Electrical engineering optional by UPSC topper
Find out the tips and tricks to crack Electrical engineering optional in UPSC Mains!!!
Preparing for this subject is quite but it is worth toiling as you can score more. Check out below to know about the Electrical engineering Optional strategy by USPC topper and follow the tips to gain more marks.
Books to refer
Paper I
Circuit Theory
Books to refer : A. Chakrabarti (Dhanpat Rai).
Tips to follow : Concentrate more on problems
Utilize the examples and exercise to become an expert
Important topics : Network Theorems and graph theory
Signals and systems
Books to refer : Sanjay Sharma and Oppenheim
Tips to follow : Remembering the formulas is quite difficult and it is suggested to make notes of the formula
Books to refer : Chapters 9, 10 and 11 from Sadiku
Tips to follow : Questions in the exams are prominently asked from the solved sections and don’t leave any example part. You can try unsolved problems if you have sufficient time or else skip to other chapters.
Analog Electronics
Books to refer : J.B. Gupta
Tips to follow : This book contains several chapters that don’t come under Electrical optional syllabus, so it is better to skip them.
Digital Electronics
Books to refer : Morris Mano, J.B. Gupta
Tips to follow : Try solving as many problems you can in order to gain some knowledge
Energy Conversion
Books to refer : Ashfaq Hussain
Power Electronics and Electric Drives
Books to refer : PS Bhimbra
Analog Communication
Books to refer : Simon Haykin and BP Lathi
Control Systems
Books to refer: FF Kuo
Microprocessors and Microcomputers
Books to refer : Ramesh Gaonkar and also prefer online notes
Power Systems
Books to refer : Nagrath Kothari
Power System Protection
Books to refer : Badri Ram and Vishwakarma
Digital Communication:
Books to refer : Lathi and Haykin
Tips and tricks for Electrical Engineering Optional subject
- At first, comprehend about the topics that you are going to study and make use of the syllabus
- Once you complete a particular topic, just mark it as read and also save the notes that you penned down while preparations.
- Electrical Engineering Optional is more into problems and it is very essential to enhance your problem solving skills.
- It is suggested to allocate a major part of your time in exercising the problems along with the preparation of theory. When you start preparing for theoretical questions, do not skip the problematic questions in the same topic assuming that you can learn at the last minute. If you want to become an expert in solving problems, practicing on a regular basis is very essential.
- Take up some test series providing by the best institutes in your city and it will actually enhance the pace of problem solving as you know allocating time for all the questions in UPSC Mains plays an important role while writing exams.
- You should also understand the quintessence of the paper presentation. Whether you are solving a problem or writing a theoretical question, ensure that you present in a great manner.
- Make notes for each and every chapter you study as it is quite difficult to refer several books on the day before exams. Revision is just going through the important points you have jotted down.
- Before you start writing, read the question properly as a small misunderstanding of the question will let you write a wrong answer. For example, UPSC topper penned down the answer for Shunt motor whereas the question asked was Series motor.
- It is not only about the plan you make for preparation. You should also plan timings to complete the exam without any delay provided that you don’t skip any questions.
Finally, Electrical engineering optional is a subject which needs a lot of will power and self-motivation to prepare for. At times, you might feel like shifting to other subjects. But it is your responsibility to cross the difficult path to achieve your passion. You will face lot of issues while preparing but keep on trying until you succeed.
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