XAT Sample Paper with Answers

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The Xavier Aptitude Test (XAT) is an all-India test conducted by Xavier Association of Management Institutes (XAMI) as an entrance exam for admission to the post graduate programs in management courses of several management institutes all over India. XAT is a paper based aptitude test  followed by a subjective test on essay writing & general awareness. Following XAT Sample paper is designed to help all individuals who are preparing for XAT Entrance Exam to judge their performance level.


XAT Sample Papers

Examination Pattern for XAT Entrance Exam

  • Decision Making: 25 questions
  • Verbal and Logical Ability: 30 questions
  • Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation: 36 questions

Time Duration

  • Above three sections 40 mins.
  • Essay & General Awareness: 40 mins.

Marking Scheme

  • Each question is multiple choice with 5 options among which only one of them is correct.
  • There is a Negative Marking of 1/4th of the marks allotted for every question
  • 40 General Awareness questions are asked based on Current Affairs & factual GK.
  • Candidates have to attempt the essay as well as the General Awareness questions.

You can check you preparation level be taking Online practice exam Here                                               



Answer question nos. 1-5 on the basis of the information given in the following case.

Pure love of learning, of course was a less compelling motive for those who became educated for careers other than teaching. Students of law in particular had a reputation for being materialistic careerists in an age

When law was becoming known as “the lucrative science” and its successful practice the best means for rapid advancement in the government of both church and state. Medicine too had its profit-making attractions. Those who did not go on to law or medicine could, if they had been well trained in the arts, gain positions at royal courts or rise in the clergy. Eloquent testimony to the profit motive behind much of twelfth-century education was the lament of a student of Abelard around 1150 that “Christians educate their sons….for gain, in order that the one brother, if he be a clerk, may help his father and mother and his other brothers saying that a clerk will have no heir and whatever he has will be ours and the mother brothers.” With the opening of positions in law, government, and the church, education became a means for advancement not only in income but also in status. Most who were educated were wealthy, but in the twelfth century, more often than before, many were not and were able to rise through the ranks by means of their education. The most familiar examples are Thomas Becket, who rose from a humble background to become chancellor of England and then archbishop of Canterbury, and John of Salisbury, who was born a “plebeian” but because of his reputation for learning died as bishop of Charters.

 The instances of Becket and John of Salisbury bring us to the most difficult question concerning twelfth century education: To what degree was it still a clerical preserve? Despite the fact that throughout the twelfth century the clergy had a monopoly of instruction, one of the outstanding medievalists of our day, R. W. Southern, refers with good reason to the institutions staffed by the clergy as “secular schools.” How can we make sense out of the paradox that twelfth-century schools were clerical and yet “secular”?

 Let us look at the clerical side first. Not only were ail twelfth century teachers except professionals and craftsmen in church orders, but in northern Europe students in schools had clerical status and looked like priests. Not that all really were priests, but by virtue of being students all were awarded the legal privileges accorded to the clergy. Furthermore, the large majority of twelfth-century students, outside of the possible exception of Italy, if not already priests became so after their studies were finished. For these reasons, the term “cleric” was often used to denote a man who was literate and the term “layman” one who was illiterate. The English word for cleric, clerk, continued for a long time to be a synonym for student or for a man who could write, while the French word clerk even today has the connotation of intellectual.

 Despite all this, twelfth-century education was taking on many secular qualities in its environment, goals, and curriculum. Student life obviously became more secular when it moved out from the monasteries into the bustling towns. Most students wandered from town to town in search not only of good masters but also of worldly excitement, and as the twelfth century progressed they found the best of each in Paris. More important than environment was the fact that most students, even though they entered the clergy, had secular goals. Theology was recognized as the “queen of the sciences,” but very few went on to it. Instead they used their study of the liberal arts as a preparation for law, medicine, government service, or advancement in the ecclesiastical hierarchy.

