Coolant or cutting oil filter belts rolls

Jul 30 • Industrial Equipments • 1464 Views • Comments Off on Coolant or cutting oil filter belts rolls


A coolant is a fluid which flow through around the device to lower its temperature or to dissipate the heat. In the application of the coolant type filtration medium we used the filtration belts which is known as coolant and cutting oil filter belts rolls. These belt having the coolant in the liquid form and rolls in the filtration machine. Generally the coolant is used where there is a large production of the temperature is available. Coolant is used the application on the field of Heat Transfer. If we talk about the coolant, it has three types which is the liquid, gas and solid medium.


The coolant or cutting oil filter belts rolls are widely used in the application of Coolant Filtration System. The belts which are in the coolant filtration system are assembled in the form of rolling. Then the coolant is allows in these rolling belts. When the system of the filtration is carry on then these belts also move in the allowing form. In that manner coolant are used in the coolant filtration system.


Generally these belts are in the form of the non-woven form and having the light weight. These belts are made for the rolling action so the strength of these belts is very best. These are also being prepared for sustaining the chemical resistance.
These filtration belts are designed for the pressure, vacuum, suction and gravity filtration system.
Technical Aspects Of The Coolant OR Cutting Oil Filter Belts-
The belts edges are perfect sealing so this controls the loss of the pressure.
High resistance transfer bars are available in the belts.
Wide range of the pour sizes which is about to 40 to 100 micron.
Optimum particle retention.
The belt includes the transport bars for better movement of the coolant.
Fatigue life of the belt is good.


Yash filters

Unison Kudos

Protection Engineering

Tashi Electromech Engineering

APSON Engineering

Sharp Engineering Associates

Amrit filtration


The coolant belts rolls are used in the gear grinding application

They are also used in the creep field application

When there is cutting action takes place, the rolling belts are used for the coolant purpose

It performs high quality filtrati

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