With Media Publishing and Telecasting Trivia Censorship is the Need of Hour

Jan 22 • Group Discussion • 5611 Views • 62 Comments on With Media Publishing and Telecasting Trivia Censorship is the Need of Hour

In present scenario Media Publishing and Telecasting is at its peak.Day after day no. of news channels are increasing but never to forget everything has its pros and cons.
Lets focus on pros :

  1. We cannot deny that with media in power people are better informed and better communicated.
  2. Media also played major role during our struggle of independence.
  3. Media also helped in conviction of high profile Jessica Lal murder case .

Now the cons:

  1. Media reacted very insensitively during MUMBAI BLAST where security was compromised for footage.
  2. In recent DELHI GANG RAPE case media was more focused on publishing and telecasting statements of politicians which was irrelevant.
  3. At last but most common is media plays with emotions of victims which showed media’s callousness.

For films we have Censor Board where it is necessary to get CENTRAL BOARD OF FILM CERTIFICATION.
For TV Channels BROADCASTING AUTHORITY OF INDIA was launched on June 2011 

“Most people obtain the bulk of their information on matters of contemporary interest
from the broadcasting medium. The television is unique in a way in which intrudes
into our homes. The combination of picture and voice makes it an irresistibly
attractive medium of presentation. It has tremendous appeal and influence over
millions of people. Television is shaping the food habits, cultural values, social mores
and what not of the society in a manner no other medium has done so far….”

Unfortunately successive Governments have failed to take positive measures to encourage
and promote the growth and development of television content in India free from
Government intervention in accordance with the specific directions of the Supreme Court in
the 1995 “airwaves” case wherein the Hon’ble Court said that “the broadcasting
media should be under the control of the public as distinct from the government”. In
essence, this meant that the Government should refrain from controlling the content and
programming of radio and TV broadcasts, and an independent and autonomous
body/organization/corporation with adequate representation from the industry and public
– 3 – should oversee the functioning of the media. The goal was to create world class content and
programming by giving media the freedom and scope for enhancing their creativity

It is always said that THINK BEFORE YOU ACT which itself makes us mobile censors.So I would like to conclude by saying that TRANSPARENCY IS NECESSARY IN OUR SOCIETY BUT NOT AT THE COST OF SECURITY AND EMOTIONS OF PEOPLE.

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62 Responses to With Media Publishing and Telecasting Trivia Censorship is the Need of Hour

  1. shreya sarkar says:

    Media is the word that even the most powerful people in the country fear. Yes media has given common man power, it has brought power into our hands. High profile cases like the Jessica Lal murder case was solved and the guilty were punished because of the initiative taken by a news channel. But media should not misuse its power. It should know its limitations. Adding spice to a story, showing the same story repeatedly and prying into other people’s lives are things which media must avoid to do. With the advent of media people get to know what’s happening at every corner of the world so the media should know its responsibility and hence be transparent without being insensitive!

  2. Saheli Dasgupta says:

    Man as we know is a social being. with the increased advent of media in our lives we can get the news about happenings around us at the press of a button. it is the most influential media now a days as in almost all corners of the world we can find a t.v., previously a luxury, now almost a necessity. So this is an immense power and people possessing this power should utilize it wisely enough. media people should always remember that with great power comes great responsibility, and they are the ones mostly responsible for channelizing our country’s future, its youth. so a discretion is required. but as we know now a days everything is being done for money and more often than not media makes a mountain of a mole hill. and hence i strongly agree that media does need strict censorship to sustain our culture,morals and values. they are the eyes of common men and have the maximum effect on the population, hence should utilize their huge power with greater responsibility in the benefit of mankind.

  3. Vipin Sahu says:

    According to my knowledge that media has been playing significant role in the Indian economy.Media makes us aware of various social,political and economical activities happening around the world.It has rights to speak and publish the truth but on other hand sometimes media becomes part of politician.

  4. Siddhant Tripathi says:

    Media is the most effective factor that plays an important role in very efficient manner of spreading the news across the major as well as minor happenings in and across the globe.
    People want to get informed but the things they serve us is not all worth swallowing down the throat because the seasoning and garnishing is too spicy and filthy to consume!
    Although the TRP and channel rating depends on how well the dish is presented but the mass isn’t mere a fool clan.
    Sometimes few and sometimes many of the things the media shows and publishes is not at all worthy of being credited as a family view. Censorship plays an important role there.. cutting through the violent and vulgar scenes. Of course it’s not the trend of giving the teachings and making them mature of our well furnished and developed Indian culture and other eminent things about it that the fashion of “do anything to hike up the rating” is letting it down.
    Media persons need to taught about the ethical behavior midst the society and socialized people!

