Best Books for UPSC Geography

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Best Books for UPSC Geography: Introduction

Why should you go for Geography as an optional subject?

Guys, as all of us know in this era of competition among all spheres of life, we have to take our decision very wisely to get succeed, and as far as civil services exam is concerned, yes it applies here too. Hence for the preparations you need the best books for UPSC geography.

UPSC provides various optional subjects to the aspirants as a choice in exam to be taken, but let me tell you The GEOGRAPHY plays a vital role in cracking this prestigious exam because: a). around 20%-25% questions of CSAT comes from geography, b). covers big part of general studies, and finally c). helps in preparing other semi-scientific subjects. The Geography is crucial for both CSAT and Main Exam of the UPSC. So, Preparing smart is essential in the exam.

We are listing some latest and standard books from the best author in the field of UPSC coaching for geography subject:

Vajiram & Ravi Geography notes

Product Description

Shabbir Sir is well known teacher teaching in reputed coaching Vajiram And Ravi situated in Delhi. He has teaching experience of more than 10 years. His teaching style suits for the aspirants with different background. These are the handwritten notes of Geography-optional and sourced from students taken classes of Sir. Notes are good quality, have good handwriting and include diagrams. Material consists of 4-booklets and covers the entire syllabus.
Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3
Volume 4


Product Description

Vajiram – Manocha Sir – General Studies – Handwritten Class Notes is class lecture notes of Manocha Sir  on Geography and Ecology. Manocha Sir is faculty for General studies at VAjiram & Ravi – a premier Delhi Based Institute for civil services examination preparation.

Geography for IAS and PCS Exam by ALS Coaching

Product Description

Alternative Learning Systems Ltd., is one of India’s leading learning institutions and was established with an aim to develop as the final destination for all career initiation programmes. ALS‘ unflinching reputation has been built, in large part, by its un-compromising standards and focus on the intellectual and personal development of the individual learner.

ALS-Geography consists of 13booklets details of which are as following:-

  1. Geomorphology
  2. Regional development and planning (Paper I and II)
  3. Resource Geography and Contemporary themes
  4. Perspectives in Human Geography
  5. Population Geography
  6. Oceanography -1
  7. Oceanography-2
  8. Bio environmental Geography
  9. Agricultural Geography
  10. Industrial Geography
  11. Physical Geography of India
  12. World Map Study
  13. Climatology

Above 13-booklets covers whole syllabus and the same as given in actual classroom coaching.

Call on 9810395954 for more details.

Geography Optional Notes by ALS Coaching-DELHI

Product Description

GEOGRAPHY OPTIONAL NOTES OF ALS (Alternative learning Systems) is the actual notes provided in the  classroom program. It has produced excellent results in past years.

Notes is complete and self explanatory.

Geography class notes for UPSC and PCS by ALOK RANJAN

Product Description

Alok Ranjan is one of the best teacher to impart coaching for Geography optional.Due to his teaching style he is very popular.Analysis of changing nature of  questions being asked also taught in the class.Language being used is very simple and can be written in the examination. Class notes is actual lectures which had been  delivered in the class  and attended by student. It is well written and comprehensible. It is our pleasure to compile the notes taken from students and able to courier it throughout the country.

Six-Booklets contains the following topics:-

  1. Human Geograp[hy
  2. Geography of India
  3. Climatology
  4. Contemporary Issues
  5. Bio- Geography
  6. Agriculture

book geography optional

Geography Notes for IAS Exam by NEETU SINGH

Product Description

Neetu Singh is the Director of coaching named Direction IAS. She is taking classes for Geography in Direction and very popular among the students. Her class notes is carefully taken from the enrolled students \. Notes is updated one and covers the whole syllabus. Materials consists of 4-booklets.

Even though geography is considered as practical optional which requires actual presence in the class, the correspondence material elicited from authentic text and contemporary articles avails the benefits equivalent to studying in the institute.

Hand written notes are  for the aspirants who reside outside Delhi and due to any of the hindrances, are not able to enroll for the regular classes.


Geography Printed Notes for IAS Exam by Neetu Singh

Product Description

GEOGRAPHY-OPTIONAL PRINTED NOTES OF NEETU MAM is the actual notes as provided in the classroom program. Direction is one the best coaching for geography optional. Material is complete and covers the entire syllabus.


6th to 12th std. Old NCERT books for Geography

Product Description

Geography is regular part of general studies. All the selected students and faculties of GS recommended Old NCERT books for Geography.OLD NCERT books are not available now. We have arranged photocopies of all the booklets from 6th std. to 12th std. Extra efforts has been given to its quality and should be readable.
Old NCERT books are very helpful for the preparation of competitive examinations like UPSC,SSC.Students also read it as essential for Other competitive examination having GS as regular part.
Following are the books from 6th to 12th standard.

Class Topic
VI(part1) Lands and People
VII(Part2) Land and People
VIII(Part3) Land and people
IX Understanding Environment
X Geography of India
XI (PartI) Principles of Geography
XI(partII) Principles of Geography
XII Resources and regional development
XII General geography


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