will directly get affected by purchasing agricultural products at high rate.

  100. Dhanshree Ketkar says:

    Agriculture subsidies should never be banned as about 60% of our country’s population lives in villages and most of them depends on agriculture for their employment, If subsidies are banned then farmers will not be able to but fertilizers, water, agricultural tools etc. on lower rates.Due of this farmers will migrate from rural area to urban area which will lead to lack of crops.

    Also, this will indirectly effect the common man as it will increase the cost of raw food which will lead to increase in other eatables.

  101. vipin chaturvedi says:

    agriculture subsidies should not be stopped because in india 60%-70% of farmers are not are not able to purchase seeds,fartilizers and irrigation i think govt. should give agriculture subsidies to those farmers who are financially weak. so that they can servive and earn some profit.

  102. Vinay Punjabi says:

    according to me subsidies should be given to farmers bcoz many times in the whole year there are many ups and downs in the climate which may or may not be favourable for the crops, so they have to bear the risk of there investment, this is one of the reasons, another reason is that if subsidies are not given then instead of making profit they will suffer loss which may lead there family to move in the cities for searching another way of earning money.

  103. Ankita Gupta says:

    According to my view, It should not be stopped because many people ‘life depends on the agricultural activity,if this is stopped then they can not be survive.

  104. Manoj Tyagi says:

    stopping subsidy will directly affect the cultivation of agriculture as the years passing the inflation rate is
    continuously growing and also the prices of the cultivation products also hiking and since also 90% of the farmers of our country come under below poverty line.. so the subsidies really help them atleast to grow the crops….if it would stop the food for also 30% of the population which are farmers.

    70% GDP depend of agriculture…so it will also get affect..
    Instead of this government should implement some more agriculture policies..that could innovate the farmers to cultivate.

  105. Parag Lakhwani says:

    According to my opinion agriculture subsidy should not be stopped as Indian agriculture contribute 60% of total employment also it is known that our economy which is the 10th most fastly growing economy of the world depends upon agriculture and also as if the subsidy will stopped then the farme s will require more money to buy agriculture product and sell them at higher rate to distributers which will cause price rise and also lowers the gdp because the farmers need to spend more money to cultivate crop they will produce less product that automatically leads decrease in economy rate.and the 40% of the population which is not in the field of will directly get affected by purchasing agricultural products at high rate.

  106. komal sharma says:

    Subsidies on agriculture is huge loss to our economy. A major part from our economy depends upon agriculture . As India is a very fertile land and agriculture is a gem of it. India is basically known for its land and tax or subsidies on such things is a huge demented to our country. FDI is already entered in our society so taking from our own land is not at all beneficial. Increasing the rates will directly effect our common man.

  107. Prerana Gupta says:

    According to me agriculture subsidies should be banned as our country has an agricultural background so its economy is generally based on agriculture so if we put subsidies then it will ovrtax the farmers as they have to produce lot and get a little amount which is going to burden their lives which in turn going to affect our economy.

  108. chanchal sharmaa says:

    no susidies on agriculture cant we stopped it is the major sector of economy of our country ………farmer having susidies can perform well in agriculture field which will produce more and more food grains for us that is very critical elemnet to live……….because as far as finacial condition of farmer are concerne is not actually good so to help them is very necessary ….so susidies should be provided to them

  109. Richa Tiwari says:

    As far as my views are concerned i think agriculture subsidi y should not be done in developing countries like INDIA because we know that in INDIA is a farmer based country there are so many farmers in our country if the subsididy should be done in In agriculre THAN how can they survieve if the y cant survive than whole INDIA haS to suffer. For developpment government shoiuld focus on Agriculture field and it should be subsidised.

  110. Pratima Mahajan says:

    I think agricutural subsidies should not be stopped because all the peoples who lives in villages are depend on the agriculture,farming etc..And that subsidies helps to them for producing or developing the agriculture…they do better cultivation and produce good crops..thats the reason ,,,subsidies should not be stopped in our country..

  111. Sourabh MIshra says:

    India is known as rice bowl of the world. Its the Second highest producer of rice in the world.About 70% of the population is employed in farming.