  5. patlakshi says:

    Each mass media has its own content types, its own creative artists and technicians, and its own business models. For example, the Internet includes web sites, blogs, podcasts, and various other technologies built on top of the general distribution network

  6. sakshi chaudhary says:

    In my point of view media is playing very imp role in order to emphasis issues of the society which some how are unable to get that much amount of importance which they really want ….so i think media is having some important role to improvise the society and the life style of the people….

  7. Arpita Sardar says:

    These days media plays an important role in the field of communication. It is the boon for the world. We can get up to date information through media. But there are also some bad impacts of media which are there diverting the mindset of the people.

    Meirts of Media:-
    1.Media gives us many news in our hand.
    2.we get many news for the help of the media related to any field.
    3.Media gives us many current news.
    Demerits of Media:-
    1.sometimes,many people harasses by this media.
    2.sometimes media telecast wrong news.
    3.sometimes media overlook many simple incident.
    However,media telecast and publising is the halpful part of our life.

  8. BHarti PaNdey says:

    I dont think too much check on Media Check is necessary until it has really is a threat to any persons
    integrity .As anything if has Pros then has Cons as well.So it is good we focus on the good aspects and use the mediums as appreciable Citizens….Then all the problems would solve…

  9. Gopal Chandra Khatua says:

    now a days media is a medium through which we can awareness of our mind of some merits or demerits news. Television or social networking media gives us very important news. the merits and demerits are shown given below:
    media gives many important news in our mind.
    it also give us the knowledge the world information.
    sometime it gives us wrong news.
    some media channel can be personality of political team.

  10. Queen Of Dream Land says:

    Media give us daily information . But it also takes important time of our Life…

  11. Khem lal Sahu says:

    in my point of view broadcasting is necessary for us and we have to know about what’s going on in the world or what’s happened in every moment in the world.Media is played major role in our daily life to give us very good information.

  12. Surajit Burman says:

    In present days media has a huge impact on us.So the channels have to be very serious about what to telecast or what to publishing.there are lots of channels which is very importent for every body,by that channels we can learn various things.Now a days all of childrens are aadicted to media.So the channels have to be concious about the telecasting things.Bad media casting or telecasting can creat very bad impact upon us.As the media casting and telecasting has good and bad things , the media should be very concious about ther casting matters.

  13. Chaitali Mallick says:

    Pros of media are:
    1) For the globalization media plays a vital role.
    2) For business perposes it is very vital to know the current scenario of the other companies.
    3) Student gets benefits for Educational purposes.
    3) Knowing the governtment activities is a right for every citizen of a perticular country. Media is a great source of that.
    besides of this advantages we can not ignore the problems we are facing today for media
    1) for business purposes they only highlight some informations which may be interesting for the public.
    2) media sometime add some wrong informations to make the news more attractive.
    3) the media is a vital reason for following any organizations or a perticular products blindly.

  14. Arka Sarkar says:

    Now a days media telecasting is the part of our daily life.so, i don’t think that media should under some regulation which prevents them from telecasting real news to us.its our responsibility that what we watch and not censored the actual matters.its the responsibility of the parents to control there childrens to not to watch those news which is not for them.after all remote control is in our hand so any time we can swich it off.

  15. Kunal Chowdhury says:

    Actually i think that media plays an important role in the field of communication. We can get up to date information through media.Media is a medium through which we can aware of some good or bad important newses.media had given a vital role through the time of independense….
    but it’s true that media will also play with the emotion of normal peoples. in mumbai bomb blast, Media can promote confidence or cause despondency in a country . in delhi gang rape ,,when lady was died then friend of that lady will come in front of television,,and media will create some spicy news with that..so that is unexpected from new generation ambassador…

  16. debojyoti ghosh says:

    everything has some advantages and disadvantages.some times we use the disadvantages like television.Television gives us important news as well as some news which are not good or harmful to any one. Media sometimes plays a role in our life some time they make a news which actually does not happen to make spicy news.