This being so, the curriculum of the liberal arts became more sophisticated and more divorced from religion. Teaching was still almost exclusively in Latin, and the first book most often read was the Psalter, but further education was no longer similar to that of a choir school. In particular, the discipline of rhetoric was transformed from a linguistic study into instruction in how to compose letters and documents; there was a new stress on logic; and in all the liberal arts and philosophy texts more advanced than those known in the early Middle Ages were introduced. A long with the rise of logic came the translation of Greek and Arabic philosophical and scientific works. Most important was the translation of almost all the writings of Aristotle, as well as his sophisticated Arabic commentators, which helped to bring about an intellectual revolution based on Greek rationalism. On a more prosaic level, contact with Arabs resulted in the introduction in the twelfth century of the Arabic numeral system and the concept of zero. Though most westerners first resisted this and made crude jokes about the zero as an ambitious number “that counts for nothing and yet wants to be counted,” the system steadily made its inroads first in Italy and then throughout Europe, thereby vastly simplifying the arts of Computation and record keeping.

1. According to the author, in the twelfth century, individuals were motivated to get higher education because it:

a. Was a means for material advancement and higher status
b. Gave people with wealth an opportunity to learn.
c. Offered a coveted place for those with a love of learning.
d. Directly added to the income levels of people.  

2. According to the passage, what led to the secularization of the curriculum of the liberal arts in the twelfth century?

a. It was divorced from religion and its influences.
b. Students used it mainly as a base for studying law and medicine.
c. Teaching could no longer be conducted exclusively in Latin.
d. Arabic was introduced into the curriculum.  

3. According to the passage, twelfth century schools were clerical and yet secular because:

a. Many teachers were craftsmen and professionals who did not form part of the church.
b. While the students had the legal privileges accorded to the clergy and looked like priests, not all were really priests.
c. The term ‘cleric’ denoted a literate individual rather than a strict association with the church.
d. Though the clergy had a monopoly in education, the environment, objectives and curriculum in the schools were becoming secular.

4. What does the sentence “Christians educate their sons…will be ours and the other brothers” imply?

a. The Christian family was a close-knit unit in the twelfth century.
b. Christians educated their sons not so much for the love of learning as for material gain.
c. Christians believed very strongly in educating their sons in the Church.
d. The relationship between Christian parents and their sons was exploitative in the twelfth century.

5. According to the passage, which of the following is the most noteworthy trend in education in twelfth-century Europe?

a. Secularization of education.
b. Flowering of theology as the queen of the sciences.
c. Wealthy people increasingly turning to education.
d. Rise of the clergy’s influence on the curriculum.  

Answer question nos. 6-10 on the basis of the information given in the following case. The invention of the gas turbine by Frank Whittle in England and Hans von Ohain in Germany in 1939 signalled the beginning of jet transport. Although the French engineer Lorin had visualized the concept of jet propulsion more than 25 years earlier, it took improved materials and the genius of Whittle and von Ohain to recognize the advantages that a gas turbine offered over a piston engine, including speeds in excess of 350 miles per hour.

The progress from the first flights of liquid propellant rocket and jet-propelled aircraft in 1939 to the first faster-than-sound (supersonic) manned airplane (the Bell X-I) in 1947 happened in less than a decade. This then led very rapidly to a series of supersonic fighters and bombers, the first of which became operational in the 1950s. World War II technology foundations and emerging Cold War imperatives then led us into space with the launch of Sputnik in 1957 and the placing of the first man on the moon only 12 years later – a mere 24 years after the end World War II. Now, a hypersonic flight can take you anywhere in the planet in less than four hours.

British Royal Air Force Royal and Royal Navy, and the air forces of several other countries are going to use a single-engine cousin to the F/A-22 called the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. These planes exhibit stealthy angles and coatings that make it difficult for radar to detect them, among aviation’s most cutting-edge advances in design. The V-22, known as tilt-rotor, part helicopter, part airplane, takes off vertically, then tilts its engine forward for winged flight. It provides speed, three times the payload, five times the range of the helicopters it’s meant to replace.

The new fighter, F/A-22 Raptor, with more than a million parts, shows a perfect amalgamation of stealth, speed, avionics and agility. It seems conventional forms, like the Predator and Global Hawk are passe, the stealthier unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are in. They are shaped like kites, bats and boomerang, all but invisible to the enemy radar and able to remain over hostile territory without any fear of getting grilled if shot down. Will the UAVs take away pilots’ jobs permanently? Can a computer operated machine take a smarter and faster decision in a war-like situation?