    We cannot think of stopping the agricultural subsidies because India is a developing country. If its stop then all the economy of India would be at the risk of drain. Most people do farming as there primary occupation. They survive on the little profit what they earn through it.
    Subsidies given to them are an aid which reduce their incapability to become self-reliant. Also by giving them subsidies, government can make them satisfied and thus it motivates them to grow more and more so as to fulfill the need of hunger,shelter etc. Giving Subsidies make a helping hand in there earing and provide them with basic necessities of life.
    When farmers get subsidies, they do their agricultural work with comparatively more diligence and thus, we get better produce.

    So, in our country we should not stop subsidies given to farmers or there will be lots of unemployment in the country and it will lead to economic crisis. Instead in my opinion they should be made literate enough so they could earn more money by using different fertilizer which would prove their living standard , automatically improve standard of India.

  112. Prakhar Maheshwari says:

    In India, approx. 58 % of our population relies on agriculture for there daily bread.Most of this population lives below poverty line.This itself signifies the amount of penetration of agriculture and result if subsidies are removed.
    Despite such a huge population it`s contribution to our GDP is about 17%.Thus looking in economic terms it seems viable to abolish subsidy system.But going on amount of people affected is huge,it cannot be.
    Following points need to be mulled:
    Almost 70% of agricultural fields are still rain fed.This means in case of of scarcity of rainfall, it would become impossible for farmers to earn there bread.
    It is a fact that most farmers get only a fraction of the amount at which crop is being sold in market.For instance, if some vegetable is sold in market for Rs.20/kg, farmer is paid about 4/kg, this makes it impossible for him to survive.Same was evident when Punjab farmers had to throw potatoes because of not bring able to get even invested amount.

    Thus subsidy cannot be removed until we create a system where farmer isn`t exploited by middle men, have proper education for crop.

  113. Radha Kumhar says:

    when farmer get subsides,they their aggriculture work with camparatively more diligenceb and thus.
    80-90% Indian population are living in villages and most of them depend upon farming for their survival…that’s why subsidies from government will help them for more number of production.
    agree that the govenment should deal with the obstacles farmers in India are facing.

  114. Pushpendra Rawat says:

    India is a developing country and the large number of population depends on agriculture.
    subsidies should not stop on agriculture because farming is the base of our country .
    In the field of farming there is no monthly salary for the farmer,already they had paid lots of taxs
    in the market in the form of salling his goods.
    If there is no subsidies for the agriculture person they get lots of burden on it.Every farmer is not a
    rich.Goverment should provide the subsidies for it.

  115. tapan sharma says:

    According to me agricultural subsidies should not be stopped as this subsidy is the only hope for our Indian farmers, which is provided in the electricity bills, water irrigation costs, media services and also in other fields. Due to the inflation in India, subsidies is keeping farmers alive otherwise they would strive to live in their own home. Also these are those farmers which contribute majorly in the GDP of India. Therefore we should uplift the Indian farmers and also the subsidies provided to them.

  116. Ankit Gupta says:

    As above said that,agriculture subsidy should not be banned because are agriculture contribute 15% to our GDP & 60% to our total employment,as we know that our economy is agriculture dependent.
    Govt should provide more subsidy to those farmers ,not able to cultivation rather than rich farmers.
    If subsidy will not be given,then our agriculture activity will be affected and thus the common man.

  117. Gaurav Agrawal says:

    subsidy in Agricultural must for indion economy because of our market and socity fully depended on Agricultural .here more and more live below the poverty line so their life responsibilty of is that they fullfilled the basic required of humenbeing. here more people are old and not capable of earning .here is true that due to subsidy gov. has lot of burden in economy but indan knew all the world for its civilization that show our we should handel the subsidy distrubution in proper manners thtswhy more more usable people take advantage of subsidy and reduces the black marketing etc .