  17. Tapas Halder says:

    According my point of view media plays a very importent role in the world.By thr media we get the information which happening in present.But Now a days the scenario is exaggrated by the media.

  18. vikash kumar says:

    Freedom of artists is imegine or creation of new world.There should be freedom on the imagination of artists but limitation on their execution. Artists should not make art out of bothering people, hurting their sentiments, stirring up nuisance. I believe freedom of expression is only valid when you are not hurting anybody feelings.

  19. vikash kumar says:

    The government should allow certain rules regarding families , having more than 2 or 3 children.
    The people also should get aware of the birth control measures.
    Television, radio, newspaper,or advertisements etc can be the best source to spread awareness among the people.
    Hence, there should be the rising voices and helping hands from all over to eradicate this issue as over population is the main hindrance in the development of a developing country like India because government has to spend more and more money in giving subsidies at the underdeveloped areas.
    Thank you.

  20. vikash kumar says:

    there should be the rising voices and helping hands from all over to eradicate this issue as over population is the main hindrance in the development of a developing country like India because government has to spend more and more money in giving subsidies at the underdeveloped areas.
    Thank you.

  21. vikash kumar says:

    Whereas manufacturing companies needs small but highly trained manpower, skilled labour, expensive machinaries, huge infrastructure. So, this requires huge amount of investment. Having poor infrastructure has discouraged foreign manufacturers from investing in India. It has been calculated that we need $1 trillion to completely develop our entire infrastructure. Hence there’s a lot of work to be done and people need to be skilled and innovative

  22. vikash kumar says:

    India is rich in natural resources and manpower. So, the only problem of India being the leading country in manufacturing is its lack of infrastructure and the non-cooperation of the government and everyone here wants to make money in quick succession. Because we don’t adopt easily with new things & changes. Just like others. Here there is less attention given to inventions in manufacturing. A BPO or an IT company merely needs a few computers, few small rooms and huge amount of manpower, not necessarily has to be trained. They could be trained in a month. Whereas manufacturing companies needs small but highly trained manpower, skilled labour, expensive machinaries, huge infrastructure. So, this requires huge amount of investment. Having poor infrastructure has discouraged foreign manufacturers from investing in India. It has been calculated that we need $1 trillion to completely develop our entire infrastructure. Hence there’s a lot of work to be done and people need to be skilled and innovative

  23. vikash kumar says:

    The same pattern can be seen in the development of society especially human beings.
    Earlier, there were Europeans who had conquered almost the whole world and now, its USA who is ruling, sets an example of uni-polar world.
    There was a time when there was no sunset for Europeans.
    All this was possible because of the tremendous powers they possessed and made the right use of that power.
    If you put your efforts in right direction then, there is no one in this world who can beat you.

  24. vikash kumar says:

    India is rich in natural resources and manpower. So, the only problem of India being the leading country in manufacturing is its lack of infrastructure and the non-cooperation of the government and everyone here wants to make money in quick succession. Because we don’t adopt easily with new things & changes. Just like others. Here there is less attention given to inventions in manufacturing. A BPO or an IT company merely needs a few computers, few small rooms and huge amount of manpower, not necessarily has to be trained. They could be trained in a month. Whereas manufacturing companies needs small but highly trained manpower, skilled labour, expensive machinaries, huge infrastructure.

  25. Nabin Madhab Biswas says:

    media and live telecasting is the most useful and important things in our life. for these media we are able to know the details that what is occour in that place. so by the media police department,crime department are know the details. in our view the media is looks loke a mirror,because they can present an event clearly.
    many time media can’t give the genuine or truthful news,sometimes they gives us wrong news . but by the live telecasting they time to time give our information of the event.

  26. Sushmita Karmakar says:

    Yes according to my point of view obviously media is a bright way of transmit information.we can not be informed about the differnt things happening in the different corners of our universe or beyond that.media is the only way of getting news.we can not tell that media is not a way of communication.but media is damaging our country’s image oflet.just for getting publicity they are publishing the wrong news.our government should restrict some norms which should be followed by media.people will find the way of thinking in a good way.

  27. Anup Mondal says:

    By the media, people aware of present condition of our world.Due to the media geneal people know about various news.The media have some bad affect like, its shows the small things to the very large thigs.Political issues, movies news, gossip, sports news etc k nown by the media.