The new free-flight concept will probably supplement the existing air traffic control system by computers on each plane to map the altitude, route, weather and other planes; and a decade from now, there will be no use of radar any more. How much bigger can the airplanes get? In the’ 50s they got speed, in the’ 80s they became stealthy. Now, they are getting smarter thanks to computer automation. The change is quite huge: from the fourseater to the A 380 airplane. It seems we are now trading speed for size as we build a new super jumbo jet, the 555 seater A 380, which will fly at almost the same speed of the Boeing 707, introduced half a century ago, but with an improved capacity, range, greater fuel economy.

A few years down the line will come the truly larger model, to be known as 747X. In the beginning of 2005, the A380, the world’s first fully double-decked super jumbo passenger jet, weighing 1.2 million pounds, may carry a load of about 840 passengers. Barring the early phase, civil aviation has always lagged behind the military technologies (of jet engines, lightweight composite materials etc.). There are two fundamental factors behind the decline in commercial aeronautics in comparison to military aeronautics. There is no collective vision of our future such as the one that drove, us in the past.

There is also a need for a more aggressive pool of airplane design talents to maintain an industry that continues to find a multibillion dollar-a year market for its product. Can the history of aviation technology tell us something about the future of aeronautics? Have we reached a final state in our evolution to a mature technology in aeronautics? Are the challenges of coming out with the ‘better, cheaper, faster’ designs somehow inferior to those that are suited for ‘faster, higher, further’? Safety should improve greatly as a result of the forthcoming improvements in airframes, engines, and avionics. Sixty years from now, aircraft will recover on their own if the pilot loses control. Satellites are the key not only to GPS (global positioning system) navigation but also to in-flight communications, up linked weather, and even in-flight e-mail. Although there is some debate about what type of engines will power future airplanes – lightweight turbines, turbocharged diesels, or both – there is little debate about how these power plants will be controlled. Pilots of the future can look forward to more and better on-board safety equipment.

6.  Why might radars not be used a decade from now?

a. Stealth technology will advance so much that it is pointless to use radar to detect aircraft.
b. UAVs can remain over hostile territory without any danger of being detected.
c. Computers on board may enable aircraft to manage safe navigation on their own.
d. It is not  

7. According to the author, commercial aeronautics, in contrast to military aeronautics, has declined because, among other things

a. Speed and technology barriers are more easily overcome in military aeronautics.
b. The collective vision of the past continues to drive civil and commercial aeronautics.
c. Though the industry has a huge market, it has not attracted the right kind of aircraft designers. d. There is a shortage of materials, like light weight composites, used in commercial aeronautics.  

8.  What is the most noteworthy difference between V-22 and a standard airplane?

a. It can take off vertically.
b. It has winged flight.
c. It has excellent payload.
d. Its range is very high.  

9.  What is the fourth paragraph of the passage, starting, “How much bigger….” about?

a. Stealth, speed, avionics, and agility of new aircraft
b. The way aircraft size has been growing.
c. Use of computer automation in aircraft.
d. Super-jumbo jets that can take more than 500 passengers  

10. According to the first paragraph of the passage, which of the following statements is NOT false?

a. Frank Whittle and Hans von Ohain were the first to conceive of jet propulsion.
b. Supersonic fighter planes were first used in the Second World War.
c. No man had traveled faster than sound until the 1950s.
d. The exploitation of jet propulsion for supersonic aviation has been remarkably fast.  

Section B – English Ability and Verbal ReasoningDirections for Questions 11 to 12: Read the sentences and choose the option that best arranges them in a logical order.

11.  A) Since then, intelligence tests have been mostly used to separate dull children in school from average or bright children, so that special education can be provided to dull. B) In other words, intelligence tests give us a norm for each age. C) Intelligence is expressed as intelligence quotient, and tests are developed to indicate what an average child  of a certain age can do—-what a 5-year-old can answer, but a 4-year-old cannot, for instance. D) Binet developed the first set of such tests in the early 1990s to find out which children in school needed special attention. E) Intelligent can be measured by tests.

