electronics and communication engineering

Books for Electronics and Communication for 3rd year

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This article gives you some knowledge about Electronics and Communication for 3rd year and Books for Electronics and Communication for 3rd year.

About Electronics and Communication Engineering:

As we already discuss about Electronics and Communication Engineering branch that it is a vast branch that covers all types of circuit and other semi-conductor devices information that are used in the manufacturing of alternates circuits and used for various purposes in the industrial field and for daily purposes.


Books for Electronics and Communication Engineering for 5th Semester:


  • Engineering and managerial economics
  • Fundamentals of E.M theory
  • Electromechanical energy conversion II
  • Computer networks I
  • Elements of Power system

Engineering and managerial economics:

Engineering and managerial economics

Engineering and managerial economics

About book:This book is good in concepts and very popular in the market and gives all the information about the concept and applications of engineering and managerial economics.

The Engineering and managerial economics tells about the engineering and how to manage the properties of analog and digital circuit.

About Author: Ruhi Bhatnagar

Book ratings-4/5

Price: Rs 342





Fundamentals of E.M Theory:

Fundamentals of E.M Theory

Fundamentals of E.M Theory

About book:This book is good in concepts and very popular in the market and gives all the information about the concept and applications of electromagnetic field theory and transmission lines

This subject gives all the information about the concept and applications of electromagnetic field theory and transmission lines

About Author: Gottapu Sasibhushana Rao

Book ratings-4/5

Price: Rs 490

Electrochemical energy conversion II:

Electromechanical Energy

Electromechanical Energy

About book:This book is good in concepts and very popular in the market and gives all the information about the concept and conversion of electromechanical energy and some formula based also

This subject gives all the information about the concept and conversion of electromechanical energy and some formula based also.

About Author: JB Gupta

Book ratings-4/5

Publisher: Pehpam International

Price: Rs 345



Computer Networks I:

Computer networks

Computer networks

About book:This book is good in concepts and very popular in the market and gives all the information about the concept and application of LAN  and WLAN and router

Computer networks is all about LAN , WLAN and other types of networks which gives information about the LAN router connection and other networks.

About Author: Bob Hughes

Book ratings-4/5

Publisher: Special Indian Edition

Price: Rs 350

Elements of Power System:

Elements of Power System

Elements of Power System


About book:This book is good in concepts and very popular in the market and gives all the information about the concept and applications of Power transmission systems

This subject tells you about all the information about the concept and applications of Power transmission systems and related to this , how power can be transmitted.

About Author: K.R. Padiyar

Book ratings-4/5

Publisher: New Age International

Price: Rs 389

Books for Electronics and Communication Engineering for 6th Semester


  • Power Electronics
  • Power System Analysis
  • Analog and digital Communication
  • Industrial Management

Power Electronics:

Power Electronics

Power Electronics

About book:This book is good in concepts and very popular in the market and gives all the information about the concept and applications of Power Electronics and modern power electronics and AC drivers

This subject tells you gives all the information about the concept and applications of Power Electronics and modern power electronics and AC drivers

About Author: Bimal K Bose

Book ratings-4/5

Publisher: PHI

Price: Rs 385

Power System Analysis:

Power System Analysis

Power System Analysis


About book:This book is good in concepts and very popular in the market and gives all the information about the concept and applications and covers all types of circuit and other semi-conductor devices information that are used in the manufacturing of alternates circuits

This subject gives all the information about the concept and applications and covers all types of circuit and other semi-conductor devices information that are used in the manufacturing of alternates circuits

About Author: D. Das

Book ratings-4/5

Publisher:New Age International

Price: Rs 435


Analog and digital communication:

Analog and digital electronics

Analog and digital electronics

About book:This book is good in concepts and very popular in the market and gives all the information about the concept and applications of Analog and digital circuits.

The Electronics and Communication is a very vast branch that covers various types of fields like analog electronics, consumer electronics and power electronics

About Author: Dr. Sanjay Sharma

Book ratings-4/5

Publisher: Pearson

Price: Rs 280




Industrial Management :

Industrial Management

Industrial Management

About book:This book is good in concepts and very popular in the market and gives all the information about the concept and applications and covers all types of circuit and other semi-conductor devices information that are used in the manufacturing of alternates circuits and used for various purposes in the industrial field and for daily purposes

This subject  covers all types of circuit and other semi-conductor devices information that are used in the manufacturing of alternates circuits and used for various purposes in the industrial field and for daily purposes

About Author: J. David Irwin

Book ratings-3/5

Price: Rs 435



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