Andhra Pradesh Board Sample Papers of Social Science for class 10

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Social Science is one of the most interesting subject to get good marks in the examination. It include history dates, geographical parameters and political conditions. In order to prepare this subject one should give proper concentration and attention at the time of revision than only good marks can be obtained. As an Engineer, I have tried to prepare Sample Papers of Social Science for class 10 students which include questions asked in previous Exams. Time management is the key to achieve good marks, thus to save your time you can take a quick revision from Chapterwise Class X Chemistry Formulas and Class X Maths Formulas.

Solved Sample Papers of Social Science for class 10

Social Science Sample Papers

The Andhra Pradesh Board of secondary education was come into existence in the year of 1953 and is popular for its quality education.The head office of the board is in Hyderabad. It executes and supervise various activities like conducts exams, provides direction, support and leadership for the educational system. It also organise SSC examination twice in a year which is one of the major exam conducted by the board. This includes exam schedule for the classes of 10th and 12th conducted in the month of March and April.

Sample Papers of Social Science for class 10
Andhra Pradesh Board

General Instructions.
1. All sections are compulsory
2. SECTION-A contains (1-13) very Objective question answers.
3. SECTION-B contains (14-21) short question answers.
4. SECTION-C contains (22-25) long question answers.
5.This paper is of 70 marks and the rest 30 marks is practical.


Q1. In Prussia, large landowners were known as
A. Junkers
B. Jacobins
C. Habsburg
D. Conservatives

Ans. (A) Junkers

Q. 2. When did the creation of Indo-China Union, including Cochinchina, Annam, Tonkin and Cambodia (and later Laos) took place?
A. 1887
B. 1888
C. 1889
D. 1890

Ans. (A)1887

Q. 3.Who wrote ‘Hind Swaraj’?
A. Mahatma Gandhi
B. Jawaharlal Nehru
C. Subhash Chandra Bose
D. Sarojini Naidu

Ans: (A) Mahatma Gandhi

Q 4. In which Congress session the demand for ‘Purna Swaraj’ adopted?
A. Lahore session
B. Calcutta Session
C. Nagpur Session
D. Belgaum Session

Ans: (A)Lahore session

Q.5. Who threw the bomb in the Legislative Assembly in April 1929?
A. Bhagat Singh and Batukeshwar Dutt
B. Jatin Das and Ajay Ghosh
C. Chandra Shekhar Azad and Sukhdev
D. Rajguru and Rash Behari Ghosh

Ans: (B) Jatin Das and Ajay Ghosh

Q.6. In what respect is a democratic government better than its alternatives?
A. Efficiency
B. Responsiveness
C. Transparency
D. Legitimacy

Ans: (D)Legitimacy

Q.7.Which one of the following is a special feature that distinguishes a movement from an interest group?
A. Its functions continues even after the goal is achieved.
B. They can achieve a single objective within a limited time frame.
C. It has varieties of objectives to achieve with no time limit.
D. It has no political aspirations.

Ans: (A)They can achieve a single objective within a limited time frame.

Q.8. What does Universal Adult suffrage stand for?
A. Right to vote
B. Right to Education
C. Right to Marriage
D. Right to Religion

Ans. (A)Right to vote

Q.9. Identify the power plant which is different from the other three power plants?
A) Narora
B) Korba
C) Naively
D) Talc her

Ans: (A) Narora

Q.10. Which one of the following is finest quality of Coal?
A) Peat
B) Lignite
C) Anthracite
D) Bituminous

Ans: (C) Anthracite

Q.11. Identify the state from the following which is famous for the productions of cotton and woolen textiles?
A) Srinagar
B) Ahmadabad
C) Bangalore
D) Varanasi

Ans: (C) Bangalore

Q.12. Which one of the following is a major seaport as well as international airport?
A) Chennai
B) Vishakhapatnam
C) Tiruvanthapuram
D) Marmangoa

Ans: (A) Chennai

Q.13. Which one of the following facilities is offered by Election commission to a recognized political party?
A) Party Name
B) Manifesto
C) Election Symbol
D) Election Fund

Ans: (A) Party Name


Q.14. What was the Civil Code of 1804?
Ans. The Civil Code of 1804 also known as the Napoleonic code abolished all the benefits based on birth created quality before the law and secured the right to property. Moreover, this code was also exported to the regions under French control.

Q.15. Which was the Balkans region?
Ans. The Balkans was a region of geographical and ethnic diversity consisting modern day Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Bosnia – Harzegoina, Macedonia, Greece, Serbia, Slovenia and Montenegro whose inhabitants were termed as Slavs.

Q.16. Why did the French thought that colonies were necessary?
Ans. The Colonies were considered necessary to supply natural resources and other important goods and commodities. They were also guided by the idea of ‘civilizing mission’. In other words, they claimed that it was their duty to introduce modern ideas to civilize backward people.

