Space Heating And Air Conditioners

Jun 24 • Notes • 1485 Views • No Comments on Space Heating And Air Conditioners


1.1  Space heating definition:

Space heating  literally refers to the heating of a concerned area through various heating  systems. Solar heating system uses solar energy to heat fluid such as liquid or gas.


                                       1.1.1 Storing heat in LIQUID systems.

The solar heat is stored in the liquid systems using tanks of water. In this type of tank storage systems  the heat gathered from the working fluid is transferred to a heat exchanger present exterior to within the tank.

There are some general principles that help in the selection of heating systems

These principles are accepted by the Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning professionals. some  essential factors that should be kept in mind before selecting a heating system:

  1. Application of the system. i.e which spaces will be heated.
  2. Size of the system i.e whether the system is in multiple units or central system.
  3. Cost of operating.

In the application if a wrong kind of equipment is installed or improperly sized equipment is installed then it results in dissatisfaction. If at any time anyone wants a replacement of the heating system, it should be properly understood the types of the system, their merits and demerits and the cost of the present should be compared with the existing system.

2.  Air conditioner.

An air conditioner purposefully works to move the heat from inside our house to outside thereby cooling us and our house. Air conditioner leaves cool air to the house by extracting heat out of the air.

There exists a set of cold pipes called as evaporator coil. The air is cooled by blowing it over this coil. A special liquid known as the refrigerant is occupied by the evaporator coil. The refrigerant changes from liquid to gas while it absorbs heat from the air.  There is another  coil called as the condenser

3. High frequency Florescent lighting:

A fluorescent tube consists of mercury and inert gases. The light produced by a fluorescent tube is formed by the electric current conducted through the mercury and inert gases. Fluorescent lamps cannot function without a ballast which is required to regulate current operating in the tube and provides a high voltage while it is started. Ballast literally refers to an device that is used to restrict the flow of current in a circuit.

Electromagnetic ballasts can also be used, but they are usually avoided since electronic ballasts operate at a very high frequency and removes all flicker and noise. Also the electronic ballasts uses energy efficiently. There are other special ballasts available for the dimming of fluorescent lamps.



The Fluorescent lamp uses more amount of the energy used by incandescent lamps to provide the same amount of illumination. They can also last 10 times more than the incandescent lamps.

There exist two types of fluorescent lamps:

3.1.1  Compact fluorescent lamp

3.1.2  Fluorescent tubes and carline lamps.

The Traditional fluorescent lamps were operated at 50 Hz or 60 Hz frequency since the periodicity of the mains electricity supply was the same then. But with the introduction of fluorescent lamps operating at high frequency, the lamp efficacy increased dramatically. It was possible to drive the lamp at 2000 Hz. This feature was achieved with the modern electronic ballast that helps in achieving high peak efficiency.

some frequently asked questions:

Q1. What do you understand by space heating?

ans> By space heating we understand as the heating of a particular area, using a heater (space heater) within the area.

Q2. How does a Air conditioner(AC) works?

ans> Air conditioners basically perform two basic functions:

heat removal

moisture removal.

We feel more comfortable when the humidity level is low. if you have ever noticed then the pipe which releases the water connected outside the AC is the moisture of your room.

Q2> Why it is always adviced to keep the door closed while the AC is turned on?

ans> The AC we use is generally closed loop system designed to cool a specific amount of air throughout the room. That is why it is advisable to keep the doors closed  in order to avoid load on the AC.

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