  28. soumya das says:

    I believe that news channels have a important roll for the socity. but now a days the sceen is different.
    The broadcasted news is different from the original news. The news organizations have turned into a business organizations.
    The are being paid for some fake news from a specific group of people. So this is not we want . what we we want is the clear news,
    true news from media which is our most important social service. So if there would be some sensor over these i9ssues so we might
    control this problems.

  29. TANMOY MITRA says:

    media is actually doing the right think,we all have to know what is happing nd what is going on.cause medai is the actual voice of people they protest againest the bad manner.but tele custing this may he effect the childes mind.so the gardian take the responcebilaty to take away from them.

  30. Shivendra Srivastawa says:

    media is playing a very important role in information and broadcasting world. The show these channels are telecasting are gainig very high TRP and because of that every TV network are launching a channel for media as it seems to be a excellent money making field. For this reason media is only telecasting those thing which the common want to watch and increase the TRP. According to me government should pass a law o limit the area of media as to mak the news more truthful and not more interesting.

  31. Aparna Das says:

    media publishing and telecasting is the need of hour because if media is not published any matter then we know that what happened in other city,state,country.sometime media published the wrong statement,as a result the public know the true matter.then some problem is create.so media help us to know the knowledge.

  32. Priyanka Sarkar says:

    Now a days media telecasting and publising is the pain part for which we see our daily life in front of our eyes.Every things has a merits and demerits.So it has also many merits and demerits.
    The merits are:
    1.Media gives us many news in our hand.
    2.we get many news for the help of the media.
    3.Media gives us many current news.
    The demerits are:
    1.sometimes,many people harasses by this media.
    2.sometimes media telecast wrong news.
    3.sometimes media overlook many simple incident.
    However,media telecast and publising is the halpful part of our life.

  33. Brij Raj Prasad says:

    Obviously media is the best way to transmit information among the people,but not always the true one.
    So this also need a authorized body to verify that news.As the number of new channels and other media mean is increasing the truth quality of information is decreasing .

  34. SwaRnav MoNdal says:

    Media is a medium through which we can aware of some good or bad important newses.It is very helpful & needed medium to encover any incident which is not expected for our society.Today media becomes a very good medium to draw an attention of higher authority.But today it is going to favour of some political parties.So they are taking the newses of their against parties.Above that the main moto of the media is the TRP today.So they are revealing the newses thoroughly without any emotions.

  35. priti pathak says:

    i think that media is the one of the good communication source about what is happening in our country .it is the only one who can open all the records and dual faces of our corrupt ministers who are .and if we see the recent cases suche as the Delhi Rape case ,it has supported the most .it was also with us during the struggle for independence due to which the whole country joined it.

  36. Sanchita Singha says:

    as we know that every thing in the world comes with an advantage and disavdantage. but some time we use the disadvantages as the advantages. televition or the social media is also comes in the same rank. as it gives us news and information. it also gives us some vulgur and some time to make the news rich and spicey media people used to hurt other people’s emotion. Which should be stoped. People have to think that whatever they are selling or getting thought media is completely harmless or not. if it is harmless thaen it should be stopped soon..

  37. shanu dhara says:

    Media played major role in our daily life to give us a genuine information.

  38. Sohel Mallick says:

    Media basically means one type of medium through which one can send informatiom to anybody or anyone can get information from any source.Through media we get the fastest information sitting at home.And we should not forget that during our independence media was the only source for raising the people of India.

  39. Santosh Kumar says:

    Media is for actually making the common people aware of the present situation of our country as well as the other countries,be it political issue or some other incidents that happened.Rcently delhi gange rape is one of the quick released information by media . media published the irreglarity of indian politicians which does not control the rapes, kidnapping and so on.

    media is also reacted on mumbai bomb blast. Media can promote confidence or cause despondency in a country through news reports. It can empower citizenry to hold governments to account on development and governance.
    there r some weak sides of media also….as they dont giving their best.
    if anything they reveal .then they r threated by some powerful mans.

  40. Sk Rahaman says:

    media actually show the truth…it is very important for us.but WITH MEDIA PUBLISHING AND TELECASTING TRIVIA CENSORSHIP IS THE NEED OF HOUR” has some benefits n some demerits….
    Benefits of Media:-
    1.knowing the govt. works.
    1.Making the people more aware of the present scenario going on in this world.
    2.knowing the world information.

