Reference books for GATE of Civil Engineering

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Civil Engineering is the oldest professional course which deals with the building and designing and maintaining and a physically built environment including works like bridges , canals , roads , dams and buildings and it has been divided into several sub branches as- Geo-technical and Structural , Environmental , Transportation , Surveying , Coastal , Material and Construction Engineering.However , Civil Engineering has made its place at all levels and in public sector it has reached up to federal levels and in private sector from individual homeowners to international companies and has lots of scope and opportunities in the private as well as public sector.The  construction Industry is booming as there is tremendous growth in infrastructure and development in various countries and scope is also there in developing countries where infrastructure development is taking a toll and Indian engineers are in demand.

In this article I am going to give you the information about Reference books for GATE of Civil Engineering.



VERBAL ABILITY : English Grammar , Verbal Analogies ,  Instructions , Critical Reasoning and Verbal Deduction , Sentence Completion , Word Groups.

ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS: Branch of Applied Mathematics consists of mathematical methods and techniques that are typically used in industry and engineering.

LINEAR ALGEBRA:Branch of Mathematics which involves the study of operation and application to solve equations. It includes topics like- Systems of Linear Equations , Eigen Vectors and Eigen Values and Matrix Algebra.

CALCULUS:It is mathematical study of change. It includes topics- Functions of Single Variable, Continuity, Limits andDifferentiability , Mean Value Theorems , Evaluation of Improper and Definite Integrals, Total Derivatives , Partial Derivatives , Minima and Maxima , Curls , Divergence and Gradient , Vector Identities , Surface , Line and Volume Integrals , Directional Derivatives , Stokes , Green and Gauss Theorems.

DIFFERNTIAL EQUATIONS: It deals with rate of change and slope of curves and it also include topics-First Order Equations (Non Linear and Linear) , Higher Order Linear Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients, Euler’s and Cauchy’s Equations , Laplace Transforms , Solutions of One Dimensional Wave and Heat Equations and Laplace Equation i.e Initial and Boundary Value Problems.

PROBABILITY & STATISTICS: These are two different academic disciplines but are studied together. It includes topics-Definitions of Probability and Sampling Theorems, Mean , Mode and Median and Standard Deviation , Poisson , Binomial and Normal Distributions , Random Variables , Conditional Probability.

NUMERICAL METHODS: The use of numerical approximations and includes topics are Numerical Solutions of Non-Linear and Linear Algebraic Equations , Integration by Simpson’s and Trapezoidal’s rule , Multi-step and Single Methods for Differential Equations.

STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING:It is the branch of engineering that deals with the study and plan of structures which supports or resist loads.

MECHANICS: Discipline of science and technology that deals with the reaction of physical bodies when subjected to force and its resulting effects. It includes topics-Bending Moment and Shear Force in Statically Determinate Beams.

STRESS & STRAIN: Strain and Stress in Two Dimensions , Stress Transformation , Principal Stresses , Mohr’s Circle , Simple Bending Theory , Shear and Flexural Stresses and Shear Centre , Unsymmetrical Bending , Uniform Torsion , Thin Walled Pressure Vessels , Buckling of Column , Direct and Combined Bending Stresses.

STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS:To find out the effects of load on physical structures and their components and it also includes topics- Analysis of Statically Determinate Trusses , Beams , Arches , Cables and Frames , Displacements in Statically Determinate Structures and Analysis of Statically Indeterminate Structures by Energy/Force Methods influence, Lines for Indeterminate and Determinate Structures , Analysis by Displacement Methods (Moment Distribution and Slope Deflection Methods)

SOIL MECHNICS :Three-Phase System , Soil Classification , Fundamental Definitions , Interrelationship And Relationships , Seepage & Permeability , Consolidation , Effective Stress Principle  and Compaction and Shear Strength.

FOUNDATION ENGINEERING: It deals with the lowest and supporting layer of a structure and it includes topics-Sub-Surface Investigations- Scope , Drilling Bore Holes , Penetration Tests , Sampling Plate Load Test and earth Pressure Theories , Layered Soils , Effect of Water Table and stability of Slopes- Finite Slopes , Foundation Types- Foundation Design Requirements are shallow foundations and Bearing Capacity , Effect Of Shape and Water Table And Other Factors , Stress Distribution, Settlement Analysis In Clays & Sands. Deep Foundations Pile Types , Static & Dynamic Formulae , Load Capacity of Piles in Sands & Clays , Negative Skin Friction.

WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING:It is the branch that deals with accumulation and management of water as a natural resource.

FLUID MECHANICS & HYDRAULICS:Study of fluids and forces on them  and  hydraulics deals with the mechanical characteristics of liquids.However it includes topics-Properties of Fluids , Principle of Conservation of Momentum , Mass , Energy and Corresponding Equations , Applications of Momentum , Potential Flow and Bernoulli’s Equation , Turbulent and Laminar Flow , Pipe Networks , Flow in Pipes and concept of Boundary Layer and its Growth and critical flow , Uniform Flow and Gradually Varied Flow in Channels , Hydraulic Jump , Specific Energy Concept and forces on Immersed Bodies , Flow Measurements in Channels , Tanks and Pipes. Dimensional Analysis and Hydraulic Modeling education.

HYDROLOGY: The Distribution and the Movement and Quality of Water on Earth and on Other Planets from which it includes topics- Hydrologic Cycle , Evaporation , Rainfall , Infiltration , Stage Discharge Relationships , Unit Hydrographs , Reservoir Capacity, Flood Estimation , Reservoir and Channel Routing and Well Hydraulics.

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BOOK:Strength of material

William Nash



PRICE:Rs 345

PUBLISHER:Schaum’s Outlines







BOOK:Theory of structures

C.S Reddy

C.S Reddy




PRICE:Rs 767








BOOK:Steel Design

L.S Negi

L.S Negi



PRICE:Rs 545









BOOK:R.C.C Design


A.K Jain




PRICE:Rs 455








BOOK:Fluid Mechanics

Jagdish Lal

Jagdish Lal


AUTHOR:Jagdish Lal

PRICE:Rs 878








BOOK:Building Materials






PRICE:Rs 434








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14 Responses to Reference books for GATE of Civil Engineering

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    GATE Mentor – Civil Engineering, one of the best guide for GATE 2015 – Civil Engg.
    A Comprehensive Book for GATE2015, with extensive content and wide range of practice questions.

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