Women Product and Advertisement

Jan 20 • General • 2439 Views • 15 Comments on Women Product and Advertisement

“Women are they playing a role which is casted by the man. Yes they are because projection of women in the society is like a product for advertising nothing else.”

Ancient evidence has revealed that even the humans and the hominids of those times had separate roles for men and women in their culture, and this relates to the concepts epistemology. There were certain things that women were forbidden to do and similarly men could not interfere in some of the activities that were traditionally reserved for women. This has given birth to the gender role prototype that we find today in advertising world.

We sometimes assign certain quality jobs to certain people without thinking.  These ideas have also been carried on in the world of advertising, and the differences shown between male and females are apparent in many advertisements we see today. Advertisers have substantially reduced the stereotyping in ad pictures, and since the voice of female is not so harsh, it is used to convey the message although the amount of male speech relative to female speech is gradually being increased. It has been noted by viewing various advertisements that women are shown as being more concerned about their beauty and figure rather than being shown as authority figures in ads; they are usually shown as the product users. This has led to common belief that most of the advertisements and their contents are sexist in nature. Many of the ads do not show gender biases in the pictures or the graphics, but some bias does turn up in the language of advertisements. Within language, bias is more evident in songs and dialogue than in formal speech or when popular culture is involved.

Advertisements are greatly responsible for eliciting such views for the people of our society.  Children also see advertisements portraying women and they are also the ones who create stereotypes in their minds about the different roles of men and women. All these facts combine to give result to the different public opinions that become fact for many of the members of the society.

This continues in a vicious circle as the media tries to pick up and project what the society thinks and the people in the society make their opinions based on the images shown by the media. People, therefore, should not base too much importance about how the media is trying to portray the members of the society rather they should base their opinions on their own observation of how people interact together in the real world.

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15 Responses to Women Product and Advertisement

  1. Rashmi Rani says:

    This article is all about the maltreatment of women in the society. While reading this article one can get the idea that how women are being misused for any advertisement.. This is a serious issue and should be taken under consideration as soon as possible.

  2. Chandreyee Ghosh says:

    Women are still puppets of our society and they just do what the society wants. Women are used in advertisements just to make it popular and attractive. Sometime the way of presentation is really very insulting , but the producer or the director never think about it.Only thing in their mind is profit . And yes, the bitter truth is, those advertisements are enjoyed by the people of our own society. So now,our society really needs reformation, otherwise women will never get the respect which they deserve.And we have to change our society as we all are responsible for this situation.

  3. Sayanti Banerjee says:

    Women are always depicted the way men wants.woman are generally highlighted as a thing to attract in advertisement world.Why outline of a woman is bounded in everyone’s mind?society always trust the enviroment created around them by any external agents but to deform the old views and reform a new society where genders are merely a word everyone need to open their eyes and should start listening their own minds not the media or anything else.

  4. Ritika says:

    I agree many irrelevant things are advertised using female protagonist & filled with obscenity, the ministry for information & broadcasting should monitor these things, more vigilantly.

  5. sakshi chaudhary says:

    nice post….women bring a revolution in the field of advertisement …

  6. Sagar Hotwani says:

    Women have a major impact on the advertisements of the products and are usually helpful . They are also used as the building blocks for many brand products . Women and Fashion go Hand by hand and therefore advertising has always been a source of brands related to fashion.

  7. Siddhant Tripathi says:

    Advertisements play an important role in making people aware of the brands that have penetrated the market in the competitive era.
    Every bran wants to hire the most famous face from the mob of many to get his/her product/service highlighted.. Women fraternity is taken in some other sense apart from being ambassadorial by the society. They are, therefore, proving to take the advertisement techniques to new heights.

  8. Pragya Saxena says:

    nyc article…today everything is being glamorised and being shown in a very attractive manner so advertisers in add marketing take women to drive the projection of add in a better way..!!and increase the sale of their products..

  9. Ankita Prajapati says:

    According to my knowledge, advertisement plays very important role to propagate any product, brand, organisation.. Nowadays advertisement reaches in every aspect of life..We can update ourselves with new plan, scheme or to know about the product..but now women are mainly in the advertisement to draw attention of the viewers or customer and to help sell a product which some times negative impact or effect draw on society and especially on child..

  10. Chitranshi Dhaneshwar says:

    Here, in india where women are not given the respect that they deserve,in this case it should not be done.

  11. Priyanka Sarkar says:

    “Women are they playing a role which is casted by the man. Yes they are because projection of women in the society is like a product for advertising nothing else.” Ancient evidence has revealed that even the humans and the hominids of those times had separate roles for men and women in their culture, and this relates to the concepts epistemology. […]

  12. patlakshi says:

    The Mad Men era of advertising might be over, but sexual parity in the advertising industry has yet to be reached.
    Women make up only three percent of creative directors, and they don’t match their male peers in the management ranks either.
    For that reason, Business Insider Advertising decided to highlight the female movers and shakers in advertising. These are the CEOs, the chief creative officers, the creatives and the financial strategists that rule the global business known as Madison Avenue.

  13. Arpita Sardar says:

    Projection of women in the society is like a product for advertising….

  14. Pallavi Sinha says:

    Womens are mainly in the advertisement to draw attention of the viewers or potential customer and to help sell a particular product.

  15. huma fatima says:

    there is a very famous saying from play “Pygmalion” that “men try to drive the things in the east where as women try to drive the things in the west” thus conflict occurs..both here advertisers need to understand that these media are having a great impact on soft minds..and the gender bias are prevailing since very young age…

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