    Demerits of Media:-
    1.It explore any news so much that sometime it became difficult for some people.

  41. Rudraneel Bhowmik says:

    After happening any bad incident of our country, media takes it and spread the original and also duplicate copy of news.In social network many type of fake or real post about this incident harm the people,socity and crack the image of India and indian culture.

    • anusree pal says:

      Its rights, its spred many wrong information about any incident ,it will be about any politics,celibreties or any incident, for that people have a wrong idea about their country

  42. Santosh Kumar says:

    Making the people more aware of the present scenario going on in this world.
    Keep us up-to-date about our favorite celebrities
    media acts an important role in battle of india’s independence.with the help of media we could know the major plan and important facts of britishes. we knew most of the plan of british through media and journals.

  43. Santosh Kumar says:

    media publishing and telecasting is co-related to each other. according to my point of views media is a medium which is helpful to communicate with one to another. in the recent days it produce quick actions. Recently media acts as an informer.with the help of media we can communicate wite one person to another.now recent days ,no. of media is increasing with increasing no. of news channels.

  44. Sourabh Das says:

    As we know that media is the mirror of our socity,it shows and aware us about many issus incidents. But now a days we can see that this useful medium of communication sometimes goes in the other way rather than awareness or information. Many serios evnts in the society are sometimes represented very vulgarly, which effects the common people as well as childrens.
    So, in my opinion media has to be sensible nd carefull about the newz they are presenting and also the way of presenting it.

  45. Sonal Jayshree says:

    According to me,i feel that media is playing a great role in our country.Through media we get aware of many things that what actually is happening with us.what our leaders are actually intended to do for us to whom we have choosen.Media highlights various issues publically and make aware everyone with every good and bad happenings.Many of the times we have seen that media supports poor people a lot.Media make illiterate people aware of their rights too.Media is also for entertainment purpose,we get news of various celebrities,their gossips and everything related to them.we get knowledge related to politics,games like cricket,football,hockey,etc,upcoming films,and so on.

    • anusree pal says:

      According to me ,media is a most entertainment things, its highlight different type of news like cinemas,politics,sports.Through media we can participate in different compitisions like dancing,singing and other talents we can shown as well as through that compitision they create thair future.It has some bad effect, where as childs are adicted in cartoons.

  46. Aditya Kundan says:

    It’s very much prudent that the amount of freedom granted to media has resulted in great damage to the country’s image and it’s security is at risk.The media has lost the morality and only looks for making news out of nothing just to get the publicity and keep it’s TRP improving in order to survive in such a cut-throat competition from other news channels.the live telecast of mumbai blast helped terrorist back in Pakistan to b aware of the proceedings taken by indian government.But media was totally non-chalance to this fact,making own profit.So,government should impose strict rules and regulations on these media for the swafety of it’s people and media should be made to realise their duty of telecasting the importamt news and not just any illogical episodes being aires which has no relation with us.Even the News of world coming to the end created much havoc amongst us which was later proved out to be false.

  47. Sweta SINGH GAUTAM says:

    According to my view media plays an important role in the field of communication. It is the boon for the world. We can get up to date information through media. But there are also some bad impacts of media which are there diverting the mindset and habits of the people.
    Benefits of Media:-
    1.Making the people more aware of the present scenario going on in this world.
    2.Keep us up-to-date about our favorite celebrities .

    Demerits of Media:-
    1.It explore any news so much that sometime it became difficult for some people.
    Self censor is the best activity to be performed over here.We should leave on the media to decide what to publish and expect it to behave with maturity.

  48. Jaykaran Singh says:

    ofcourse , it is truely fact in present scenario media publishing & telecasting is at its peak day.
    we can say we are now totally surrounded in the shade of media. everywhere is media & only media.
    they hav became super catalyst in our real life.
    without them our daily phenopmena can be as dark day. they play an important role in our system.
    Worldwide, the media has a critical role to inform, educate and entertain. Media reports can affect the shares of international and local companies.
    Media can promote confidence or cause despondency in a country through news reports. It can empower citizenry to hold governments to account on development and governance.
    there r some weak sides of media also….as they dont giving their best.
    if anything they reveal .then they r threated by some powerful mans.