  118. Pallavi Panday says:

    I think instead of stopping agriculture subsidy we should focus on. Along with these farmer can not afford the costly fertilizer which is important factor to increase yield also and if govt will not provide subsidy than how farmer can produce and fulfill the consumption need of India. Agriculture policy which restrict the produce within the state some state not allow to sell or buying the produce in other state which increase the cost and inflation also along with this. So never stopped the agriculture subsidies.
    Obstacles for the farmer.
    1. Indian farmers have less land and are basically illiterate or less educated.
    2. Obstacles to understand and apply the technology.
    3. Government Subsidies don’t reach to themselves as the larger part of the subsidies are theft by the middlemen or bought by the rich farmers.
    4. Gambling is done during monsoon.

  119. ankit agarwal says:

    agriculture subsidy should not be stopped because in india 50% population lived in village and they spend there life below poverty line .our agriculture depend on the metro-logical conditions. at so ma
    -ny place water supply is the big challenge for the government . Farmers are facing so many problem
    about the raw material for farming. until uk-Government providing 10,000 million rupees every day
    so it a question we provide or not ????pp..

  120. RINKU SHARMA says:

    According to my opinion agriculture should we increase because , India is a agriculture country ,in India apprx. 70% populatin depend on it. Goverment should take action to increase agriculture , govt. should avear to farmer about who agriculture should increase and which type of forming they can do ,so that
    it can get good quality of production and get high price . farmer should no about market . So we can increase our country in this field

  121. Namrata Saxena says:

    Agriculture subsides should not be stop from my opinion because in India there is more than 70% population belongs to agriculture. there main resource of earning is farming. so i think behalf of stopping the subsides we has to manage it properly .they fulfilled their basic the problem will solved.each and every farmer get there subsides so they use that for there agriculture.
    result of this increment of Indian growth and economy.and also the poverty in india should decreases.

  122. mumuksha gupta says:

    Yes, I do agree with all the aspects that are mentioned over here. We cannot deny the fact that India is an Agricultural based country and the big main part of India’s population come under this sector. Our economy is highly dependent on agriculture. So we must think over it that How we can improve the conditions which creates problem in getting the efficient results by this Farming occupation. Some people believe that this farming is the main factor that India is the developing country yet, the main reason is Government Subsidies don’t reach to themselves as the larger part of the subsidies are theft by the middlemen or bought by the rich farmers. So, Government must focus over this factor & it must release some excellent ways to handle this situations by getting effective ideas from countries which are developed ones.

  123. udit jain says:

    According to my view , 70% population of india are lived in villages. Agariculture are most important thing for their people. For the input of the argiculture, subsidies are most effective thing because most of the villagers are poor and illiterate. Subsidies given to them are an aid which reduce their incapability to become self-reliant. Also by giving them subsidies, government can make them satisfied.

    My opinion goes with argiculture subsidies should not stopped because farmer require some subsidies for it.

  124. vijay rathore says:

    according to my opinion agriculture should not be stopped because just because of agriculture we can increase the gdp of our this time we can eaisly getting a fruits and other india most of the farmer are illiterate they dont know how to increase the agriculture thats why government take many step to educated the former person so that they increase more and more agriculture. government provide a many type of fertilizers ti very low cost to increase the agriculture.
    agriculture should be neccesary for all over india because it contribute 15 % to our gdp and with the help0 of agriculture we reduce the unemployment

  125. deepak prajapati says:

    I think agriculture subsides should not stopped, because india is called the country of village. Mostly people are living in village and agriculture is the primary source income. so govt. should provide better poleciy to farmer, so that they can arrange or purchage required instrument for better turn over.
    Govt should provide low Intrest loan and flood recovery provided. so that poor people can manage their family.

  126. Deepak Bhargava says:

    agricultural subsidies should not be stopped because there is a large no of people who lives in the rural areas most of them depend on agriculture and pharmacy.For ex when it comes to farmers they have good knowledge regarding agriculture they can give better services in the field of agriculture.some people are there who can work only in the field of agriculture they dont have knowledge beside agriculture so if it is stopped they will become unemployed zz.

  127. anshul gupta says:

    According to me, govt. should increase the subsidies rate of poor farmers because now a time there is so much inflation in education, food , and many other things of our life which are essential. And subsidies rate of rich persons should decrease because they have much money than the required . Because now a days poor becomes poorer and richer becomes richrer.

