Digital marketing

Digital marketing- Easiest way of earning money

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This article tells you about the introduction to digital marketing and also about the digital marketing, a easiest way of earning money.

Introduction to Digital marketing

Each and every people in this world have some aim in life. Some individual expects to transform into a NASA examination or someone have the purpose of working in Microsoft. However these focuses unite at a run of the mill point. This may be a sketchy decree in light of the way that point is not all that we scan for in this world. In any case on the off chance that you endeavor to think it in a reality that if you don’t have point of your life you won’t have the ability to accomplish your point.

Now, it is the time for disclosing the secret of earning money in an easiest way. Everyone might be thinking ‘what is the easiest way of earning a lot of money’. Why people don’t opt for the easiest way as their profession’. Here comes the answer of your first question. Digital marketing is the easiest way of earning money. But most of the people don’t have the knowledge of digital marketing and that is why they don’t select it as their profession.


Digital marketing

Digital marketing

What is digital marketing:-    

Digital marketing is the combination of some concepts which are used for branding, advertising, promoting products and services on the internet. Technological advancements and the booming of e commerce on the internet is the ultimate reason behind this.  It is being analyzed that after the year 2012 the internet users have increased by 33%. Now you can buy anything from the internet without visiting different shops for it. Digital marketing is the effective idea of interacting and reaching maximum people for attaining attraction towards their products, services, brand or website. The traditional marketing strategy is much tiresome and it isn’t an optimized process with respect to digital marketing. It is much cost effective and less time consuming because you can use internet for reaching maximum people. Online marketing provides the best way of bringing comprehensive information about your website, your brand, your service and products. But most of the business owners think it as the ineffective way as they are unaware about its scopes and advantage.

To go for a profitable result you just need to acquire valuable trust of the target audience. This concept provides the opportunity of running some best marketing campaigns in the real time. This process gives excellent idea of fetching the potential outcome. Flipkart, Amazon, Jabong, eBay, Myntra and other online shopping portals use digital marketing strategies and you know about their business position right now.

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What will make you Google Certified Digital Marketer, you can click here


Digital marketing

Digital marketing

Tools of digital marketing:-

Marketing tools are important weapon which are used in digital marketing. Different digital media is used for the marketing purposes. You will be glad to know that most of the tools are used by you and it is very easy to implement.

1. Social networking sites:-

In this century most of the people uses internet. After a survey it is being found that of all the people who use internet at least spend 30 minutes in social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ etc. Using these sites for marketing purposes is an excellent way of promotion and branding. Moreover you can also use your website link with your friends so that they get to know about your website. They will show the website to their friends. In this way people will know about your website and traffic can be increased.

2. Hash tag:-

Many of you have used hash tags in different social networking sites and blog spots. It is the best way of searching for the topics which are same as any particular topic. The main aim towards using hash tag is that we all know that the use of social networking sites has increased highly. So using hash tags will be effective for the Google searches also. It will show that result mapping it from any social networking website with high page ranking.

3. Cellular marketing:-

Using mobile phones, SMS and emails have become an easiest way to send your message. You can send advertisement mails and SMS to a group of traffic for attracting their attention. It produces the probability of promoting your website or product 50% more effectively than traditional marketing strategy.

4. Blogging:-

It has been found that more than 90% of the websites who have indulged themselves in blogging have attained maximum traffic in their websites. A fresh, informative and unique content in blogging creates healthy relationship with the customers. Blogging also helps to build loyalty with the target market.


You will get a clear idea from the following info graphics

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing



Digital marketing

Digital marketing

Some ideas for earning money using digital marketing:-

First for earning a lot of money using digital marketing first you have to know about it. Then you need to implement it in your business or in your website. A thorough knowledge about the online marketing concepts and studying the needs of people will give you a vivid idea of your success mantra. For earning a lot of money through online or digital marketing you have to follow the following steps:-

1. First try to think exceptional. Because people are bored of being bored. You need to add some innovative things.

2. The main medium of implementing digital marketing can be done using a website. So first create a website and it is suggested to use WordPress as your website building platform because it is the best and fastest improving open source CMS platform.

3. Try to build an attractive website which has the capability of effective visual communication with its users. You can ask your friends and relatives and check about their feedback about the visual appearances of your website. Whether it is worth or just like other websites. If you get a negative feedback then make it attractive.

 4. Creating a website is just the introductory part. If you don’t have any idea about which genre you will be implementing your website then you have to choose for it first. A suggestion that always choose the genre which you like. For example if you like sports then make a website on sports. If you know about machine products then you can go for that genre. But decide the genre according to your likes. You can also go for the keywords which are frequently searched in Google search engine

5. If you have already decided to make a website of any genre then start implementing the website according to your researches and idea. For example you want to make website on cricket. Then you have to make different pages under it. Assuming that one page will show the reviews of all the matches played. Another page will provide information on upcoming match schedules. One page will serve the website as for cricket images gallery.  

6.  If you have already created the website and the implemented different pages then you have to start writing the content for each and every page of your website. The content must be unique, informative and Fluffy sentences must not be used. These all are the primary evaluating elements of Google web crawler. Updating your website with the new contents is a must thing.

7. The next thing for popularizing your website is to get traffic in it. Maximum traffic can be achieved with some factors like unique content, depth of contents, number of users opening the website, time spent in that website by a single user, number of page views, bounce rate. You have to understand the concepts of these keywords before proceeding.

8. Don’t expect your website to get at the top of the Google search page at the beginning because there are millions of websites compete with each other for a specific set of keywords. But always focus on making excellent content which attracts traffic. Adding humors or giving some updated news in your content is a fruitful way of popularizing your website. You can take ideas by going through different popular websites.

9. You have to continue this process and then only you will be able to be at the top on the search engine searches. Your profit from that website will be directly proportional to the number of page views. So more the traffic on your website more money will be coming to your bank account.

Moreover if you are experienced in this field you can also work as a freelancer. Freelancing for digital marketing of websites pays well. So there are numerous numbers of advantages by choosing digital marketing as a profession.


Although we have tried to bring Digital marketing- Easiest way of earning money  through oureducation research and this research is conducted in Dec 2014 but by the time you decide to take decision in Digital marketing- Easiest way of earning money , teachers and management of coaching may change so for updated information please mail with contact number ( your number is safe with us) at our email id

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