Mobile computing

Jun 1 • Notes • 4835 Views • 2 Comments on Mobile computing

Introduction to Mobile computing:

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Mobile computing afects entire spectrum of issues

in computing.

_ First of all it is distributed + mobile computing.

_ Distributed computing as we know works on static wired network.

_ Node may initiate computation some where and migrate to another place.

_ So two major problem that arise due to mobility  Searching for the  current location of a mobile node.

To impose  communication structure among

the nodes.

_ Physical location of mobile is not the network address, so how do we route the message to a mobile host.

_ This question is being addressed by two different communitie that are Internet community and cellular community

_ Work of Internet community involves Mobile IP Aims at the standards that may  extend IP in order to deal with location of Mobile host. Mobile IP work assumes connection-less, packet switching scenario.


It provides services  require addressing of following new issues Interoperability and adaptability to n/w environments ranging from high to low bandwidths and infra red communication links Energy eficient data access.

Support for mobility and disconnection.

Support for active services, triggers (even notification), periodic data delivery.

Cellular community’s efort based on location

management of cellular phone users.

_ It deals with connection oriented communication, since it is motivated by the  issues in telephony  in call-setup.


_ Main problem in mobility management is to _nd an appropriate trade-o_ between searching and informing.

_ Searching is performed when address of the message recipient can’t known at least not known precisely.

_ Informing is a responsibility of the mobile unit when it migrates.

_ Extreme situations can be

1. Mobile unit never informs works for units receiving few of the messages and for units which don’t move during receiving.

2. Always informs works well for units receiving messages frequently.

The Ad hoc network routing is the ultimate challenge.

This  Ad hoc networks arise in rapid deployment scenarios:

1. Emergency disaster management.

2. Military operation in remote sites.

3. Business meeting venues without infrastructure


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_ Many routing algorithms are designed: AODV,


The Future of Mobile Computing :

Few concepts dominate the conversation in higher education today like

mobility. Almost every college student uses the mobile device for the both academic reasons and personal . Given this environment, institutions are evaluating how mobile technologies can enhance classroom activities and learning as well as the administrative functions.

An enormous array of mobile devices is making its way to college campuses. The fast-changing world of technology and applications makes a case for device-agnostic mobile computing strategies, though the functionality of native apps can be compelling.

To promote the most innovative uses of mobile technologies, institutions must

address challenges related to the security,IT support, faculty concerns, and the accessibility. With tight budgets in the higher education, the collaboration with students and nonprofits can help universities and colleges advance a mobile computing agenda.

Question Answers:

Q1: What are the Several factors impede implementation of the

mobile technologies in the higher education?

Ans: Development resources, Faculty attitudes, IT support, Cost and accessibility.

2: Describe about despite budget shortages, the  colleges  and the universities may  advance their mobile computing goals through collaborative activities?

Ans: Although funds may be limited for mobile initiatives, opportunities exist for institutions to collaborate on and off campus. For example, some organizations will loan mobile devices to universities for the tharty days. Grants are another option. Joanne Kossuth mentioned the  grant program focused on the mobile apps and regional public transportation. It also is possible to leverage the resources on the campus. Rather than assigning students the abstract exercises, ask them for engaging  in real development work that will benefit the school.

Q3: What are the categories of information dissemination ?

Ans: 1. Wide area services such as stock quotes on

national scale

2. Macro services such weather on a regional


3. Micro services traffic condition in an immediate


Q4:What are the requirements of mobile computing?

Ans: Mobile computing requires wireless network to the  support outdoor mobility and hando_ from one n/w to the next at a pedestrian or vehicular speed.

Q5: What is the Successful mobile computing strategies link with institutional goals and meet constituent needs?

Ans: Mobile computing strategies are most effective when they are very  tied to the institutional goals including those related for  teaching and learning, admissions, fundraising, and emergency planning and the leverage existing, available resources. When developing mobile computing strategies, it is essential that universities and colleges have an ongoing to the  conversation with constituents about their mobile technology needs. A strategy that supports multiple devices is also a necessary.

GATE Syllabus-

1. Gate syllabus for  Electronics and Communication Engineering

IES Syllabus-

1. IES Syllabus for General Ability

2. IES Syllabus for Electronics and Telecomm

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2 Responses to Mobile computing

  1. Mitali Panda says:

    The above post explains the concept ,working principle of Mobile computing which is on rise at a large for now adays. This system has helped to get the Palmtop with its techniques…… A article with good knowledge

  2. patlakshi says:

    The post here explains about the mobile computing . This is one of the most important concept and if some one wants to know in detail can go through this.

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