  128. Arpan Tripathi says:

    in my openion Agriculture subsides should not be stopped but must be handled in a proper way so that the real needy n poor farmer are able to get the financial stability because a wide part of Indian economy depend upon agriculture,,,,there fore it must need to be handle in a proper way …it will help to increase our econmy

  129. Anjali Jain says:

    Agricultural Subsidies should not be stopped because it will good for farmer that’s why they can easily grow their yield if subsidies will not be given then agricultural and farmer will be affected and they will not give the proper good yields.there are many people who live in village and that people totally depend on government for their food and shelter .they can get these thing if subsidies given to farmers. it will good for farmer as well as our country and we will get every thing related to fields. it will also helpful for low cost food. so everyone can get every type of food.growth of farmer leads to economies and economies leads growth of India.

  130. Vaishakh Walambe says:

    “No. Subsidies should not be stopped as farmers in this country are the backbone of every country”. In India it is crucial as
    -Growth of farmers leads to growth of exporting as well our needs to meets import perishable goods from other country.
    -It will help in low cost food.
    – checking inflation of food items.
    -better business opportunity.
    -Growth of farmers will lead to better quality of life and in down the road if they have good market they may not require subsidies.

  131. Arpan Tripathi says:

    in my openion agricultural susidies should not be stopped but it must be handeled in a proper way so that really needed poor farmers are able to get the financial stability because a wide part of indian econmy depend on agriculture ,there fore it must be handled in a proper way ….

  132. Vadivarasan SS says:

    We cannot think of stopping the agricultural subsidies because India is a developing country where more than 70% population depends on agriculture for its survival. Besides, most of the villagers are poor and illiterate. Subsidies given to them are an aid which reduce their incapability to become self-reliant. Also by giving them subsidies, government can make them satisfied and thus, motivates them to grow more and more so as to fulfill the need of hunger. When farmers get subsidies, they do their agricultural work with comparatively more diligence and thus, we get better produce. So, in our country we should not stop subsidies given to farmers

    • Ruchi Tiwari says:

      Agriculture subsidies are the subsidies given to the farmers and agriculture based businesses to manage, build the agriculture based enterprise.
      as we know that agriculture constitute about 70% of Indian GDP, a large number of people are dependent on agriculture for their survival.
      ndia’s vast subsidies have been severely criticised by the World Bank as increasing economic inefficiency but it does not consider that it contributes about 40% to its GDP.
      As the agriculture of India is mainly dependent on monsoons is greatly affected by flood and drought conditions in this case the only hope for farmers is the subsidies and various plans of government to help those poor farmers that have very less lands and can’t afford to spend on seeds and fertilizers.
      with the upcoming NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY BILL the availability of food grains should be must so that we have not to import it from other countries in that case agriculture subsidies must be given to the people of India.

  133. Jagriti Singh says:

    Agricultural Subsidies should not be stopped in my opinion because it will effect the common man in a negative way with increase in cost of daily necesities. I agree that the govenment should deal with the obstacles farmers in India are facing.

  134. sakshi chaudhary says:

    Agriculture subsides should not be stopped but must be handled in a proper way so that the real needy n poor farmer are able to get the financial stability because a wide part of Indian economy depend upon agriculture,,,,

  135. Mankeshwar Tripathi says:

    No, certainly not because India is an agricultural country where the prime occupation of a large group of people is agriculture and in this Price booming time, if subsidies will not be given then Agricultural activities will be affected and thus the Common Man.

  136. Arpita Sardar says:

    95% of farmer in our country comes under villages holding small land who are not able to do cultivation without subsidies.& We all know that agriculture input is crucial thing for cultivation of land and our farmer can not afford that much of costly input… It gives employment to many people of India belonging to rural areas. so according to me agriculture should not all banned..

