APBSE Sample Paper of Biology for Class 10 with Answers
Andhra Pradesh Board of Secondary Education, an autonomous body which is under the Andhra Pradesh Education Department conducts and regulates the secondary educations in Andhra Pradesh. It was established in 1953 and considered as one of the oldest education board in India. Mathematics, English, Science, Biology, Telugu etc are the important subjects under the curriculum. In this section, find the latest sample paper of Biology for Class 10 with answers and the questions in the sample paper of Biology for class 10 taken from all the topics based on the syllabus. Still if it contains any error please do let us know through the comments. Any type of suggestions will be highly appreciated.
Part- A
Each question carries one mark
1. Which cells are destroyed in AIDS?
Ans: Lymphocytes
2. Which hormone is called as flight and fighting hormone? Why?
Ans:Adrenalin is called flight and fight harmone because it controls the endocrine glands in our body.
3. What is totipotency?
Ans: The ability of a plant to give rise to a new plant is called totipotency.
4. What is obesity?
Ans:It is a disease caused due to excess eating and energy intake.
Each question carries two marks.
5. What is systole and diastole?
Ans: The state when the heart is contracted is called as systole.In this phase blood is pumped into arteries. Diastole:The relaxed phase of the heart is called diastole.In this phase the blood vessels and chambers return to normal.
6. What is NADP?
Ans:The accepters which accept electrons is called as electron acceptor.eg Nicotinamine adenine dinucleoutide phosphate(NADP).
7. What do you understand by sexual dimorphism?
Ans: The phenomenon of possession of only one sex by an organism is called is sexual dimorphism
8. Give an account of cretinism?
Ans:In a child when there is an insufficiency of thyroxine there is a retardation in its growth both mentally and physically.This is called as cretinism
Each question carries four marks.
9. How do you prove that oxygen is evolved during photosynthesis?
Aim: To prove that oxygen is evolved during photosynthesis.
Apparatus required: Beaker with water, test tube, funnel, Hydrilla twigs, glowing splinter.
Procedure: A beaker full of water is taken. A few branches of Hydrilla plant is taken and inserted into the narrow end of the funnel in such a way that the cut ends of Hydrilla plants must be in the narrow end of the funnel. The wide mouthed portion is kept in the beaker containing water. A test tube filled with water is carefully inverted over the narrow end of the funnel and the entire setup is left in the sunlight. After sometime, it is observed that gas bubbles come from the cut ends of the Hydrilla plants. These bubbles are collected at the end of test tube pushing the water into the beaker. After sufficient gas is collected, the test tube is taken out of the beaker by closing it with the thumb.
Observation : When a matchstick is introduced into the test tube it glows more
Result: The experiment proves that oxygen is evolved during photosynthesis.
10. Write a comparative account of photosynthesis and respiration.
1. Occurs only in plants and somephotosynthesis bacteria 3. A plant can survive without performing photosynthesis for a few days 4. In plants, only few cells perform photosynthesis 5. It occurs in the chloroplast and is dependent on light.
1. Occurs in all living organisms. 2. Takes place throughout the day. 3. No organism can survive without respiration for few minutes 4. All living cells of an organism perform this process. 5. Aerobic respiration takes place in cytoplasm and mitochondria and is independent of light. |
11. What is the role of Gibberellins in plant growth and development?
- Gibberellins are responsible for the stern elongation.
- It also increases the leaf blade area. This is due to stimulation of cell elongation in both leaves and stem.
- It leads to the formation of seedless fruits.
- Gibberellins and auxins help in the cell elongation and leaf expansion.
- These substances are also known to induce enzymes like protease and lipase etc., at the on set of seed germination and break the seed dormancy.
12. If one has taken the decision not to be infected with HIV, what are the precautions he/she takes?
Ans : Precautions :
- In order to avoid HIV infection one should practice safe sex (use of condoms)
- Proper care and adequate medical treatment to the infected pregnant mother can protect the child from contracting HIV.
- Ensuring during blood transfusion that the blood is free from virus, it cannot be transmitted.
- Use of disposable syringes or sterilized needles and seeking immediate treatment if found infected.
Question carries five marks:-
13. Draw a neat-labeled diagram of Transverse section of leaf?
- Each question carries 1 marks.
- Answer all the questions.
1. Blood of one person is transfused into another through his
A. muscle B. trachea C. vein D. artery
ANS:- ( C )
2. Microscopic policemen of body are
A. erythrocytes B. neutrophils C. acidophils D. platelets
ANS:- ( B )
3. Deoxygenated blood from the heart is taken to
A. kidney B. lungs C. neck D. stomach
ANS:- ( B )
4. The energy stored in photosynthesis is obtained from
A. sunlight B. oxidation of glucose C. break down of proteins D. break down of glucose
ANS:- ( A )
5. Dicotyledonous weeds are destroyed by a chemical called
A. IAA B. 2-4 Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid C. Abscisic acid D. Naphthalene acetic acid.
ANS:- ( B)
6.The number of ova released at a time in female human beings is
A. 4 B.3 C.2 D.1
ANS:- ( D )
7. In earthworm fertilization occurs in
A. testis B. ovaries C. seminal vescicles D. cocoon.
ANS:- ( D )
8. The energy released by 1 gram of glucose is
A. 4 k.cal B. 5 k.cal C . 6 k.cal D. 3 k.cal
ANS:- ( A)
9. When more than 20% of the body weight is due to fat, the person suffers from
A. marasmus B. kwashiorkor C. scurvey D. obesity
ANS:- (D )
10. Name of the bird that was killed for its meat and now completely vanished is
A. Dodo B. Eagle C. Sparrow D. Partridge
ANS:- ( A)
11. “C” Shaped cartilagenous rings are present in ———–
12. Inner folds of mitochondria are called —————.
13. Melvin calvin won the Nobel prize for his work on ——————.
14. ————–regulate the exchange of gases and the loss of water vapour from the leaves.
Ans:- Stomata
15. Excess production of parathormone results in ——————.
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