Sample Papers of Social Science for Class 10 CBSE

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CBSE is one of the most finest Central Board of Secondary Education that serve quality education to their students. CBSE conducts Board Exam every year for Class 10th and 12th Class and to perform well in these Exam is the dream of every appearing students.Social Science is one of the most interesting subject to prepare as per exam point of view.For the practice point of view every year Board publish CBSE Guess Papers for various subjects that comes in Board Exams. Thus for this purpose, I have tried to made available the given Sample Papers of Social Science for Class 10 CBSE help students to perform well in their exams. Revision of all important topics should be made by each students before going for exam to gain good marks in the board exams. You can save your time by a quick revision of formula from Chemistry Formulas and Maths Formulas.

CBSE 10th Social Science Sample Paper

Subject: SOCIAL SCIENCE                        Time allowed: 3 hrs                     Total marks : 80

General Instructions:

Sample Papers of Social Science for Class 10 CBSE

CBSE Social Science Sample Papers

1) The question paper contains 36 Compulsory Questions.

  • Questions from 1 to 16 : Multiple Choice Questions
  • Questions from 17 to 29 : Three Marks Questions
  • Questions from 30 to 34 : Four Marks Questions

2) Marks are allotted to each question for convenience.

3) 35& 36 carry 5 marks (History- 2 marks, geography- 3 marks)

(MCQ type carry 1 marks)

1. Which one of the following facilities is offered by Election commission to a recognized  political party?
a) Party Name
b) Manifesto
c) Election Symbol
d) Election Fund

2. Who among the following took power in the southern part of Vietnam after the division of the country?
a) Ngo Dinh Diem
b) Ho Chi Minh
c) Bao Dai
d N.L.F

3. Who, among the following , was the author of famous book ‘Hind Swaraj’?
a) Mahatma  Gandhi
b) Shaukat Ali
c) Jawaharlal Nehru
d) Subash Chandra Bose

4. In which one of the following courts a consumer should file a case it he/she is exploited in the market?
a) Local court
b) State court
c) Supreme court
d) Consumer court

5. Which of the following industries generate the largest number of employment?
a) Cotton industry
b) Jute industry
c) Silk industry
d) Textile industry

6. Which one of the following political parties grew out of the movement?
a) Communist party of India.
b)  Asom Gana Parisad
c)  All India Congress
d)  Bahujan Samaj Party

7. Why did the “Go East Movement ” become popular in Vietnam during the 1st decade of 20th century? Choose the most appropriate answer from the following.
a) Vietnamese students went to Japan to acquire education.
b) They went Japan to ban Japanese language.
c) They went to get lucrative job.
d) They looked for foreign arms & helped to drive away the French from Vietnam

8. Which one of the following non-conventional sources of energy is harnessed in the Parvati valley near Manikaran in Himachal Pradesh?
a) Solar energy
b) Tidal energy
c) Geothermal energy
d) Wind energy

9. Which one of the following minerals belong to the category of  ferrous mineral?
a) Gold
b) Copper
c) Manganese
d) Bauxite

10. Which one of the following is considered the best form of government?
a) Democracy
b) Dictatorship
c) Monarchy
d) Military rule

11. Which one of the following rights is ensure to the citizens under the RTI act?
a) Right to choose
b) Right to informed
c) Right to safety
d) Right to heard

12. Which one of the following states is the largest producer of bauxite in India?
a) Orissa
c) Jharkhand
d) Maharashtra

13. Which one of the following is a better way to carry out political reforms in a democratic country?
a) Legal changes
b) Empowerment of people
c) Constitutional changes
d) Legislation reforms

14. Which among the following has one party system?
a) U.S.A
b) U.K
c) China
d) Japan
15. Which one of the following cities has emerged as the “Electronic capital of India” ?
a) Kolkata
b) Hyderabad
c) Bengalure
d) Delhi
16. Which one of the following countries has been more benefited after globalization?
a) Rich countries
b) Poor countries
c) Developing countries
d) Developed countries

(SHORT answer type question carry 3 marks)

17. What were the dissimilarities between the process of unification of Italy and Germany?

OR What steps did the French revolutionaries take to create a sense of collective identity among the French people?

18. How did Gandhiji want the Non Cooperation Movement to unfold? Explain.

19. Mention any three iron ore- belts of India? Write any three characteristics of the southern most iron ore belt  .

20. How do industries pollute air ? Explain its disadvantages.

21. How are MNCs spreading their production across countries . Explain with example.

22. Explain the three main elements of Democratic struggle.

23.  What is the meaning of liberalization of foreign trades. What does it mean in the Indian context.

24. Explain any 4  ways in which democracies have been able to reduce inequality & poverty.

25. Agriculture and industries are not exclusive of  each other. They move hand in hand . Justify the statement with any three suitable arguments.

26.What do you know about the Rowlatt Act? How did Gandhiji plan to oppose this act? How did the Colonial government react to the popular upsurge?

27. Why is the cheap and affordable credit importance for the country’s Development? Explain three reasons.

28. who was Alluri Sitaram Raju? Explain his role in inspiring the rebels with Gandhi ji?

29. Write about the role played by women in our struggle for freedom.

(LONG answer type carry 4 marks)

30. Describe the various party systems existing in various countries.

31. Which factors are responsible for the decentralisation of cotton textile mills in India?

32. How is that average person in Punjab has more income than the average person in Kerala but lags behind in other crucial areas?

33. What is meant by sustainable economic development? Give its main features.

34. What are the differences in the employment conditions between organized and non-organized sectors of the economy.

35. & 36. Are maps based question. One from history & another from geography.

For Sample Papers of Social Science for Class 10 CBSE in pdf,follow:
1) CBSE X Social Science Sample Paper
2) CBSE 10th Social Science Sample Paper
3) CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 Social Science

Related Links for CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10,follow:

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  1. deependra says:

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