How to prepare for UGC NEt

NET Exam- For Lectureship and Junior Research Fellowship

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National Eligibility Test

The University Grants Commission (UGC) which is also the National Educational Testing Bureau of University conducts this test called NET. The National Eligibility test (NET) exam is for determining the eligibility for the award of Junior research Fellowship (JRF) and lectureship for the Indian nationals.


Groups and Topics of NET

This exam is maintaining or ensuring a standard for the entrants in the teaching profession and research. This test is conducted in

1. Humanities (including languages)

2. Social Science

3. Forensic Sciences

4. Computer Sciences and Application

5. Environmental Sciences and

6. Electronic Science

The Council of Scientific Research (CSIR) is the administrating body for conducting the UGC-CSIR NET for the other subjects of Science jointly with the UGC. Subjects includes

1. Life Sciences

2. Physical Science

3. Chemical Science

4. Mathematical Sciences

5. Earth Atmospheric Ocean and Planetary Sciences



NET Exam

NET Exam

The exam for the Junior Research Fellowship is being conducted since the year 1984. In 22nd July 1988, Government of India entrusted the task of conducting the eligibility test for the lectureship in UGC. After that UGC conducted the first NET (National Eligibility Test) exam which is common for both the junior research Fellowship and also for lectureship in two parts. The exam was conducted on December 1989 and March 1990 respectively.

This exam is conducted twice a year in the months of June and December. The candidates who desire to pursue their research or Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) are available for five years with certain conditions to fulfill. UGC has allocated a specific number of fellowships to the universities which are for the candidates who qualify for the JRF test. JRF’s are mainly awarded to the meritorious students from the candidates who are qualifying for the eligibility for the lectureship in NET. Junior research fellowship award are only available to those candidates who selects it in their application forms.


Subjects with their respective codes:-

00 General Paper on Teaching & Research Aptitude (Paper -I)
01 Economics / Rural Economics /Co-operation / Demography / Development Planning/ Development Studies/Econometrics/ Applied Economics/Development Eco./Business Economics
02 Political Science
03 Philosophy
04 Psychology
05 Sociology
06 History
07 Anthropology
08 Commerce
09 Education
10 Social Work
11 Defence and Strategic Studies
12 Home Science
14 Public Administration
15 Population Studies
16 Music
17 Management (including Business Admn. Mgt./Marketing/ Marketing Mgt./Industrial Relations and Personnel Mgt./ Personnel Mgt./Financial Mgt./Co-operative Management)
18 Maithili
19 Bengali
20 Hindi
21 Kannada
22 Malayalam
23 Oriya
24 Punjabi
25 Sanskrit
26 Tamil
27 Telugu
28 Urdu
29 Arabic
30 English
31 Linguistics
32 Chinese
33 Dogri
34 Nepali
35 Manipuri
36 Assamese
37 Gujarati
38 Marathi
39 French (French Version)
French (English Version)
40 Spanish
41 Russian
42 Persian
43 Rajasthani
44 German
45 Japanese
46 Adult Education/ Continuing Education/ Andragogy/ Non Formal Education.
47 Physical Education
49 Arab Culture and Islamic Studies
50 Indian Culture
55 Labour Welfare/Personnel Management/Industrial Relations/ Labour and Social Welfare/Human Resource Management
58 Law
59 Library and Information Science
60 Buddhist, Jaina, Gandhian and Peace Studies
62 Comparative Study of Religions
63 Mass Communication and Journalism
65 Performing Art – Dance/Drama/Theatre
66 Museology & Conservation
67 Archaeology
68 Criminology
70 Tribal and Regional Language/Literature
71 Folk Literature
72 Comparative Literature
73 Sanskrit traditional subjects (including) Jyotisha/Sidhanta Jyotish/ Navya Vyakarna/ Vyakarna/ Mimansa/ Navya Nyaya/ Sankhya Yoga/ Tulanatmaka Darsan/ Shukla Yajurveda/ Madhav Vedant/ Dharmasasta/ Sahitya/ Puranotihasa /Agama).
74 Women Studies
79 Visual Art (including Drawing & Painting/Sculpture Graphics/Applied Art/History of Art)
80 Geography
81 Social Medicine & Community Health
82 Forensic Science
83 Pali
84 Kashmiri
85 Konkani
87 Computer Science and Applications
88 Electronic Science
89 Environmental Sciences
90 Politics including International Relations/International Studies including Defence/Strategic Studies, West Asian Studies, South East Asian Studies, African Studies, South Asian Studies, Soviet Studies, American Studies.
91 Prakrit
92 Human Rights and Duties
93 Tourism Administration and Management.


NET exam question pattern:-

NET Exam

NET Exam

1.The MCQ test paper of each subject carries maximum marks of 200.

2.This exam is conducted for the duration of three hours.

3. Question papers are divided into three parts:-

a. Section A is common to all subjects where maximum 20 question of General Aptitude are asked. Candidates are required to give the answer of 15 question carrying 2 marks each. So the total mark allocated in this section is 3 out of 200.

b. In the Section B subject related conventional MCQ’s are asked. Total marks allocated for this section is 70 out of 200. Maximum number of questions to be answered in this section comes in the range of 20-35.

c. Section C consists of higher value questions which tests the concepts of candidate’s scientific knowledge or the application of the scientific knowledge. In this section some problems are to be solved using the scientific knowledge. Total marks allocated for this section is 100 out of 200.

d. Negative marks for each wrong answer.

To download the Question paper of NET 2008, June June

To download the Question paper of NET 2008, December December


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