social networking sites is good or bad
social networking sites is good or bad has been topic of altercation among parents and children since about a decade , if not a decade then at least 7-8 years , It started probably with Orkut and currently Facebook is at top with g+ , linkedin , twitter and many more with there own utility level.
You can have a look at more information on advantages and disadvantage of Social Networking Sites. The merits and demerits are discussed in a previous post.
People remains connected to their near and dear ones all the times through social media sites as gone are the days of talking with affection , now people do not want to be more close or affectionate , so they have come with new theory where you have not to face some on face to face rather on face book hahaha. They can easily communicate with them anytime they want to do. With offline messages like scraps and offline chat messages they can easily leave a message to their near and dear ones, asking about their welfare or having an informal chat of any
It’s good, clean fun. Now fun with cricket bat and ball in cricket ground which use to start by 4pm is over , now one does not neet 500 sq mt area for enjoying cricket , all you need is an application on your social networking sites on top of all these games like farmville have take place of farmers hashah Whether you want to look up your BFF from second grade or spy on your freshman-year crush, there’s something incredibly fun and appealing about reconnecting with people. Nope, I have not sent a friend request to my ex-boyfriends, nor do I plan to, but I did r
Social networking has enabled us today to climb the mountains of connectivity with minimal cost (just the internet access charges). Most of the online services like chatting, emailing etc are totally free.
Social media is meant for the masses. Anyone and everyone can use the platform.
Social causes are promoted through various communities and groups in the websites and this type of awareness can create magic.
Social media is helping business organisations know and understand their customers better and defiantly its doing an incredible job , now marketers get to know before we even plan to buy. By the time i search for any article i get an advertisement in front of me Great marketing. The rewards of this intimate customer engagement, access and dialogue are increased brand relationships and loyalty.
Social media is contributing to more jobs. Increasingly, employers are posting waves of jobs with “social media” in the title to fill an enormous demand for individuals who can utilize these web-based networks to a company’s benefit.
Face book is good for kids or not although I am no one to decide as different sections have different argument , while kids enjoy remaining connected with friends , parents complain that kids are not giving time to parents, because you can talk to your friends and family and you can play games, have fun and be yourself. If your parents are to protective just talk to them about it and say that u will only be friends with people you know and you will block the site from people you don’t
— Having social media skills on your résumé is a boon right now in many organisations.
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17 Responses to social networking sites is good or bad
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There are some social networks that are good for people, but there are also some facts about social networking that really can’t be just avoided. For example, cyberbullying. Social networking sites are not good especially for our kids.But I think Social Networking can be a good thing to everyone as long as long as people use it appropriately and it connects you with your long distance family and friends.
my opinion about social networking sides is that ,i think this side is good for us ,by this side we can interect with the all socical activities .because now every people done works online and by the network they can easily get at a time which they want.sosial side giving the oppurtunity to us that we can easily find out what is going on this side is benificial for the online activity and the result of our work which we done at a time and is also a less time consuming.
if we are just talking about the social sites then some where it making good for the make friends but right now it become so bad for the society because some bad hacker type guys just fake with your id and many more side effect are coming . right now the major case are make which is not acceptable by society due to to social networking sites . it will be in use but in a less manner.
Now a days we are seeing so many social networking sites like facebook, orkut, twitter, lakedin etc in this internet world. These social networks has played a vital role in our life. By using these websites we have some advantages and disadvantages also.
Coming to the advantages,
I) People can share their ideas and view with each other.
II) Create and maintain many relationships.
III) Information comes to you.
IV) Easy to communicate and connect with others at low price.
V) Low cost advertising, we can advertise the products at low price in this websites.
VI) Spread the important information and also discuss about the present events and current affairs.
Coming to the disadvantages,
I) Identity theft:-hackers can theft the identity and launch the span and virus attacks.
II) Online harassment.
III) Creating fake profiles.
IV) Any one can upload any kind of photo, video (e.g porn).
V) Any comment you can pass through it either good or bad.
VI) You can create any community here (bad or terror).
VII) People loose their security by providing self information in this sites.
VIII) Teenagers and adults show more interest to chat with strangers.
IX) Lot of time waste.
X) Addicted to this websites.
So these are advantages and disadvantages of social networks. So usage of social networks are depending on us.
Social networking sites are helpful to us on today’s life style. These sites are making communication very easy to every one. Today these are giving more and more benefits and as well as more problems. In a world there is a good and also bad. Using social networking for making good things is good for leading our life. The life is in our hands only not in any others.
Now a days, Social networking sites are very popular. According to me, social networking sites are good and bad in different cases.They connects us with other peoples so we can easily share or communicate with other peoples.
But social sites should provide the limited access to the peoples because now a days people can blackmel to other person by uploading some illegal images which can results in suicide. So , social sites access should be limited in my opinion.
basically the social networking sites has become to communicating people mutually, n it is groing day to day.
it will benificial to people if they all are on network.
it helps to persons to share their views,thoughts,etc.
With social networks we are able to communicate our thoughts and perceptions over different topics with a large number of audiences, and raise our voice. The sharing feature available on the social networks makes your opinion about any topic reach huge number of people (even to those who are not on your friends list). We have the option to make groups with people who are like minded and share the related news with them and ask for their opinion or input about the topic. Simply there are a number of options available for us to communicate with others on these social networks.
Well of course it is good.Now a days to be connected with your relatives , friends and other it is one the fantastic source in cheap. also it is associated with many informative links which in general provides us Knowledge and news round the world.well it has so many advantages and one should be enough aware about it and it should not be misused !!!!!
Social networking sites are nowadays has become a medium for the people residing in distant places to be in connected or be in touch with one another.
Social networking is a good way for people to connect and share being at distant places. It crosses boundaries of distance and connect people.
social networking sites give a wide platform to show creativity n to share one’s idea n thoughts with the world wide… a day social networking sites become the point of attraction for the industries, shows the one’s ability to socialize online…
it is good to extent we realize its importance and not make misuse of it…
Social networking sites are good in many ways. These sites help us in making contacts with those people sitting around the world. No need that you know the person, just got them to make new relations and contacts. They help us to make our voice to be listen by a huge community of the world.
Social media sites always encourage peoples to interact with each other, share ideas, express their creativity and to represent their views and it also helps to establish enduring relationships with peoples without any boundaries.
these websites are linking us to number of people daily and saving us from long cellphone bills…and at the same time we can add to people who are beyond the boundaries of nation..As it’s said that too much of everything is bad..So it should be taken care that we should spend limited time on them..
Social Networking is changing the way people communicate with each other, find friends, evaluate products, and interact with the brands that mean something to them……. bt some people said that these so called social networking media are simply making the people of the present generation unsocial by doing all these… although infront of all its advantages we can easily ignored its drawbacks…
Well social networking site is really beneficial for those related to branding and advertising!!
people can be targeted very easily through this!!
Anything and Every kind of message can reach people through this
Although it has some disadvantages which can be ignored infront of it advantages.