Q.17. What was Rowlatt Act?
Ans. Rowlett Act was the act which gave the government powers to suppress political activities and  allowed detention of political prisons without trial for two years.The act did not proposed  appeal,  vakil and  daleel.

Q.18. Who formed the Swaraj Party and why?
Ans. Swaraj Party was formed by C.R .Das and Motilal Nehru. They felt that the British policies were very much necessary to oppose within the councils and also showed that these councils were not exactly democratic. So they wanted to held elections and continue their battles in the councils.

Q 19. `Democracy is seen to be good in principle but not in practice. Justify the statement with suitable arguments.
Ans. In some of the countries the democratic policies seems to be good. For Example have a formal Constitution, regular elections, giving the citizens certain rights etc. But in case of social situations with their all economic achievements and a big difference in most of the democracies country. The economic disparities and the discrimination in sex creates doubts about the merit of democracy. Whenever some of our expectations are not met, we blame the democracy. Since democracy is first a form of government, it creates many conditions for achieving our goals if they are reasonable.

Q.20. What was Romanticism? How was it linked to Nationalism?
Ans. Romanticism was a cultural movement which sought to develop a specific from of nationalist sentiment. They created a shared collective heritage and a common cultural past as the basis of a nation. They  gave  importance to the vernacular language and collection of local folklore to recover not only an ancient national spirit but also forward  the modern nationalist ideas to the people.

Q.21. “The Iron and Steel industry is the basic as well as heavy industry”. Support the statement with suitable examples.
Ans.: The iron and steel is called basic industry because all other industries depend on it for their machinery. Steel is needed to manufacture a variety of engineering goods. It is a heavy and bulky industry because all the raw materials and finished goods are heavy. And so they have heavy transportation costs. Iron ore and limestone are required in high quantity.


Q.22. Discuss the stages of the formation of Great Britain as a National state?
Ans. In Britain, the formation of the nation state was the consequence of a long drawn out process. Before the 18th century there were no Britishers. The people who inhabited British were of ethnic groups.In 1688, English Parliament wrested control from the monarchy. The Act of Union (1707) led to creation of ‘United Kingdom of Great Britain’. Now the English dominated Scotland’s culture and its political institutions.

The people of Scottish highlands were not allowed to speak their language and a large number of people were pushed out of their habitats. The same thing happened with Ireland. The English supported the those who were in protest and increased their domination in the nation. In 1801, Ireland was forcibly incorporated into the United Kingdom. A new ‘British nation’ with symbols like British flag (union Jack), National anthem (God save our Noble King) and the English language became the bearer of English culture and the older nations became partners in this Union.

Q.23. (A) Explain any three most effective ways in which the pressure groups influence the politics of a country.
Ans: Ways to influence politics
i) They take the help of public and sympathy for their goals through campaigns, meetings, filing petitions etc.
ii) They organize protest activities like strikes or disrupting government programmes
iii) Some of them participate in official bodies and committees

(B) Identify and explain any three challenges which political parties need to face to remain effective instruments of democracy.
Ans: The three challenges are:-
i) Lack of internal democracy within the parties
ii) The leaders must have  greater power to make decisions in the name of the party.
iii) Since some of the leaders exercise paramount power in the party, those who disagree with the leadership find it difficult to continue in the party.

Q.24. (A)How far has India succeeded to overcome the challenges of expansion before its democracy? Evaluate.
Ans: India faced many challenges of expansion.
i) It has applied basic principles of democracy across all the regions, social groups and various institutions.
ii) The federal principles were extended to all the units of the federation giving the right to make laws on the subjects in the state list.
iii) Local governments –both rural and urban have been ensured more powers.
iv) The participation of women, the minority groups in the governance of the country were ensured due to the reservation of seats.

(B) In spite of Globalization creating good quality product and expanding market, how does it affect the stability in jobs for the workers?
Ans.:a) Employment of  flexible workers.
b) Due to increased competition the labour costs decrease.
c) Long time working hours for labour to get suitable salaries.

Q.25. (A)How is the M.N.C able to cope with large demands all over the world and control prices?
Ans.1. Large MNCs in developed countries give order to produce with small producers.
2. The MNC’s sell these under their own.
3. As they control the market with the huge demand,prices are under their control.

(B) How have the SHG’s affecting the economic weaker section?
Ans.1. Bank not present everywhere in rural areas
2. Difficulties in getting loans
3. Weaker section may not have collaterals
4. High rates at interest by money lenders

To download pdf of more Sample Paper of sst Class 10 click following:
Social Science Sample Paper for Class X

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  4. Physical Science Sample paper for Class 10
  5. Sample Paper Social Science for Class 10
  6.  State Board Previous years English Papers

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