GATE Syllabus of Aerospace Engineering

GATE Syllabus of Aerospace Engineering

Feb 3 • GATE Syllabus • 5569 Views • 2 Comments on GATE Syllabus of Aerospace Engineering

GATE Syllabus of Aerospace Engineering. GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test for Engineering) is one of the toughest engineering test, an all India Examination that basically tests the comprehensive understanding of various undergraduate subjects in Engineering and Technology. It has been known for testing the engineering basics in a smart way.It needs a lot of effort to excel in this exam. In Gate 2017, the total five states that had qualified candidates are Andhra Pradesh (22,476), Uttar Pradesh (22,400), Maharashtra (9,951), Bihar (9,820)& Kerala (8,992)

Aerospace Engineering is popular among those who wants to pursue their career into air planes,jumbo jets,space shuttles and other similar stuffs.It deals with all the technical details and mechanisms of all flying bodies. Aeronautical engineers are needed in Aircraft manufacturing units, space stations etc. It helps a person to gain knowledge on complex design and development of high flying machines. It also deals with radars, navigation systems and other communication systems. Qualified Technical engineers are needed to maintain and develop the growing fleet of aircraft as each day new air routes are being added to the airline Industry. Aeronautical engineers can find jobs in Aviation industry, Satellite and Space Research organizations,Defence, Automobile and fast moving locomotive Industries. This field has lots of demand and one have to face a lot of challenges. A student must have a strong mathematical base along with creative and analytic mind

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General Aptitude(GA)- Multiple Choice Test

  • This Paper Consists of Verbal Ability: English grammar,  verbal analogies, instructions, critical reasoning and verbal deduction,Sentence completion,Word groups.

ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS- Branch of  mathematics which includes mathematical methods and techniques that are employed in industry and engineering.

  • Linear Algebra: Branch that does study of operation and than applying it to find an answer to equations. It include topics-Systems of linear equations, eigen vectors and eigen values, Matrix algebra.
  • Calculus:Mathematical study of change. It include topics- Functions of single variable, continuity,limit and differentiation, mean value theorems, evaluation of improper and definite integrals, total derivatives, partial derivative, Minima and Maxima, gradient, curl and divergence, vector identities, directional derivatives, surface, line and volume integrals. Theorems of Stokes, Green and Gauss.
  • Differential Equations: It deals with rate of change and slope of curves. It include topics- First order non- linear and linear equations, higher order linear ODEs with constant coefficients, Euler and Cauchy equations, Laplace transforms, initial and boundary value problems. Partial differential equations and separation of variables methods.
  • Numerical methods: study of step by step procedure that uses numerical approximation. It include topics- Numerical solution of non- linear and linear algebraic equations, integration by Simpson and Trapezoidal rule, Multi and single-step methods for differential equations.

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FLIGHT MECHANICS– study of the forces which act on an aircraft in flight and the way the aircrafts react to these forces.

  • Atmosphere:It is referred to the air,climate or sky. It include topics-  standard atmosphere, Properties. Classification of aircraft.Airplane (fixed wing aircraft) configuration and various parts.
  • Airplane performance: It includes different aspects of airplane operations. It include topics-Pressure altitude; calibrated,Equivalent, indicated air speeds; Primary flight instruments: Altimeter, VSI, ASI, Turn-bank indicator. Drag polar; take off and landing; Descent & Steady climb,-absolute and service ceiling; cruise climb, cruise , endurance or loiter, turning flight,  load factor, V-n diagram; Winds: head, tail & cross winds.
  • Static stability:It refers to the constancy of aircraft in the longitudinal that is when plane is in balanced flight conditions.  It include topics-Angle of attack, sideslip; pitch,roll & yaw controls; longitudinal stick fixed & free stability, horizontal tail position and size; vertical tail position and size ,directional stability; dihedral stability. Wing dihedral, position & sweep; stick forces, hinge moments.
  • Dynamic stability:It refers to a small disturbance that changes the external forces and torques in such a manner that would generate a small oscillation in the required direction. It include topics- Euler angles; Equations of motion; aerodynamic moments and forces, control & stability derivatives; longitudinal modes; lateral-directional modes; decoupling of longitudinal and lat-directional dynamics.

SPACE DYNAMICS-It deals with dynamical system with focal stability.

  • Central force motion, determination of orbital and trajectory period in simple cases. Elements of rocket motor performance, Orbit transfer, in-plane and out-of-plane

AERODYNAMICS-The way air moves around things.

  • Basic Fluid Mechanics:Branch that studies fluids and forces on them. It include topics- Incompressible irrotational flow, Kelvin and Helmholtz theorem, Superposition and singularities, boundary layer on a flat plate, viscous flows
  • Airfoils and wings: It’s the shape of a wing that helps to move through fluids by producing an aerodymanic force. It include topics-Classification of airfoils,  high lift devices, aerodynamic characteristics, Kutta Joukowski theorem; lift generation; wing theory; induced drag; thin airfoil theory; qualitative treatment of low aspect ratio wings.
  • Viscous Flows:It refers to resistance to shearing flows.  It include topics- Flow separation, introduction to turbulence, structure of a turbulent boundary layer, transition.
  • Compressible Flows:It deals with fluids whose density changes greatly in reaction to a change in pressure. It include topics- Dynamics and Thermodynamics of I-D flow, normal shock, oblique shock, isotropic flow, Prandtl-Meyer flow, flow in diffusers and nozzles , in viscid flow in a c-d nozzle, flow in diffusers. supersonic and subsonic airfoils, compressibility effects on lift and drag, critical and drag divergence Mach number, wave drag.
  • Wind Tunnel Testing: To measure the velocity around. It include topics-Measurement and visualization techniques.

STRUCTURESFundamental patterns palpable or impalpable

  • Stress and Strain:Disfigurement of a solid due to stress. It include topics-Equations of equilibrium, constitutive law, strain-displacement relationship, plane strain and stress, Airy’s stress function,compatibility equations.
  • Flight Vehicle Structures:It refers to the design and structure of vehicles. It include topics- Characteristics of aircraft structures and materials, bending and flexural shear ,torsion. Flexural shear flow in thin-walled sections. Failure theories. Loads on aircraft, Buckling.
  • Structural Dynamics:It deals with finding out the reaction of structure when subjected to some action. It include topics- Free and forced vibration of discrete systems. Resonance and Damping. Dynamics of continuous systems.

PROPULSION-Creating force that leads to movement.

  • Thermodynamics of Aircraft Gas Turbine engines, thrust and thrust augmentation.
  • Turbomachinery: It describes machines that pass energy between rotor and fluid including turbines and compressors. It include topics- centrifugal pumps and compressors, Axial compressors and turbines
  • Aerothermodynamics of non rotating propulsion components: It include topics-Intakes, nozzle and Combustor. Thermodynamics of scram jets and ramjets. Elements of rocket propulsion.

You can also download the GATE 2018 Exam Syllabus of Aerospace Engg. in PDF format by clicking the link below:
GATE syllabus of aerospace engineering (AE) 2017-18 

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2 Responses to GATE Syllabus of Aerospace Engineering

  1. ROCKYWAY says:


  2. swarn priya says:

    GATE is the aim of many engineering students.Aerospace engineering is a core branch which secure many seats in GATE.This article gives many information regarding syllabus and pattern of GATE exam.

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