Home Tutors

Nov 14 • General • 1753 Views • No Comments on Home Tutors

Why Home Tutors have become need of Hour for students 

I am from generation which have been constantly in touch with Home Tutors. Time is passing by and cost of quality teacher has increased. Teachers have now started getting their dues from society. Quality of Home Tutors have increased tremendously with time but so the cost. I very well remember , we never had been taught regularly by individual home tutors as they kept on changing with result of every government exams.

The reasons were as follows

1. Home Tuition was not a profession and it was considered has part time employment system , and home tutors were the people who were

Private Home tuition teachers

Private Home tuition teachers

preparing for different government examinations and thus home tutors use to change with result of every government exam.

2. Home Tutors payment was not enough , which could make them think to make Home Tuition as profession.

3. Home tutors quality in most cases were very poor.

Time has evolved and with both parents , involved in earning , its now more important to think about students and now Parents are ready to pay more for quality and knowledgeable teachers. Now importance of good teachers at home is being understood and students are being given customized solution.

No more, one “Home Tutors teacher”  is teaching every subjects.  Parents and students are getting teachers with better credentials and Knowledge.

Agencies have brought science in teaching methodology and now different teachers are being sent to one student according to their respective requirements , for example if a students is week in maths then he gets more visit from mathematics teacher and less visits from other subject teachers. Monthly performance is being measured.

Most important aspect of change is Generation gap change. Earlier teachers were completely from different generations and had hard time n understanding basic requirement of student but now that gap has narrowed down with young teachers.

Earlier Home Tutors reliability was just on reference but now that system is passe and Home Tutors are tested on different Test modules before sending them to a prospective students. Not only subject knowledge rather appetite for teaching and behavior towards handling a student is also being checked for Hume Tutors but yes they are paid well. Diamonds are only picked from Coal Mines thats why Profession of teaching is one of the highest paying Job in India. Today Payment for a Teacher of Mathematics of IIT JEE for students dream in IIT Delhi can be as high as Rs 1000/hour class , although these are teachers from top coaching centers but in Home Tuition even good home tutors are available at Rs 500/hour to Rs 1000/hour for subjects from class 5 to class 12th depending on quality of teacher required.

Evolution of Home tuition

Parents are being given report of students on mail stating where the student is lacking and where Parents need to focus more. I will not say that parents should consider it a Plug and Play model but Yes more advanced approaches are helping students and Parents. Now Home Tutors are also available online which brings cost to as low as Rs 100/hour and teachers get chance to teach more students and students are able to study under cosy environment of home.



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