UPSC CDS Sample Papers

Apr 18 • Competition Sample Papers • 5702 Views • 3 Comments on UPSC CDS Sample Papers

UPSC conducts Combined Defence Services Examination (CDS) for all those interested candidates who wish to join Nation’s Defence Services. This exam is conducted twice a year for recruitment to office cadre of the Army, Navy & Air Force. First there will be a written test in which questions will be asked from English, General knowledge, Elementary Mathematics, each of 100 marks. Once a candidate clears a written test then he has to face SSB interview. Finally the selected candidates will have their names in merit list. There is age limit for the candidates to appear for the exam. Its a dream come true for all those candidates who wish to join defence services. To help the candidates we have provided UPSC CDS Sample papers & CDS Previous 5 years questions to help candidates to prepare well for the exam.


Ques: FILL IN THE BLANK SPACE BY SELECTING A WORD  (For the following 5 items):


UPSC CDS Sample Papers

1. Success comes to those who are vigilant not to permit  ___________ from the chosen path.

a) Diversion
b) Deviation
c) Obstruction
d) Alienation

2. He has good __________ over the famous world languages.

a) Authority
b) Expertise
c)  Knowledge
d) Command

3. The accused __________ to the judge for mercy.

a) Asked
b) Applied
c) Demanded
d) Appealed

4. Democracy __________ some values which are fundamental to the realisation of the dignity of man.

a) Cherishes
b) Nourishes
c) Nurtures
d) Harbours

5. This book is about a man who ___________ his family and went to live in the Himalayas.

a) Exiled
b) Deserted
c) Banished
d) Expelled


Directions (for the following 5 items):

In the following items, each passage consists of six sentences. The first and sixth sentence are given in the beginning as S1 and S6. The middle four sentences in each have been jumbled up. These are labelled P, Q, R and S. Find out the proper sequence of the four sentences and mark your answer accordingly.

1. S1: For some time in his youth, Abraham Lincoln was manager of a shop.
S2:  Never before had Lincoln had so much time for reading as he had then.

P: Then a chance customer would come.
Q: Young Lincoln’s way of keeping shop was entirely unlike anyone else’s.
R: Lincoln would jump up and attend to his needs and then revert to his needs.
S: He used to lie full length on the counter of the shop eagerly reading a book.


2. S1: Obesity is a curse of modern times.
S2: This is because today’s changed life styles often mean less physical exertion and an over indulgence in unhealthy food.

P: As a result, what is lost is the natural goodness of roughage and important nutrients.
Q: Invariably, fat and sugar which cause obesity are added to make food more palatable.
R: In these days, food gets more refined and cooking methods are more intricate.
S: Therefore, there are more obese people today than ever before.



3. S1: Ms. Subramanium started a petrol pump in Madras.

S2: Thus she has shown the way for many others.

P: A total of twelve girls now work at the pump.
Q: She advertised in newspapers for women staff.
R: They operate in two shifts.
S: The response was good.


4. S1: Reena went shopping one morning.
S6: She drove home with an empty shopping basket.

P: Disappointed she turned around and returned to the parking lot.
Q: She got out and walked to the nearest shop.
R: She drove her car into the parking lot and stopped.
S: It was there that she realised that she’d forgotten her purse at home.


5. S1: Machines have parts made of iron.
S6: When the machine is not in use, it should be covered.

P: They must be painted or chrome plate.
Q: Some parts rub against each other.
R: Iron gets rusted.
S: They must be lubricated with oil or grease.



Directions (for the following 5 items):

Look at the underlined part of each sentence. Below each sentence, three possible situations for the underlined part are given. If one of them (a), (b) or (c). If none of these substitutions improves the sentence , indicate (d) as your response.

1. People are tiring very soon in an activity which they don’t like.

a) Tried
b) Tired
c) Trying
d)  No improvement

2.  All his family members are in Kanpur.

a) All of his family members
b) All the family members of his
c) All the members of his family
d) No improvement

3. They cooked a conspiracy to overthrow the monarch.

a) Created
b) Fabricated
c) Hatched
d) No improvement

4. The plan broke open for want of funds.

a) Broke up
b) Broke down
c) Broke out
d) No improvement

5. The summer has set out, and the days are getting warm.

a) Set up
b) Set in
c) Set off
d) No improvement


Directions (for the following 3 items):

In this section there are three short passages. Each passage is followed by questions based on the passage. Read each passage and answer the question that follows.

