Slump Test and Compacting Factor Test

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Experiment :- To determine the workability of Fresh Concrete of given proportions by Slump Test and Compacting Factor Test.

Workability of a concrete signifies the full compaction of concrete using a required or reasonable amount of work which helps to achieve the desired possible density or void of fresh concrete resulting  better strength and durable concrete structure and helpful to maintain durability throughout the job.

For the determination of Workability of Fresh Concrete the tests which are used mostly are :-

(i)  Slump Test

Slump Test is perform to measure the consistency and workability of fresh concrete through an idea which it gives of water content needed for concrete to be used for different ideal works. A concrete is called as workable if it can be easily mixed, placed, compacted and finished and does not show any segregation or bleeding.

Apparatus Required:-

(a)    Iron Pan to mix Concrete

(b)   Slump cone

(c)    Spatula for mixing purpose

(d)   Trowels

(e)    Tamping Rod

(f)    Graduated Cylinder

slump test

 Slump Test Apparatus

Using the above apparatus, we have to done the test.

Steps which are to be followed in the test are:-

Step 1:- Mix all dry ingredient thoroughly and carefully to get uniform result and then add water.

Step 2:- The slump test cone is placed on a smooth, level surface with the smaller opening at the top. Slump cone is filled in three layers of equal volume, each approximately ¼ of the height of the mould. and each layer is to be compacted 25 times with a standard rod having a hemispherical tip

Step 3:- Struck off the rod, and then cone is slowly lifted and set beside the unsupported concrete Such that the tamping rod should penetrate in to the underlying layer.

Step 4:- The rod is laid across the cone and a measure of the distance from the bottom of the rod to the average top of the concrete is taken .A very stiff mix will have near zero slumps. Lean mixes tend to be harsh and slumps can vary from true to shear in different sample of the same mixes.


(ii) Compacting Factor Test:-

This test is usually used in laboratory and determines the workability of fresh concrete when size is about 40 mm maximum. The test is carried out as per specification of IS: 1199-1959.

Apparatus Required:-

(a)    Compacting Factor apparatus

(b)   Trowels

(c)    Graduated cylinder

(d)   Balance

(e)    Tamping rod and iron buckets

compaction factor test

Steps for performing the experiment:-

Step 1:- keep the apparatus on the ground and apply grease on the inner surface of  the  cylinders.

Step 2:- Measure the mass as w1 kg by weighing the cylinder accurately and fix the cylinder on the base in such a way that the central points of hoppers and cylinder lie on one vertical line and cover the cylinder with a plate.

Step 3:- For each 5 kg of aggregate mixes are to be prepared with water-cement ratio by weight with 2.5 kg sand and 1.25 kg of cement and then add required amount of water thoroughly until and unless concrete appears to be homogeneous.

Step 4:- With  the help of hand scoop without compacting fill the freshly mixed concrete in upper hopper part gently and carefully and within two minutes release the trap door so that the concrete may fall into the lower hopper such that it bring the concrete into standard compaction.

Step 5:- Fall the concrete to into the cylinder by bringing the concrete into standard Compaction immediately after the concrete has come to rest and open the trap door of lower hopper and then remove the excess concrete above the top of the cylinder by a pair of trowels, one in each hand will blades horizontal slide them from the opposite edges of the mould inward to the center with a sawing motion.

Step 6:- Clean the cylinder from all sides properly. Find the mass of partially compacted concrete thus filled in the cylinder and say it W2 kg. After this refill the cylinder with the same sample of concrete in approximately 50 mm layers, by vibrating each layer heavily so as to expel all the air and obtain full compaction of the Concrete.

Step 7:- Struck off level the concrete and weigh and cylinder filled with fully compacted concrete. Let the mass be W3 kg.

Step 8:- Calculate compaction factor by using the formula:-                                                                  C.F = W2 – W1 / W3 – W1


 1.What are the main differences between Slump Test and Compacting Factor Test.

Ans:-The main difference between both is that compaction factor test is more sensitive and precise than slump test and is particularly useful for concrete mixes of low workability and also able to indicate small variations in workability over a wide range.

 2.List the different types of Slump.

Ans:- There are three main type of slump namely

(a) True slump.

(b) Shear slump .

           (c) Collapse.

slump 1 (1)

3. What is the actual proportion or ratio of water and cement to built a concrete structure.

Ans:- The actual proportion of water and cement in concrete is 1:5.

4.What are the standard used in slump test and compacting factor test.

Ans:- The standard used in slump test is ASTM: C143 and B.S: 1882 part 2, and the standard used in compaction factor test is IS: 1199-1959.

5. What are the main precaution that has to be taken during the both test.

Ans:- The precaution that has to be taken are:-

(i) Accurate amount of water, cement and sand are to be taken to avoid collapsing of sample.

(ii) Maintain the consistency throughout the experiment to avoid the failure.

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25 Responses to Slump Test and Compacting Factor Test

  1. NJELA IBRAHIM says:


  2. NJELA IBRAHIM says:


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  10. NJELA IBRAHIM says:


  11. NJELA IBRAHIM says:


  12. NJELA IBRAHIM says:


  13. NJELA IBRAHIM says:


  14. NJELA IBRAHIM says:


  15. NJELA IBRAHIM says:


  16. taonga says:

    difference between slump test and compaction factor

  17. taonga says:

    difference between slump test and compaction factor

  18. taonga says:

    difference between slump test and compaction factor

  19. Anonymous says:
  20. Ashan Kaluarachchi says:

    What factors are taken into consideration by the structure Engineer in specifying the slump test?

  21. ALOK KUMAR says:

    i want to know all the details of gate 2016 of civil engineering………………………………………………………………

  22. shweta singh says:

    Slump and compacting factor test determines the workability of the concrete of the particular given proportions.This articles elaborates this topic in the well manner and the related questions and answers helps out to explain the tests well. 🙂

  23. patlakshi Jha says:

    This article comprises about the slump test and compacting factor . this could be useful for the ones those who want to know more about it.

  24. Rachita Mishra says:

    IN Slump Test we have to provide a uniform base and it requires 4 times for compacting the concrete to fill the cone while without disturbing the bottom layer.Detail about this test is Beautifully explained here.

  25. Shilpa Ranjan says:

    A very detailed post about the slump and compacting factor test.This post also contains some of the related questions with answers asked commonly related to the same topic.This experiment is performed in laboratories for the determination of Work-ability of Fresh Concrete…!!!!!

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