Program Management

Some issues of program management

Aug 11 • General, Management, PMP • 2437 Views • 1 Comment on Some issues of program management

Program management

Program management is the management of many related projects mainly for the development of the organization’s performance and it development. Program management depends on the portfolio of projects and the definition of a shared goal. For managing this portfolio it is required to use a mechanism where you are allocating resources that may be human or infrastructure. Project management is the main part of program management because a program consists of several projects which are being managed. Project management works for managing risk whereas program management is more about managing the benefits.


Program Management

Program Management

Components of program management:-

Program management has its own components on which it depends for the works to be completed in any organization. Directly and indirectly it depends on the project and its management. Some components of program management which are as follows:-

Governance: –

This point mainly focuses on the structure so that the program can be guided for the feasible way of progress. It is done by the program managers and senior managers. In this phase the roles and responsibilities of each and every team member is defined. Project management structures are quite simple but the structure for managing the programs is typically much more complex than the projects.

Management: –

Management area does relate with planning and running of the projects which integrate to build up the project. Schedule, quality and budget are the accounting factors in the program management. These factors will approve the plans of project and will provide the guidance to the project teams.

Infrastructure: –

This point of infrastructure mostly resembles to the project management. By making sure that the issues are managed infrastructure is referring to the variety of different things. It includes managing the risks and managing the issues to ensure that they are managed properly.

Finance: –

This includes all the policies and practices which governs the execution of the program. Programs are much larger than projects so there will be greater cost incurred for running a program.


Program Management

Program Management

Issues of Program Management:-

In some situation conflicts among the program may arise. It can happen in the following situations:-

1. Conflict may arise in the resource allocation. Different project shares the same resources. So the problem of priority and resource allocation will arise.

2. Different projects have different priorities which changes from time to time and therefore have different levels of commitment. Due to this problem resource allocation can be a lot of problem. For e.g.:- Over allocation of the resources in the committed project and under allocation of the resources in the low priority project.

3. Changing and conflicting demands made from the sponsors of the projects in the program.

These problems are solved with a method like MSP. The certifications provide a thorough teaching about overcoming out of these limitations.

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One Response to Some issues of program management

  1. Vamnicom Pune says:

    Good article! As a program manager, it is difficult job to do as one has
    to take into account organization’s financial condition, the cost
    incurred for the project as programs are subject market conditions.

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