(a) CDABE                                                                                  
(c) EDACB                                                                                   

12.A) Handsome in his tuxedo. B) Lanky at his high school prom. C) Matthew with the striped kitten—had he been five? D) At ten—–smiling in his yellow soccer jersey. E) Throughout the TV replays of the collapsing Trade Towers, Michael’s galance shifted from one framed photo to the next.

(a)   ECDBA                                                                        
(C)  ECBDA                                                                          
(e)  DAEBC  

Directions for Questions 13 to 15: Pick the odd man out from the options.

13. (a) Awning (b) Tarpaulin   (C) Canopy   (d) Endow

14. (a) Colt      (b) Filly (c) Steed    (d) Bull

15. (a) Quack  (b) Imposter (c) Knave  (d) Naïve 

Directions for Questions 16-18: Choose the word which is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the word or group of words given in capitals in each question.

16. Beset

(a) plead  (b) assail (c) pertain to   (d) deny 

17. Glib

(a) dull  (b) thin (c) weak  (d) fluent

18. Spry

(a) doubtful  (b) nimble (c) prognosticate  (d) leave  

19. Which word is the opposite of the word ‘Quell’?
(a) subdue   (b) allay (c) inflame   (d) deflate

Directions for Questions 20-21: Each of the following questions has a sentence with two blanks. Given below each option are five pair of words. Choose the pair that best completes the sentence.

20. The genocide in Bosnia and Rwanda apart from being misdescribed in the most and ……………………………. manner as ‘ethnic cleansing’ were also blamed, in further hand-washing rhetoric, on something dark and interior to ………………………and perpetrators alike.

  1.  Innovative; communicator
  2. Enchanting;leaders
  3. Disingenuous; victims
  4. Exigent; exploiters
  5. Tragic; sufferers

21. Confused  and ……………………….., Hogwart fumbled to make sense of seemingly inconsistent statements, ……………………….the impatience of his listeners.

  1. prostrate.. listening to
  2. muddled ..aware of
  3. philosophical..overlooking
  4. incoherent…oblivious to
  5. agitated…following

Directions for questions 22-24:  In the following questions, you have to identify the correct sentences.

22. (A) Make a special note of any special characteristics that a word has had. (B) The judge Mr. Dhuan increased the sentence of life imprisonment (C) We had a lightish dinner. (D) Raveesh is very good at putting on different accentuals.

  1. A only
  2. A and C
  3. A, B and C
  4. None of the above are correct
  5. Only (b)  and (c)

23. A) He was ejected from the restaurants for bad behaviour. B) The engine emitted a loud noise and then stopped running. C) The building is adjacent of the hostel. D) She gave me an annotated edition to Salman Rushdie’s work.

  1. A and B
  2. B only
  3. B and C
  4. D only
  5. All of the above

24. A)  Perizaad is working on a very interesting resource project at the moment. B) Unfortunately, there’s a morale flaw in your reasoning . C) What used to be called personnel in the 1980s is now named human Resources. D) Mr. Mazumdar, the new COO is doing his best to raise the morale in the office.

  1. A only
  2. B only
  3. D only
  4. A and C only
  5. All of the above

Directions for questions 25-28: Mark as the answer  the pair of words which have a relationship between them most similar to the relationship between the capitalized pair.


a) movement : dancer
b) eyesight : student
c) skills : surgeon
d) hair : beautician


a) racist : apartheid
b) anarchist : disorder
c) mob : fury
d) fundamentalist : violence


a) in : out
b) top : bottom
c) head : tail
d) front : rear


a) anachronism :time
b) ellipsis : sentence
c) jinjanthropism : apes
d) catechism : religion

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One Response to XAT Sample Paper with Answers

  1. Preeti Nisha says:

    XAT is one of the most tuffest exam conducted in india. The level of questions are beyond the hold any average student. But where there is a will there is a way! This question paper will help a lot to students preparing for XAT exams.

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