    • ritu bais says:

      farmer should be extra knowlede of the subdies because we know that ,the farmer who living in the village they don’t know about the subsidies and their is some people are eletrate .they do not know about the methods of farming but they lives in the small viledeges and the way of their living is only farming so they should aware to the farming.the goverment shiuld provides the teching metod .these method provides the way for their work and they will easily live their life.because they have money problems more than to the cities teching of method is very importent foe the farmer.

    • ritu bais says:

      farmer should be extra knowlede of the subdies because we know that ,the farmer who living in the village they don’t know about the subsidies and their is some people are eletrate .they do not know about the methods of farming but they lives in the small viledeges and the way of their living is only farming so they should aware to the farming.the goverment shiuld provides the teching metod .these method provides the way of their grow so it’s important.

  137. Huma fatima says:

    The occupation which is feeding the entire nation should never be aborted from being a subsidy..We are not paying proper attention towards it …

  138. Pallavi sinha says:

    60-70 % Indian population are living in villages and most of them depend upon farming for their survival…that’s why subsidy from government will help them for more and more number of production. In place of removing subsidy , government should try to give more n more information about it through campaign , tv, radio or other means of communication so that they know more and utilize the benefit of it.

  139. Shilpa Ranjan says:

    My opinion for the given statement is no.It should not be stopped because agriculture being the most important part as it utilizes our mother land and provides us crops and grains. & also the major importance is it gives employment to many people of India belonging to rural areas.

  140. patlakshi says:

    Agriculture subsidies should not at all banned because our country India is the land of agriculture and most of the employment are from that sectors only. Rather it should be encouraged so that gap between rich and poor gets reduced.

    • raj kumar sharma says:

      in India agriculture play an important role .because many people depend on agriculture land ,so many people of village are suffering to illiterate .so the main cause of farmer illiterate. and another cause of of agriculture is subsitution .in mostly village sector are depend on agriculture so different occure the gap betbeen poor anr rich people man.Government should take appropriate steps to face these challenges.
      Providing higher rate of subsidies to the marginal farmers and lower rate to the rich farmers.
      Providing appropriate teaching of innovative methods to every farmer.

      • raj kumar sharma says:

        n India agriculture play an important role .because many people depend on agriculture land ,so many people of village are suffering to illiterate .so the main cause of farmer illiterate. and another cause of of agriculture is subsitution .in mostly village sector are depend on agriculture so different occure the gap betbeen poor anr rich people man.Government should take appropriate steps to face these challenges.
        Providing higher rate of subsidies to the marginal farmers and lower rate to the rich farmers.
        Providing appropriate teaching of innovative methods to every farmer.

    • Ronak Garg says:

      I don’t think there is any need of stopping the subsidy provided to the farmers. Even subsidies should be increased in order to help them because this is the segment of society which is most affected on the change of economy.
      Various pre measures can be taken by government so that farmers doesn’t need any subsidy like-
      1. Integrating all the small land owned farmers to increase productivity.
      2. Provide better and efficient irrigation methods in areas where there is scarcity of water.
      3. Efficient deployment of various plans built by government.

    • Sougata Bhattacharya says:

      Agricultural subsidies are the financial assistance to farmers through government-sponsored price-support programs. Agricultural subsidies are started to reduce the volatility of prices for farm products and to increase, or at least stabilize, farm income. it’s becoming a burden for government.
      Agricultural subsidies distort free trade, damage the local environment.
      A lot of agricultural subsidies go into corn-based bio-fuels instead of fruits and vegetables. Corn-based bio-fuels are not good for environment and health.
      Subsidizing diesel for agriculture encourages excessive tillage and discourages to improve soil and moisture conservation.
      60% of Indian economy is from agricultural based industries. So, we should give more importance to agriculture. It will be difficult for farmers to keep the total investment for crop. As a result farmers may change their career. It’ll be a biggest disadvantage for India. Because of agricultural subsidies, the price of food products will be in control. United States and Europe countries have subsidies for agriculture. So, if India stops agricultural subsidies, then there will be a risk of importing under-priced food from these countries. Through agricultural subsidies, more numbers of fields will be utilized. So, the Indian economy increases. There are so many cases of suicide of farmers which we are seeing regularly because of lack of support from government.

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