Indian Army Selection Procedure

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Indian Army Selection Procedure for 10+2 TES

In this army selection procedure only unmarried male candidates are invited as applicant. They will be selected on the basis of their performance in Psychological tests, Group Tests and Service Selection Board (SSB) interview.

army selection procedure

  • First of all the short listed candidates will be called for the SSB interview. Short listing is done on the basis of aggregate percentage marks scored. The interview venues are mainly Allahabad, Bhopal and Bangalore.
  • The SSB interview is of 5 days excluding the day of arrival.
  • SSB interview is held on two stages – first the psychologically originated test including intelligence test.
  • Those who qualify the first stage are selected for the second stage.
  • Candidates those who clear both the stages will have to undergo a medical test. This test lasts for 3 – 5 days.
  • Then a merit list is prepared on the basis of marks obtained.
  • Candidates those who are medically fit and come in the top filling the vacancies will be selected finally.
  • The finally selected candidates will execute all Bonds/Certificates as prescribed for the Cadets of NDA entry under AI 53/78.

Indian Army Selection Procedure FOR TGC (Technical Graduate Course)

In this army selection procedure married / unmarried male candidates graduated as Engineers from recognized University including temporal Central / State government employees, serving personnel from regular Army, Territorial Army, Navy, Air Force, etc. are invited as applicant . This procedure is held twice in a year. They will be selected on the basis of their performance in Psychological Aptitude Test, Service Selection Board (SSB) interview and Medical Test.

army selection procedure

  • The SSB interview consists of two stage selection procedure – first is Psychological Aptitude Test. Candidates who qualify the first stage will be eligible for the second stage.
  • Candidates who qualified the SSB interview are sent for medical examination by the Board of Service Medical Officers.
  • Merely qualifying the SSB interview does not guarantee final selection. A merit list is prepared on the basis of marks obtained in every qualification subjects separately.
  • Those who come in the stipulated number of vacancies and are medically fit are issued joining for pre-commissioned training.

Exam Pattern

army selection procedure

The syllabus of the exam consists of short essays and objective type questions related to General Awareness including Political/Economical affairs, International situations and sports.

  • As mentioned above, there are two papers – one paper in each stage.
  • Each paper is of 100 marks. Candidate has to score atleast a minimum of 40 marks in each paper.
  • Paper I consist of objective type questions related to general awareness and will be common to candidates of all Religious Domains.
  • Paper II consists of questions related to particular religious domain to which the candidate belongs. Those who have cleared the first paper are only eligible for the second. This paper tests the knowledge specific of the candidate of its own religion.
  • The papers can be answered both in Hindi or English.
  • Those who clear the paper II become eligible for the interview.
  • The interview is of 100 marks out of which the candidate have to score atleast a minimum of 50 marks.
  • Those clear the interview and come in the merit list of number of vacancies are sent for medical test.

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6 Responses to Indian Army Selection Procedure

  1. poovarasan. s says:


  2. poovarasan. s says:


  3. Vijay Suryawansi says:
  4. senthil vel kumar says:

    my son age is 15. which and how to join indian army in low age?

  5. Diwash Tamang says:

    I am presently in class XI with PCM and shall appear in XII by April, 2017 am I eligible for TES which is to be held in May, 2017 also is there any consider for ST candidate

  6. RUSHABH PATIL says:


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