Passage 1

Some prophets of doom assert that we shall soon exhaust the Earth’s resources or pollute ourselves to death. Optimists assert that Earth’s systems are robust and that improved technologies will ease all the pressures on the planet. Others see the main concerns as political, with environmental issues carrying the seeds of inequality and war. Scientific understanding is too limited to say where the truth lies. If the care of the planet is a management task, our species is in the position of a child who has to fly a jet plane without knowing what all the switches and levers do.

1. The blame for the environmental crisis facing the earth lies with

a) Pressures of over population
b) Rapid technological growth
c) Inadequate management of Earth’s resources
d) Man’s greed and selfishness

2. What does the comparison in the last sentence of the passage convey?

a) We are as ignorant as infants
b) Our efforts to save the planets are childish
c) Most of the people do not know how to fly an aeroplane
d) We, on Earth, are inexperienced in managing Earth’s resources

Passage 2

Teaching, more even than most other professions, has been transformed during the last hundred years from a small, highly skilled profession concerned with a minority of the population, to a large and important branch of the public service. The profession has a great and honourable tradition, extending from the dawn of history until recent times, but any teacher in the modern world who allows himself to be inspired by the ideals of his predecessors is likely to be made sharply aware that it is not his function to teach what he thinks, but to instil such beliefs and prejudices as are thought useful by his employers.

1. What has transformed teaching into an important branch of public service is

a) Teaching skills
b) Technical developments
c) Utilitarian philosophy
d) The demand of the employing industry

2. The author seems to

a) Be against the current trend in the teaching profession
b) Approve the recent developments in the mode of teaching
c) Be a traditionalist in his views
d) Consider education as a part of public service

Passage 3

Mahatma Gandhi believed that industrialisation was no answer to the problems that plague the mass of India’s poor and that villager’s should be taught to be self-sufficient in food, weave their own cloth from cotton and eschew the glittering prizes that the twentieth century so temptingly offers. Such an idyllic and rural paradise did not appear to those who inherited the reins of political power.

1. Mahatma Gandhi’s views opposed industrialisation of villages because

a) It would take away the skill of the villagers
b) It would undermine self-sufficiency and destroy the beauty of life of the villager
c) It would help the poor and not the rich
d) It would affect the culture of the Indians

2. The meaning of “the glittering prizes that the twentieth century so temptingly offers” is

a) Replacement of rural by urban interests
b) Absence of violence and corruption
c) Pursuit of a commercialized material culture
d) Complete removal of poverty


Directions (for the following 5 items):

In each of these items a word or a phrase has been written in bold followed by word or phrases listed (a), (b), (c) and (d). Choose the most appropriate word/phrase closest in meaning to the bold word or phrase.

1. There is not a single word that is redundant in the report.

a) Unimportant
b) Not needed
c) Bombastic
d) Flowery

2. Rahul has a penchant for fine poetry.

a) Desire
b) Bias
c) Liking
d) Training

3. Man has to encounter many hardships.

a) Solve
b) Face
c) Bear
d) Overcome

4. The sight moved him to pity and compunction.

a) Confusion
b) Wonder
c) Regret
d) Anger

5. He is quite meticulous in his dealings with others.

a) Reserved
b) Haughty
c) Indifferent
d) Very careful


Directions (for the following 5 items):

In each of these items a word has been written in bold followed by words listed (a), (b), (c) and (d). Choose the appropriate word most opposite in meaning to the bold word.

1. He is a very timid person.

a) Dashing
b) Bold
c) Outgoing
d) Chivalrous

2. She is slender in figure.

a) Strong
b) Well-built
c) Stout
d) Slim

3. Honesty is the best policy.

a) Sobriety
b) Deceit
c) Uprightness
d) Rectitude

4. Abrupt decisions are often worng.

a) Gradual
b) Rough
c)  Sharp
d)  Hurried

5. It was really a gracious occasion for me.

a) Benign
b) Infructuous
c) Churlish
d) Wasteful

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3 Responses to UPSC CDS Sample Papers

  1. Neevidita Manhotra says:


    I am interested to apply for CDS 2 Application Form2014. i Was lost the previous chance to apply CDS But now i don’t want to miss it…

  2. Tamal Kumar Das says:

    For Complete CDS Preparation By Coaching Or Study Notes Tips Tricks Questions & Sample Papers Visit

  3. buddhadeb das says:

    I need previous 10 years cds english question and answer

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