    • vikash kumar says:

      Media can promote confidence or cause despondency in a country through news reports. It can empower citizenry to hold governments to account on development and governance.
      there r some weak sides of media also….as they dont giving their best.
      if anything they reveal .then they r threated by some powerful mans.

  49. Aritra Mondal says:

    day after day media and telecasting is a part of our life…we see that there are lot of incident or lot of things happening behind of us which all are provide by media publising and telecusting.like news paper, different tv channel.which is very usefull of us to aware the reliable or unreliable news which is provide by media.now the main things that there are some irrelevent news publish by media are very affected by common people oand others like delhi rape case,mumbay blust etc..so media have to beware of those matter..

  50. Rakesh Singh says:

    media means show the truth or event what ever be held around us.its very good thins,but limitation or censor required for control them,otherwise they uses in other things,
    at prestent time it is a totaly bussinus,so there is competion, so they uses some wrong things to create hard competion,
    so we thing censor is right thing for media.

  51. Saurav Kumar says:

    yes, i do think censorship is needed as we know what an effect media has on indian people , people nowadays have a blind faith on what they see or come to know about from our media , but making or organizing such a board of censorship which decides what to telecast or what not to telecast is not an easy task , if it becomes uncontrollable then may be used as a weapon against anybody , so the recent need is just an awareness around people though some trusted group of media , though which necessary information may be conveyed. for eg . though facebook where everyone gets a chance to reply on every topic or matter.

  52. Ipsita Das says:

    broadcasting is necessary for us as we have to know about what’s going on in the world or what’s happened in every moment in the world but many problems that have a powerful solution but media and broadcasting persons are showing like a torture of emotional or make it a public issue just like playing emotional games of their feelings.
    so think you and other’s point of view.

    • vikash kumar says:

      broadcasting is necessary for us as we have to know about what’s going on in the world or what’s happened in every moment in the world but many problems that have a powerful solution but media and broadcasting persons are showing like a torture of emotional or make it a public issue just like playing emotional games of their feelings.
      so think you and other’s point of view.

  53. Shiyam Hoda says:

    I donot think the regulating the media is a good thing to do. We should not be told by external agents as to what to do, but we should self censor what we say and what we do. And thats what I think is the best option here. Let the media decide what to publish and expect it to behave with maturity.

    • TANMOY MITRA says:

      it is necessary for us to broad custing the news..so the people know that what kind of protectoin does the goverment cannot take us.the media is the actual voice of the people so they can juge what

  54. Arup Mondal says:

    Media is for actually making the common people aware of the present situation of our country as well as the other countries,be it political issue or some other incidents that happened.But having said that television is watched by children as weak hearted patients,so broadcasting too much of violence can be harmful for them,so it should be the responsibility of the media to restrict themselves in what to broadcast and what not to,keeping in mind of all the viewers,if some censorship is acted upon,the viers people might feel being deprived of knowing the ongoing situations of the world,as we,the common people rely on television news etc to know about those a lot.

    • vikash kumar says:

      Media is for actually making the common people aware of the present situation of our country . it should be the responsibility of the media to restrict themselves in what to broadcast and what not to,keeping in mind of all the viewers,if some censorship is acted upon,the viers people might feel being deprived of knowing the ongoing situations of the world,as we,the common people rely on television news etc to know about those a lot

    • Indrasish Ghosh says:

      Media is a verry comming in our country as well as others countries.it show some issues or others incidents thats happend.so broadcasting is necessery for our life.as we have to know about whats going on in this world.At first we are collected the massage for media.so media publishing is necessary for us.

  55. Avinash Kumar says:

    In todays day to day life we see that the media publishing and telecasting has reached such a heights that people today have become a puppet in hands of media, many news channels we have seen recently that has played with sentiments of people. Also we know that most of the people today has only way to get together with world is media,not only youths but also childrens.They sometimes shows vulgar elements too in a vulgar way, which could be represented in a better way, but media has always liked to present everything with some mirch nd masala. which has severely corroded the ethics and morals of society.So, there should be a autonomous body just as there is a censor board for Films and BAI for Television,that should monitor all the news channels that they shouldn’t come with such contents that are a harm to morals and ethics of our society.

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